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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

God of The Future Discussions.

 Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in this article of, God of The Future, let us imagine what we see changing, and discuss if this is the beginning of a new religious system, and God can be portraied like this picture below. 

Because of the many changes that are happening in the world, we believe that in the future, God of the universe could be seen, as a life force energy that exists in the universe, or perhaps the universe itself, so, this existing God's force can give life to every living thing ans spiritual beings. This is how we can imagine God could be like. 

Welcome to our article, God of The Future

In our article of, God of the future discussions. 

May God help me say the right things. 

Dear readers, we believe that God must exist, and the reason why God must exist, it is because man needs God and religion to explain our own existence, religion also helps us to live a better life, if we use religions properly. But religious people imagine God in different ways, according to the religion they have been taught, so, God does not need to be the same way that we have been taught when we were young, because God can also be the way that other religious people believe God is.

For instance, when we were young, they taught us that God was omnipotent and the creator of the entire world and everything else. This belief is according to the Bible and all the religions that derive from the Bible, including the Roman Catholic religion that is my original religion. Anyhow, because today we know a lot more, some of these beliefs are questionable, so, we are left wondering what to believe. 

Anyhow, this is one of the reasons, why I have been reading many religious books; of course, there are other reasons, one is the terrorist groups that use religion to kill people, which is contrary to the fundamental use of religions, and the atheists that do not believe in God. Now because I have read these religious books, I have learned different religious beliefs, so, my religious beliefs have been modified.

Therefore, today we have reached a conclusion, and we want to discuss what we have learned, and how we see God of the future. Now the conclusion we have reached still include our original religion as being true, except for a few things that need to be adjusted. Here I need to explain that also other religions are true, or partly true except for a few things that need to be adjusted. So, my point of view is that all existing religions are useful to humanity, they must also have something in common, which we can call spirituality, because religions are based on spirituality. Therefore, it is possible that religions at their highest spiritual level can converge to the same starting point, it must be so, because this is the only way that can make sense. So, we need to find or imagine this common starting point, to understand how God and the spiritual world can be like.


Looking for God converging starting point. 

Having explained that above, now we need to imagine and explain how God and the spiritual world could be like, because people would like to know that, since it is the only way for them to accept what we are saying. So, we need to find this spiritual converging starting point, to do that, we must start by looking at what is known today. What we know today, is that there have been many religions in the past, they have served humanity well, while they were used according to the times, they were active; but when things changed they changed to suit the times or slowly disappeared.

In a parallel way, we believe that today religions have reached their pick and now they start going down; they are going down because the way of life is changing, and also there are people that can use religions the wrong way; the worst of them all, are the terrorists, they are followed by the atheists who don’t believe in God, when we know we need God. So, we believe that religions need to change to work well and satisfy humanity needs in the future, so, we are writing this article to explain our views, and how we see God and our spiritual needs in the future.

Anyhow, you can call this article a philosophic article, where we use our imagination and try to explain the existence of God that everybody can and would accept in the future. We are trying to write it in the shortest way possible.

Because we want to keep this short, we will only say that during my life, I have read many religious books and my conclusion is that religions are manmade and today religions need to be modified.

Now let me explain, I have already written a longer version, where we concluded that religions are manmade, even if there were real spiritual events that started religions going. We cannot imagine that God dictated any religious scripts directly, even though we admit that religions could have been inspired by God through prophets.

Anyhow, even though we want to keep it short, this article, is going to be a long article, because we want to write the conclusion of what I have learned and written. Anyhow, let us start with our philosophical religious beliefs, then will write about our Super-God prayer and description, and Journey of a human soul, we will continue with more sub-articles, or write other articles. 


Our philosophical beliefs about God. 

We believe that we need God and religions, because religions are a set of self-imposed rules that do not need human supervising to be applied, since people are guided from within, because our beliefs will guide us according to those religious rules, we are following. So, let us write what we believe we need today.

Humanity needs to believe in God because it has been so since the beginning of times. Humanity in the future needs to believe in a loving God, and we need to believe in, one source, one God, one humanity, and one religion for the entire world. To achieve that we must believe in a god that even the atheists will accept. So, the following descriptions of God, can be the God we need.

We can say that God is life, because God gives life to every living thing, and if you do not believe that God is life, then God must be the life force energy that can give life to every living thing. It must be so, because that is the only way for life to exist and you and I to exist. So, life by default becomes God. This must apply even if life started in a spontaneous way and Mother Nature did the rest.  

Now, humanity needs to believe in a single God, or a Super-God that can connect all existing religions together. So, we must find and describe a way how God can link all existing religions. Now that we have said that, let us try to describe a God that can achieve that and has all the attribute we have written above.

This is our description of the Super-God we need

God is life and the existing spiritual life of the entire universe,

Therefore, there is only one God throughout the universe, and God is the life essence of the entire universe. Everything that is living is there because it is part of God-life-force; so, nothing alive can exist unless it is part of God, because God is life itself. Therefore, God is the life essence of the entire universe.  

