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Thursday, May 4, 2023

Imagining God of the future.

 Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in this article of, Imagining God of the Future, we are going to discuss the ways we could percieve God. 

Imagining God positive spiritual life force of the universe.

God should be the entire spiritual life force of the universe.
If we want to imagine, how God could be described in the future, we may have to imagine a God of the universe that covers the entire universe. Then God is the life force that can give life to every living thing. Therefore, God not only can give life to every living thing, but God can also heal and do many other things for us living souls. 

Welcome to our article, Imagining God of the Future.

Dear readers, as we have said in our previous article, Religions and God of the Future. We believe that religions change with the passing of time. So, if we want to imagine how religions can be in the far away future, we need to imagine what sort of God and religion most people need in the future, because religions follow what we the people need, if they do not, people will not follow them, because they do not see the benefit they can gain.

Now there are many possible descriptions that we can use, but first and foremost, we need to imagine a god that can link all existing religions together. Anyhow, we will write a few descriptions in this article, but we must start somewhere. So, we might even assume that God can be the entire universe, or at least God can represent the entire spiritual force that exists in the universe. Because that is one way for people to feel part of God spiritual force, if people can accept that, then a new religion that connect to all existing religions can exist. But what I have said above is not the only way available to us. So, let us describe this God of the future, in different ways.  

Now, to describe God of the future, we must imagine how our previous generations, reached the conclusion they reached, when they formed their religious beliefs. We know that there are many religions, and many different beliefs, but we must find one thing that exists in all religions, then work everything out from that. Now what we find in all religions is spirituality, so, we need to know how to use spirituality in our descriptions of God and religions, so that we can link all existing religions together. But that is not easy to do, because of the different religions. So, in this article, we will look at the main religious happening that take place presently and try to link them with our imaginary God of the future.  


The Holy Spirit is the imaginary spiritual force of God

The Christian religions, have three entities at the top. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Now, we can say that The Holy Spirit represents all the positive spiritual forces of the universe, and being the universal spiritual force, gan link all existing religions together. 

Looking how to link today religions. 

In our Christian religion, we believe in a God spiritual force that represents three sides, this is expressed in the sigh on the cross, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. This description of the highest spiritual force is something that has come about after the coming of Jesus Christ. You see, in the Bible they are only talking about Yahweh, God of the Israelites, but as we have said things change, so, as we can see religion has evolved since then. Anyhow, let us talk about what we believe and do these days, you see while I am writing this article for the first time, it is early in April, and in this month we Christians celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter, which are the most important religious feasts for Christianity.  

For those that are not Christians, the Christian religions are based on the life of Jesus Christ. You see, in the Bible is foretold that a messiah would come to free the people, so, the Jews were expecting this messiah. Anyhow, Jesus Christ came, and the Jews thought that he would free them from the Roman invader, but the freedom that Jesus brought was only spiritual, the Jews were disappointed and found a way how to crucify him through the Roman invaders.

Anyhow, Christianity is based on the life and very knowledgeable Jesus Christ, the teaching of Jesus Christ, who knew more than anyone could imagine, his very painful death and his resurrection from death. Now, this is what the Christian religions are celebrating this month. But the most important thing that Jesus brought to us, is the spiritual link that he is, he said I am the way to salvation, so, through him we can return to God.  

Now that we have explained that we must find a way how we can link everything we have talked about to the future spiritual God of the universe. Since I believe that it is necessary to have a continuous understanding of our religious beliefs, we will continue to write our beliefs, so that we can link them to our spiritual theory of the future God of the universe.


Jesus Sacred Heart, is better for representing the living.

I believe that God on earth whould be better represented by The Sacred Heart of Jesus, that Jesus on the cross, because a living Jesus Christ would create attractive feelings, and not painful and scarry feelings. Here I must add that humanity is less violent now, than at the time of Jesus Christ. So, a living Jesus may fulfill humanity needs just the same. There are several statues of Jesus Sacred Heart around. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ can represent God on earth. 

Since the beginning of the world, people have always wanted to see God as a superhuman being, because then, God would be like us and would understand us. So, God was thought to be an old strong and wise man, but that may not be right in the future, because God must fulfill many roles, and God must be way above human possibilities. So, an invisible powerful spiritual force could be better to represent God. But then how we can link to this spiritual force, you may ask. Well, this is when Our Lord Jesus Christ can represent God on earth.

