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Thursday, April 4, 2024

Israel exodus from Egypt.

 Anyhow, in these articles we want to look at religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfill that role beautifully. Anyhow, human history tells us that in the past religious beliefs have changed. So, we know that one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in these articles of, Prayers for Reconciliation, we are going to write about, how we believe our religious beliefs could change. We start by telling you the old religious beliefs, and by using our imagination we then will describe how religions could become in the future in a spiritual way. Anyhow, this article is about, Exodus and the Mosaic Laws

Religions sometimes push the boundary of our beliefs, because we need to believe that the impossible can happen, like in this photo. You see, this is one of the photos from a film about The Red Sea crossing. But while it is great to believe in the power of Almighty God, it may also give rise to some doubts whether this event has really happened, the way that it is shown in this film. 

Welcome to our article, Exodus and the Mosaic Laws

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, here we are looking at religious events that have shaped western religion. So, we want to review old events to refresh our memories, how this religion was made up. In this article we will talk about, Israel exodus from Egypt, which is an important event as written in the Bible.

In the Old Testament according to the Bible, Moses was to be killed from the Egyptians when he was born, but his mother abandoned him on the river Nile hoping for a miracle, and the miracle happened because he was saved from the river Nile from an Egyptian princess that had no children, he grew and learned in the Egyptian court the Egyptian’s ways.

One day he was attracted to his people, and he learned that he was an Israelite and not an Egyptian. Anyhow, he did something bad and the Egyptian Pharaoh banned him from Egypt into the Sinai desert. So, he went in the desert thinking about his people and walking towards Mount Sinai, he did not know that he had been selected by God to be the Hebrews leader that would lead the Hebrews back to the Promised Land, which God had given to Abraham their forbear.

One day Moses felt the need to go up Mount Sinai to investigate what was there, since he was seeing signs, so, he went up Mount Sinai and saw a burning bush, but this burning bush was different from a normal burning bush, because while it was burning it did not burn out, a voice from this burning bush told Moses; stop where you are and take your shoes off you are on sacred land; this was the voice of God who appeared in the form of a burning bush and spoke to Moses; God said that he had heard the children of Israel laments and prayers to him, so, he wanted to help them to be free from the Egyptian bondage.

Now, because the Israelites were praying to the God of Abraham, for this reason, God ordered Moses to go back to Egypt to free his people from the Pharaoh slavery. Moses was not sure this was a good idea since he had been banned from Egypt. So, Moses asked God, who I should say has sent me to the children of Israel and to the Pharaoh. God said, I am who I am, and tell the children of Israel and say that Yahweh the God of your Father has sent me. So, Moses went back to Egypt and after several arguments with the Pharaoh and divine intervention from Yahweh God, in the end Moses finally succeeded to lead his Hebrew people out of Egypt.

As they left Egypt, the Pharaoh tried once more to stop them with his army. But Yahweh God helped the Israelite cross the Red Sea as if it was dry land, and then the water of the Red Sea came back and drowned the Pharaoh army that was trying to stop them leaving Egypt. This is what is written in the Bible.


It is written in the Bible, that Moses was banned from Egypt and let to die in the desert, but he managed to walk to Mount Sinai, where he found some of his people, while he was there, one day he went up Mount Sinai, where he met God in the form of a burning bush, God told Moses to go back to Egypt and tell the Pharaoh to free the Israelites from slavery, and when Moses asked God, who should I say has send me? God replied, Yahweh. Dis is how we know that God name is YAHWEH.    

On their way back to the Promised Land. 

On their way back to the Promised Land, the Israelite went near Mount Sinai, since Yahweh God wanted Moses to go back to him up there, and Moses went again up Mount Sinai, where he met God again and God gave Moses the Ten Commandments.

Now, while Moses was on Mount Sinai waiting for God to give him the Ten Commandments, he stayed up there for a long time. While he was up there, those people that had left Egypt to go to the Promised Land started to have different thoughts; they wanted a god like the Egyptians had and they made up a golden statue of a bull, this action made Yahweh resentful of this god statue; because he wanted the people of Israel to believe only in him, as we can see from the first three commandments that God gave Moses.

Of course, Yahweh God punished them for this event. But this event brings doubts in our minds, so, we must ask, why the people of Israel did this, there is something wrong here, because if they had seen what we are being told they saw; then anyone that had witnessed those events could not doubt Yahweh power for a moment. Therefore, there are reasons to believe that something is wrong in this Bible story.