If humanity can accept this God in the future, then those terrorist acts that happen in the name of God, cannot happen anymore, because the following would apply:

No living man can ever pretend to kill another man in God’s name, because in doing so, he would be killing a tiny part of life, which would be a tiny part of god himself.

All existing things and spiritual things are all part of God, so, to harm any of these things against Nature is a sin against God himself.

This is how we believe the Super-God we need must be described in the future. Now because the God we have described is different, because we want this God to be the head of all existing religions, we need to pray to this God, not only with the existing prayers, but also with a new prayer, we need to write a new prayer that while we pray also explain how this God is like. 


Our Super-God prayer, and description. 

Praying God for reconciliation

Our Lord God, with my personal concerns I come to you praying God-Most-High. Master of the universe and life-giver of all living and spiritual things, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins and reconciliation to thy spiritual life force.

I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and thus I can live in harmony with God life force of the universe and be guided and blessed and my prayer would be heard and accepted.

My Lord God, I am praying in the hope that I would receive your forgiveness, reconciliation, spiritual cleansing, spiritual guidance, and blessing, and after receiving them let me be your humble servant.

Lord hear my prayer forgive me my sins and bless me; so that I can live in harmony with God and the living people on earth, and when I pass away, let an angel guide my soul in the spiritual circles of the universe, where I can stay and live in harmony with God of the universe. I ask this in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, Father, hear my prayer amen. 


Dear readers, we have written the prayer above to pray and to introduce the idea of how we can pray to God in the future; however, we must think that this is a new prayer, written for a Super-God of the future that is there to link all existing religions together. Now this prayer must not take the place of the existing prayers, because people need and must continue to pray their own old way, because I believe that our original prayer of the religion, we belong is our spiritual portal, and it must be kept active by praying the original way.

Anyhow, this new way of describing God of the universe, is there to help old religions link to the new Super-God. Now that we have said that, we must find a way that can explain how this Super-God of the universe is like, and how the spiritual system works, keeping in mind that people would like to know, how they should behave and what can be their advantage for having a God like this. I believe that this is the only way that can make people believe in this Super-God. You see, people need a vision of the spiritual world, for them to follow and believe. So, in our next article, I Believe God is Life, this will be followed by other articles, and one of them is, journey of a human soul, where we are going to describe and explain that.

Anyhow, I believe that this article is becoming too long, so, see you in our next article. 

To see more click on this link, God of The Future

May God bless us all. 


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The New Religious System Has Begun

 Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in this article of, Religious Thoughts, The New System Has Begun. let us imagine what we see changing, and discuss if this is the beginning of a new religious system.  

During our lives we may observe that even religious things are changing today, every Pope believes in a slightly different way, for instance, pope Francis believs in God’s love and believes in our Lord Jesus Christ. To understand that we need to follow what he is doing, because I believe that he is slowly moving away from the old religious ways.  


Welcome to our article, Religious Thoughts, The New System Has Begun

Dear readers, to understand what Pope Francis is doing in this article, we must first look at his beliefs; because pope Francis is different from our previous popes, the other popes sometimes talked about Madonnas, because a lot of Italian people feel easier to pray and talk about Madonnas; perhaps it is that motherly love that the Madonnas portray, and then, they can always ask the Madonnas to pray for them to God and Jesus Christ.

Anyhow, pope Francis is different, and he may be right to feel this way, he goes straight to God and our Lord Jesus Christ, his beliefs can be seen from these phrases that I found in the Vatican news; and I quote,    

Pope Francis: The entirety of God’s love is found in the crucifix

Vatican City, Apr 22, 2020 / 04:30 am (CNA).- The crucifix is not just a symbol or wall decoration, it is the entire expression of the love of God, who sent his Son to die for us and for our sins, Pope Francis said at Mass Wednesday. (End of quote)

Having said that now I can go on writing what the Pope is doing in the following article, while I ask myself, if this is how the new system will begin. Anyhow let us talk about pope Francis.


Pope Francis is worried and prays in his own ways.

Today pope Francis is a worried man, he has been worried for a while on many things, but because of the coronavirus epidemy, he worries even more. Sometimes we see the pope walking all by himself, and it seems strange, because we are used to see him followed closely by the high clergy and a lot of people. But today because of the coronavirus disease, for safety reasons even the pope must use social distancing and keep away from people. People cannot attend mass for safety reasons, so, the pope can say a mass all by himself, or with a minimum number of people, using social distancing. The pope has been seen walking in Saint Peter Square all by himself, I wonder how lonely he must feel. He must be lonely and worried, because he is the head of the Roman Catholic Church, so, people are wondering what he is going to say and do, to lead the people during these hard times, but there is not much that he can do. Anyhow, he must behave like everyone else, because he can catch the virus like you and me; he can die like you and me can die. 