Now we need to discuss this issue, because the way that the Christian religions have been using in the past, and even these days, is not the best way to describe Jesus Christ in the future, because it would be better, if Jesus is a live man that links us to God, and not a dead man on the cross. So, it would be better is Jesus Christ is represented alive as Jesus Sacred heart, and Jesus on the cross can be used less often. Well, that is one way how Jesus Christ can become God on earth. This way can eliminate the scary part of our religion. You see, a lot of people that do not understand our religious ways, will feel concerned when they see a dead man on the cross-representing God.

Anyhow, we know that Jesus Christ is the only man that can represent God on earth, because of what he did when he was alive. So, if we use Jesus when he is alive, then that drawback can be overcome, and people will be more inclined to accept this new religious setup. I know that I need to explain a lot more spiritual things, to show you why I believe that this is the best way. So, I will try to do that in our future articles.

Anyhow, I believe that I must keep these religious articles short, but before I conclude this article, because soon will be Easter, I will write what is happening the week before Easter, since it is the most important week of the life of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday, Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem riding a donkey, and there is lots of people in the streets waiting for him. Several things happen during this week, the last thing before Jesus is condemned to die on the cross, he has a Last Supper with his close followers, where knowing that he was going to die soon, he said eat and drink this all of you, this is my body. That made them understand what was going to happen, and they were devastated.

Anyhow, Jesus dies on the cross next day, but then on Easter Sunday He has resurrected, he has risen from the dead, and thus Jesus becomes the saver of the world. So, Jesus is the most important human being that has ever lived on earth. That is why Jesus can be said to be God on earth, because he gave his life, and died on the cross to take away the sins of the world and establish a permanent link for us to God spiritual force. There is a lot more that can be said, and above all Jesus great love for humanity, hereunder is a written example.


Now let us talk about, Jesus great love for us, in a beautiful photo and prayer.

Dear readers, to understand what I am saying here, you must look at the photo above and imagine that Jesus is talking to you. This is the translation of what is written there.

This prayer is very beautiful:

If you turn you will not see me, not even in front you will see me.

I am beside you without pulling or pushing you, in the place where you can lean on me when you lose your balance. I am beside you, to tell you in your ear that I love you. I will not lose you from my sight when you walk away. I am beside you, so that I don’t obscure you sight, so that I do not cover the way you want to use, and will council you when you close yourself in your thoughts…………

………….You don’t need to extend your hand to find mine, I have never let your hand go, and I don’t need the extend my hand to find yours, because it has always been in mine.

Have faith….. I love you.  



Now, let me explain my views. This is how, our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to see him, he wants to tell us that his love is infinite, and we should also love him and everybody else.

Well, this is how I imagine it, even if it is a simple man understanding.

This is all in this article, see you in our next article, God Imaginary Creation in the Beginning, where we might talk and compare the existing creations, and how they can be linked to the spiritual forces, and then, can be linked to us. So that we can visualize the future God of the universe. 

If we can do that, it will be the beginning of, how to self-disarm those that do not believe in peaceful religions. 

To see more click on this link, Imagining God of the Future.

May God bless us all.   


Monday, April 17, 2023

My views of God of the future.

 Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in this article of,  Religions and God of the Future, let us discuss and imagine, what we would like to see changing, in a future religious system.  

I believe that all religions need a head figure, that people can look at to edentify with, this is one of the reasons why we want to see God our spiritual father, as a strong wise old man, even though we have never seen God. Since we are looking for a future rligion, I believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ, could represent the future God on earth. Now let us discuss our religious views, and the reasons why Jesus Christ can represent God of the future.  

Welcome to article, Religions and God of the Future

May God help me write these religious articles.

Dear readers, every one of us have our own religious beliefs, so, I have my own religious views of the future. I believe that most people believe in God, or a spiritual force that exists in the universe. You see, I am a believer and believe that God exists, but today the existing religions describe God in different ways, so, it is not easy to say which religion is the right one, or which is the right description of God. So, it is up to us to imagine and decide which God to accept, and hereunder are my views.   