During the time that the Israelites were travelling in the desert to reach the Promised Land, is said that Moses spoken with God several times. From these meetings with God, and from those happenings that took place during this voyage from Egypt to the Promised Land, Moses and his brother Aaron wrote and laid down the first part of the Mosaic Laws, that would guide the Hebrews from there on. During this period Yahweh gave Moses many laws the Hebrew were divided in tribes and these formed the 12 tribes of Israel, which are the families of the 12 children of Jacob also called Israel; because Israel is the name that Yahweh God gave Jacob, in a prior event that happened when Jacob was alive, God said to Jacob from now on you are Israel. That is how Jacob is known as Israel. 

Now we are going to talk about the tribes of Israel; but we want to point out to our readers that we are not only writing all this Bible’s things to tell you what the Bible says, because we are also writing this to point out that most times people do what they must do according to the times and places they happen to live in. So, we believe that what took place in the Sinai desert including the Mosaic Laws; it was something that at that time and place needed to be done the way it was done. About God being the main player and telling Moses everything that needed to be done, we are not sure about that.

I believe that it was more likely that Moses and his brother Aaron thought that it was necessary to separate the tribes, than God instructing them to do it, since they were the leaders of the Israelite and had to control the people; we need also to say that whether there was Yahweh God that was talking to Moses every time is doubtful. Anyhow, now we want to talk about how the Israelite were divided and became the 12 tribes of Israel.


 The 12 tribes if Israel. 

The Israelites were divided in 12 tribes one for each family of the children of Jacob, (Israel).

The 12 children of Israel were: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Benjamin, Zebulon, Joseph, Dan, Asher, Naphtali, and Gad; these were the names of the 12 children of Israel, and every one of them had their own family and became one tribe. Thus, was Yahweh order through Moses. So, the 12 tribes of Israel were independent of each other; but they had to follow God’s order that went through Moses and his brother Aaron of the house of Levi.

The Bible says that God spoke with Moses many times saying to Moses, go and tell the house of Jacob what they had to do. Now through this talking, new laws and ways of living were described to the sons of Israel, this is how the Mosaic Laws were formed. Quoting example from the Bible:

Quote 1: Leviticus 18;

Yahweh spoke to Moses; he said:

‘Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them:

“I am Yahweh your God. You must not behave as they do in Egypt where once you lived; you must not behave as they do in Canaan where I am taking you. You must not follow their laws. You must follow my customs and keep my laws; by them you must lead your life.”

Quote 2: Leviticus 19;

Yahweh spoke to Moses; he said:

‘Speak to the whole community of the sons of Israel and say to them:

“Be holy, for I, Yahweh your God, am holy.

Each of you must respect his father and mother.

And you must keep my Sabbaths; I am Yahweh your God.

Do not turn to idols and cast no gods of metal. I am Yahweh your God.

(Anyhow, I am using these quotes as examples in Leviticus between Moses and God).

As I have said God was speaking to Moses many times in Exodus and Leviticus, but these talks become doubtful, because if these meetings with God had taken place, then the Israelites would have been more God conscious of Yahweh their God.


The Bible doubtful possibilities written. 

In the Bible there are some doubtful possibilities written

There are a lot of good things written in the Bible, but there are things that don’t add up and this is one of them.

When we read the Bible specially Leviticus Moses and his brother Aaron, spoke with God many times, as if they were normal happenings. But what I cannot understand is this: if Moses was speaking with God many times, as the Bible says, it follows that the Israelites should have known and witnessed that, and they should have followed whatever commands were given to them.

We are saying this because, the story of the Israelite tells us that they had always doubts in their minds; so, they were arguing about the reasons why they were in the desert living a hard life, as if they had not seen what had happened around them.

What we want to say here is this; we believe that the Israelite of those days, did not see or hear God, otherwise they would have had no doubts about God or Moses. For this reason, what has been written in the Bible about God talking to Moses, might not have taken place as much as they claim. So, everything was added later when the Bible was written and re-written.

This makes me believe that religions are written according to the times when they are written, because we cannot explain it, in any other way. So, if today we want to re-write religions, we must write them according to our times.

Anyhow, in our next article, we will continue to talk about the Bible, because the Bible was also the Israelite history book, in ancient times history and religion were written together, because whatever happened was thought to be religious, so, in our next article we will be talking about, The Bible is The Hebrew History

To see more click on this link, Exodus and the Mosaic Laws

May God bless us all.


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