The pope is worried and prays a lot. Most times he prays to Our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. From what I understand from here, there is this crucifix that they call the crucifix of Saint Marcellus, I don’t know why it is called by that name, but it is believed that this crucifix of Jesus Christ, was taken in a procession in Rome around the year 1520, and it is believed that it stopped the pest epidemy. Now, the pope prays to this crucifix, I believe hoping that the coronavirus can be stopped. Well, we can never know, but my prayers go with the pope, so, I hope about something out of the ordinary. I hope that when Jesus Christ comes back to life on Sunday, the coronavirus stops killing people. These are my prayers.

Because things are changing this year, a thought comes into our mind, can this be the end of the old system and the new system has begun? As we are writing hereunder.


We think that the new system has begun.

This Easter in the year 2020, can be the Easter that humanity will remember for a long time, because it is so different from the previous Easters. The papal Via Crucis or passion mass that attracts thousands of people, is being said in Saint Peter Square, instead of the Colosseum, but only the clergy is there, it is as if everybody is dead or is about to die. So, not only they are talking about the death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but they are witnessing the deaths of many people, because that is the reason the people cannot attending mass.

We can ask ourselves, is this the beginning of the end of our present system? Yes we can ask because, at the end of the Bible in Revelation it is forecast the end of this present system, it says, there will be great tribulations and most people will die, after that a new system will replace the existing one, where God will reign supreme.

My views on this subject is that it does not need to be so extreme, because a new system can begin even with less violent tribulations, like what is happening today, there are several things that don’t add up, some of which I am going to write hereunder; so, I am thinking, perhaps the new system has begun, the world is not like what it used to be, so, let me explain my views.

Today in the year 2020, because of the coronavirus epidemy, the world is different from last year. Last year we thought that we were doing well, in fact, we were doing so well that only a few of us were thinking about God and religions. Humanity was crossing many boundaries, without thinking that there can be consequences. You see, when we change something that has been there for thousands of years, this change will bring other changes.

Some people wanted globalization, which can be a good thing, if it can be done without upsetting the people that are forced to accept you; we wanted that everybody accepts same sex marriage, which is a bad thing, because it is contrary to the natural ways of proliferation, since natural sex is there to create a new being that will replace the existing one; therefore, most religions have regulations about these sexual desires; then, we have not done enough to stop the paedophilia in the clergy, and if something has been done it has failed.  

So, if there is a thinking God, and this God wants to do something about it. I have reasons to believe that this God has started in his own way how to fix the world, or perhaps it is the natural forces that are bringing these changes, which we will be forced to accept. You see, the natural force is hard to control, so, it is better to accept to live with whatever they bring. We could never guess that a tiny virus can start changing the world, but today we believe that it is possible that this coronavirus can make permanent changes, to the ways that we live; because if we cannot eliminate it, we may have to learn how to control it, and live with it.   

Anyhow, let us look at those things that we thought needed some changes, before this coronavirus outbreak started. Again, here the pope is the central figure that we are talking about hereunder, but there will be also other things.  


The pope is trying to change things.

I believe that this pope was aware that there are things in religion that need to be updated, because he was meeting with several religious leaders that were not Roman Catholic, like what we have said in our article, Pope Francis Befriends Muslims, we say this pope wants to change things, because, Pope Francis kicks off Asia tour with Buddhist temple visit, and,

 Pope meets Thai Buddhist patriarch on visit promoting religious peace, so, he is aware that things need to change, because in Thailand he has met with most religious leaders, I believe that his aim is to unify all religions. Whether this will happen one day remains to be seen.

Anyhow, this is not all, because I wonder what he thinks about paedophilia and other bad things that are happening in the world. Is he thinking that humanity is being punished for its sins, he must whish that he could have done more before this outbreak, because he seems upset and prays a lot?

Having seen all these things, we are left wondering, whether a new religious system has begun or will begin soon. Now let me say, what I think needs to change. 

What this coronavirus outbreak is telling me

Today because of this coronavirus, these thoughts come into my mind. The coronavirus forces people to stay alone and in the same place. So, it could help if we find a way how we can do that. In the past this did not happen much, because most people were born and died in the same town they were born, so, the diseases were not taken from one place to another much.

But today people travel a lot, what is even worse is that they travel for pleasure, they go on holiday far away, they travel on a cruise ship aimlessly around the world. So, a lot of people get caught when something like this coronavirus strikes. Today the Australian government is still sending help to those people caught outside Australia, when the outbreak started.

So, this coronavirus outbreak is teaching us to stay home, go out only when necessary, so, in the future is better that people learn to travel less often. This movement of people can also apply to the refugees, that go in search of a better way of living, whether we want to believe it or not. Anyhow, a new living system is needed. This needs to be a system that moral values are high, because every time that moral values become low, some horrible things can happen.

So, this coronavirus outbreak could be a wake-up call, that we must take seriously, So, I hope that a new system can emerge from what is happening now, or has the new religious system already started, we hope it has.      

This is all I want to say this time, so, see you in our next article, God of The Future

To see more click on this link, Religious Thoughts, The New System Has Begun

May God bless us all.