Anyhow, I want to say how I see this issue, so, I am turning to my higher mind and inner soul, because they are driving me to imagine and write this issue, so, within these articles, I am going to describe how God could be like, and what I believe can happen in the world of religions in the future. I know that this might not happen the way that I am writing it in this article, but I believe that it will happen. Perhaps it will start happening soon, or in the next 20 years. So, what I am writing here, is an imaginary way, of how we believe religions may change, or need to be in the future.

I would like to write my religious views in a compact version, but even that will be several articles long, because I cannot see it done in any other way. Anyhow, what I see happening today, is that the world is going global, so, religions may need to be modified to serve the world in a global way, perhaps in a way where all religions are linked together, under a God or religious figure that already exists, and a lot of people are already following. To do that we must choose ourselves, which religious figure to follow. Of course, every one of us wants our own religious figure to follow, so, that is open for discussions, which one to choose.  

Now, for that to happen, religious leaders must abandon the old ways of separatism, and try to find a way how to bring all religions together. At this moment we would like to suggest that our lord Jesus Christ can become the head of all existing religions on earth if the other religions can accept our views. Later we will explain the reasons of our choice in more details because we want to add a couple more religious possibilities hereunder.

So, let us talk about the other views of our imaginary religious possibilities, as shown in the photos of this article. One is spiritual and links us with God of the universe spiritual force, the other is also spiritual and links us to the cosmos of the universe.  

 This is how we could imagine God in the future

 We believe that humanity needs to imagine a God that can link all existing religions together. So, if we believe in a spiritual force like the photo above. Then this is how God of the future can be portrayed for people to believe in God. 

Religions and the role they should play. 

Anyhow, in life every one of us has a role to play, and most of us would like to contribute what we know most, and do something important enough in life, so that we have not lived our life in vain. Anyhow, I would like to state my religious beliefs, I believe that I do not need to have a university degree on religions to do that, because most of our beliefs come from within us, it is God and our soul that will guide us. So, let me talk about religions and God of the future. If you do not believe in God and that we have a soul, then you will not believe in anything religious. Anyhow, it is the people that believe that know what to say about religions, and I believe I am one of them, so, let me continue, by saying what I believe, and what I have learned during my life about religions. 

Anyhow, during our lives we learn many things by observing what is happening around us, so, in my old age, I have been observing that the religions we have today, influence people in many ways, most times their influence is good, and that is how it should be. But there are religions that can influence people in a negative way. I believe that this happens, because religions need to be modified, according to the times they are serving. So, hereunder we will write examples of what has been happening, according to our human reasonable mind, which can be said that it represents the universal law of a benevolent universal God, which is what the world needs right now. So, let us talk about this issue.  

Today there are several major religions in the world, which serve their communities well, as they have done for centuries or thousands of years. Having said that, we wonder why the present religions do not satisfy the entire world needs any longer. So, we must look at the reasons why this is happening. The only reason that I can think of, is that the existing religions, have been made up in such a way that they serve well, only the group of people that believe in the same spiritual things. So, if you believed in different spiritual things, you would be excluded from that religion. Perhaps we could add here that we believe that they were purposely made that way, so that people would stay together more willingly, this was done for their own safety, since in the old times people fought each other for many reasons. We can say that people in the past were more violent than today, so, it was necessary for them to stay together, for safety reasons, and religions helped to do that. But that may not be needed anymore, so, let us look at the religions we have today.  


Another possible view of God of the universe.

We believe that God must exist, at least like a spiritual force in the universe, and God gives life to every living thing. So, when we look at the universe we may say that we are looking at a small part of God as well, since God spiritual force, covers the entire universe. 

Now let us look at the main religions. 

Let us imagine the history of religions. We could say that religions are our spiritual beliefs of whatever we think is possible to exist, so, religions have existed in our human minds, since we have been able to think about anything. I believe that there have been hundreds of religions in the world, so, it is not worth to look for the very ancient religions. But in this article, we will talk about those religions that somehow, we can still see a few signs today, or those religions that are mentioned in the Bible and history books, and a few names of other religions.

The following is a list of religious names, and you can add many more, if you want.  

Neopaganism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Animism.

I guess this list starts from the most recent religion to the oldest religion. Anyhow, today the most popular religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

Christianity is believed to be about 32% of the world population.

Islam is believed to be 20% of the world population.

Hinduism is believed to be 14% of the world population.

Buddhism is believed to be 6% of the world population.  

The rest belongs to other different religions.

Anyhow, just to make things easier, we want to say here that there are too many different religions in the world even today, and religions change with the passing of time, because if we think about it, they are supposed to be what people need at a certain time. So, when religions do not fulfill the need of the people anymore, because their needs have changed, religions will change and adjust to the present times. This is the only thing we can see when we follow the history of religions.


We know that religions changed in the past. 

 Now to understand what happens from time to time, we should look at the beginning of our history, where we will find strange beliefs and rituals, some of these beliefs and rituals can still be found, if we look for them closely. In fact, even in the Roman Catholic religion, we can see sign of the ancient religions, where human sacrifice was practised. So, let me explain briefly what these signs are.

What is wrong with humanity, is that not only they have invented God to help them, but they have invented God that punishes them, if they do not worship God, the way they believe God should be worshiped. So, to please their God, they even sacrificed one of themselves.

Anyhow, in the Bible, Yahweh God of the Israelite replaced human sacrifice with animal sacrifice, and later this animal sacrifice was replaced again only in words. During the Roman Catholic mass, the priest at one point says, this is the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. This means that our Lord Jesus Christ has sacrificed himself as the lamb of God. So, no other sacrifice is needed.

Now that we have explained that it is obvious that religions change from time to mime. Today the atheists want religions to disappear, the Muslim on the other hand want their religion to rule the entire world; this is what needs to be sorted out, because there are many signs that religions are not fulfilling their role properly, there are many things that should not happen, and these are the reasons why we believe religions need to be modified. But how we can modify religions, that is the question that needs to be answered. Here we must imagine how that can be achieved, because it is up to us to find a way. You see, God and the spiritual forces exist, and sometimes they show up in a strange way. So, it is up to us to interpreter the new ways. Therefore, let our imagination run freely, and let us imagine God’s spiritual forces of the future, and describe them in a way that makes sense.


So, let us just imagine what can be done. 

So, we must ask ourselves what can be changed without upsetting the religions that exist today, because that is the only way that will allow us to do it. You see, we must find a way, how we can link all existing religions to our future religion. If we can do that, then the existing religions will somehow migrate and attach themselves to the new religion. At the same time, people can continue to believe about what they have always believed, except for those things that clash with the other religions, everything else can remain the way it is. So, let us talk about religions of the future, where God exists and links with everything, since God is everything. This is how I see God in my own imaginary way. Whether my way is right or wrong I do not know, but it is the way that I imagine God exists.

 Anyhow, this article is becoming too long, so, I better stop writing now. So, see you in our next article, where we will discuss many other religious things, and start Imagining God of the Future. May God help me find the right way. Because now I can only say this, I believe that our Lord Jesus Christ can be the head figure of the future religions, but we need to be open to suggestions. 

To see more click on this link,  Religions and God of the Future

May God bless us all. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

More religious discussions.

 Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in this article of, Religious Discussions Review. let us review our religious discussions, and imagine what we see changing, and discuss if this is the beginning of a new religious system.  

We know that there are many religions in the world, as we can see from this photo, that shows only the religious symbolos of the religions they represent. Now because there are many religions, it is hard to say, which religion is the right religion to follow, Or even is God exists and which religion is the best to follow, this is what we are trying to discuss in this article. 

Welcome to our article, Religious Discussions Review. 

Dear readers, with this article, I want to restart writing my religious articles in a compact way. You see, I have written 129 religious’ articles, and in a way, I have gone around one of the full imaginary spiritual circle, and I have said the main things that I wanted to say. But I have not achieved as much as I wanted, with what I have written. I know that because people have not contacted me, even though I know that many people have read my articles. 

Anyhow, I believe that what I am saying is ahead of the present time, so, I have decided to review our writings about my religious theory, since I believe that is not going to help right now. 

Therefore, from now on, I am only using what I have written sparingly, and those article that agree more with the present religious system. Now I might be wrong in stopping writing my articles, because what I was writing needs to be written. If that is the case than God will cause somebody else to write what I have been writing. Since today I find it hard to continue, to write new religious suggestions to the same degree that I was writing before.

But I will continue to write a few articles, keeping in mind that I want to establish a better link between the existing religions and what I have suggested so far. I believe that I need to do that, because what I have said, is new and far away from what the people believe and have accepted to believe. So, let me find a way how to do that, and start again from the beginning in a different way.

Talking about the existing religions. 

We know that man needs God, this is reflected in the fact that all civilizations have had gods and religions, since the beginning of known times. These religions that have existed in the past, they have served their communities well, even if they were not perfect all the time. Most times old religions have given way to new religions. So, it seems to me that religions have their own life span, and then they change. So, if we follow history, knowing what has happened in the past and looking at the future, there is nothing wrong to think that religions could be changing in the future. Having said that now we need to talk about the reasons, why religions may have to change in the future.

When we Look at today religions, we can see that they are not perfect, so, they fail to deliver what they are supposed to deliver in a global way. Because all religions in the past have been made to serve a group of people that would be living in isolation. In those times it was necessary to live in isolation; they were dangerous times then, in a way they were more dangerous than today; so, to defend themselves people formed groups, to help these groups stay together their leaders also used their existing religions, sometimes just as they were, at other times with minor changes. You see, people do not need to change anything to keep them together, because they do it even without knowing. For instance, most towns have their churches and their patron saint; so, people know to which church they belong and their patron saint, and other things that keeps them together, so, if somebody from outside their group wants to come into their group, they will check it out before it can happen, and they may not allow it to happen. Of course, this is also a natural reaction because we need to look after ourselves.

So, in some cases religions have helped decide who were your friends, and who are your enemies. In fact, most times whoever did not belong to your own religion, was most likely your enemy, and religious leaders would warn us to keep away from people that did not belong to our religion, for many reasons.

You see, religions are made to help people to live a certain way of life, and when that way of life is disrupted, problems can arise, because people like to believe, what they have been taught to believe. One of the most obvious examples is the Muslim religion, that is completely split from other religions, so, they believe that what they believe is right and everybody else is wrong. But so far no one can claim that they are right. Anyhow, today things need to be changed, because to live in isolation is not possible anymore. You see, in the past most people were born in one town and lived their lives in that town only, they hardly visited other towns, and if they did it was for some important reasons. But today people, move from one town to another, from one country to another and from one continent to another, most time as if there are no boundaries. The entire world is going global, so, religious isolationism cannot be used anymore. It looks like that we need a new religion that can link to existing religions, that is the only way that all the people can live together.

Existing religions can become one religion. 

Now, there can be a problem here, because we do not know any existing religion that can replace, or link all religions without upsetting the existing religions. Therefore, we may have to think of a new religion, made up from some of the existing religions. This will bring back the same problem we have had before, when we were writing our theory of Reconciliation of the universe. You see, because what you wanted to introduce is a new religious theory, because people will not accept it easily, so, we need to work on it. You see, we need to find a way that can link the present religious beliefs, to the religious beliefs of the future.

This is a controversial subject, that we need to talk about today to solve possible future religious problems, because everything is going global; so, religions need to go global as well.

So, if we cannot find an existing religion that can connect existing religions, we may have to find a way, how to borrow pieces of religious beliefs from different religions, then we need to put them together, in a way that makes sense, this may help us make a new religion from existing religions, and it could be acceptable to humanity, because some of these beliefs have been accepted already.

I know that what I am saying here is a controversial subject, but I believe that the signs that religions need to change are there already, if you look for the signs.

Therefore, I believe that one day soon, it might become unavoidable to talk about what can be done, to keep our religious beliefs mostly as they are today. Having said that, now let me use my imagination and see what sort of God we may need in the future, to connect and keep all existing religions together.

But because I am a believer in my own ways, I am going to pray God to guide me to say the right things and hope to say them in a way that suggests the future beliefs.

 My prayer.

My Lord God, I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you help me to describe the future God of the universe, in a way that all the people of the world can accept. Because I believe that it could help the people to believe in a single God, this can help the people to live a better life, since they will believe in the same God. I ask this in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, Father, hear my prayer amen.

Anyhow, I believe that this article is becoming too long, and I still need to say other things that can convince the people, to accept on principle that a new religion that includes all existing religions can be made up, in a way or another. So, in our next article, Religions and God of the Future. We are going to talk about several religions, to show you that they need to be modified and become a single religion.

To see more click on this link, Religious Discussions Review. 

May God bless us all. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Journey of our human soul.

 Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in this article of, I Believe God is Life,  let us imagine what we see changing, and discuss if this is the beginning of a new religious system, and God can be portraied like the descriptions below. 

 Dear readers, if we believe in God, then we also believe that we have a soul and that we want to save our soul. So, I believe that in our life, our souls should search for God costantly, because we would like to save our soul and return to God when we die. In our imaginary theory of, Reconciliation of the universe, our souls can be attached to God positive spiritual life force, or the negative spiritual life force, or can be so bad that, our soul will be destroyed completily. 

Journey of Our Human Soul  

Welcome to our article, Journey of Our Human Soul

Dear readers, to believe in God and the spiritual world. I believe that it would be helpful if we can imagine and describe, how the spiritual world works. In a way we have already done that in our articles of reconciliation of the universe. But today we see the need to explain it better and in a shorter version, by using a journey of our human soul. To do that I believe that We need to follow the journey of two souls, one soul will go to paradise and remains with God life energy indefinitely; but the soul that we need to follow is the other soul, because this soul will take the longest journey possible. We need to do that to understand how the spiritual forces work, according to our imaginary spiritual world. 

Anyhow, here we must assume that we have souls, and that the souls and the rest of the spiritual world are all part of the life forces energies of the universe, they are connected and form a cycle that will never end, God is in the centre of the spiritual forces, and all spiritual forces go through God, so, God is life and can give life to every living thing. So, all life energies go out and return to God in a way or another, so that the life cycle of the universe is formed. We believe that all the spiritual forces together form this life cycle of the universe and God, so, God spiritual strength is influenced from the souls that form part of our God.

But we need to be realistic, people believe in different Gods, so, we follow our own God, here we should assume that the God we follow is a God, and this God acts as our spiritual portal that we belong to, and it leads to the central life force of God of the universe, which is life and all gods in one.

We believe that our souls have a value in the spiritual world, because many souls together can form a source of energy, and all souls and other spiritual things can form God of the universe. So, God of the universe is formed from all existing religions, which have their own strength according to their size. The largest group is formed from the group that derives from the Bible, followed by other groups.

Anyhow, here we want to talk about the souls, since the souls are the main link, between the living world and the spiritual world, we also want to talk about the journey of souls, and explain that some souls can be saved indefinitely, some other souls may end up destroyed, then their spend energy can be reabsorbed from the spiritual forces and recycled. We need to do this to explain how God and the spiritual world work, according to our imaginary human understanding.


About spiritual souls. 

Dear readers, in our imaginary spiritual universe that we call the spiritual dimension, we will be talking about our spiritual souls, because it is the spiritual souls that link the spiritual world to the living world. We need also to follow the journey of a soul to form a continuous link, and this link can show us how the spiritual forces work.

To do that we must go back to talk about Christianity, which forms the largest religion in the world. Anyhow, here I am writing this article about souls, so, I feel that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the main portal, for the souls of people that belong to these religions; you see, our Lord Jesus Christ said, that he is the way to go back to our Father God, before that time, the Bible does not say if we have a soul or not, and what would happen to our souls when we die.

Today we can assume that the number of souls that follow a deity is important, so, we guess that after Jesus Christ, the other important portal is Allah (god of the Muslims), followed by Hinduism and others. Anyhow, all living souls have a portal, and their portal is formed by the spiritual deities they believe in. But for God of the universe all living souls are the same and have their own value, even if they are form different portals and religions.

I hope I have said enough to form our imaginary link, between the living and the spiritual world, so, now we can talk about the journey of our soul, to explain how the spiritual world works.


Our souls journey. 

We believe that to explain how God of the universe works, we must follow one of our souls’ journeys, so, let us see how we can set this up. We believe that we have a special soul that God has given us, so, to explain how we imagine the spiritual life forces of God work, we must follow the journey of our soul. So, let us talk about the journey of two souls; both souls have lived on earth and now they are dead. One soul belongs to a good and religious person, so, this soul has been selected from the angels of God and send to what we call here on earth paradise. So, this soul has returned to God his spiritual Father, and this is the end of the story about this soul, because he came out from God life force and has returned to God, in the shortest way possible. 

Now the soul that we have written above is not the soul that we want to talk about, to show you how the spiritual forces can exist, we need to talk about the longest journey that a soul can take to return to God, and what this soul loses in his long journey.   

So, let us imagine the long journey of this soul after his death on earth. Anyhow, this is the soul of a bad person that the angles of God found that he must go to hell, because of the nasty things he has done during his life. So, to make a long story short, this soul is sent to hell by the angels of God, he goes through all the circle or links of hell, ends up in the bay of no return and falls in the abyss. In the abyss he smashes into other souls or whatever is in the abyss at enormous speed several times, until it all become fragmented to the smallest possible particle, now these particles can be negative and positive.

Anyhow these particles float around in the abyss indefinitely, until they come close enough to a force that attracts them. So, the negative particles can be attracted from the negative force and become part of the negative force. In a similar way, the positive particles after floating across the abyss of the universe, they become attracted from God life force of the universe, and become part of God, so that a complete cycle is thus formed. Since this soul has started from God, has disintegrated in the abyss, and part of it has returned to God.

Dear readers, I know that what I have said is only an imaginary way, since we want to find a way that can unite all existing religions together. I know that it is not an attractive way, but that is what has come to my mind until now.

I believe that I have said enough in this article. So, see you next time, Religious Discussions Review.  

where I review what I has written and hope to find an easier way to explain my views of God of the universe.

To see more click on this link, Journey of Our Human Soul  

May God bless us all.   


Sunday, February 19, 2023

I Believe God is Life.

 Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in this article of, I Believe God is Life,  let us imagine what we see changing, and discuss if this is the beginning of a new religious system, and God can be portraied like the descriptions below. 

In the Roman Catholic church, people already believe in The Holy Spririt. Most times The Holy Spirit is represented as a dove, sinse the dove is suppoused to be peace. But in realety The Holy Spirity can be said to be everywhere in the universe, and represents God spiritual power. 

I Believe God is Life

Welcomer to our article, I Believe God is Life

Dear readers, let me describe the living God that we need in the future. You see, I believe that God is life, and I believe that in the future, God can be described as life. You see, we need to change the way we describe God, because everything is changing. So, I am trying to use my imagination to say something that can be useful for mankind, however sometimes I think that this could end up being a waste of time, but that does not matter, because I still want to write it anyhow, so, let me say what I want to say.

I must say that for several years, I have been studying and writing religious articles in Hub-Pages, because I want to find and suggest a way how humanity could unite all existing religions under a single Super-God, so that all religions will become one religion and believe in the same God, which is the God that created us all. After all I believe that there is only one God throughout the universe, and we are part of God.

If what I am suggesting in my articles takes place in the future, then there will be only one God and there will be no Infidels, because all the people will believe in the same God. But what needs to happen first, is that humanity must find a way, how we can describe a God that everybody can accept. 

I know that what I have said may sound outrageous, but nevertheless it needs to be done, because that is the only way to solve the existing religious problems. If you believe that what I have said about describing God is outrageous, then hear what I want to say, because what I am going to say is outrageous. Today it seems to me that some people use God, as if God is a ball that they can use to score their goals. It is up to you to reflect about what I have said, because it is hard to say who does this or that; anyhow, let us look at what we can say, without upsetting people.

Who uses God as a football? 

Anyhow, I can only point it out in a general way, who are these people and what is happening. In my lifetime I have seen people to swear at God for a long time, when they are upset, which I think is disgusting, because it does not solve any problems, what I think of these people is that they are rebellious, and perhaps sick in the head.

Now, let me continue with normal people, there are the atheists that do not believe in God and they want God to disappear, because according to them believing in God does more harm than good; in second place there are those people that while they proclaim to be religious, they do nasty deeds, like the paedophiliac and robbing to enrich themselves; and the third group, are those people that want us to believe that their religions is the only religion in the world that people must follow, and if you do not follow their religion, you are their enemy. These are the people that use God to their advantages, some of them do not even know that they are using God for themselves.  

What I have said above is a general way of describing the religious problems that we have today, so, we need to find a way how to minimize or eliminate them. Now to do that is not easy, so, we must start to look at what we have in common with God, we know that in a way or another our lives are linked to God, it must be so, because for life to exist there must be a life force that makes life possible, and that life force can only be called God; therefore, we can say that God exists and God is life.

If we believe that God is life and represents all existing life, and we are all liked to God and are a part of God, then a way to link all existing religions can be found, since everybody is linked to God. This can eliminate most of the problems that we have today, but now let us discuss how we could reach this solution, using what we know and what we have learned from life.


Discussing how we can reach this solution. 

Here I need to say that after discussing and writing 127 religious articles in hub page, today I have decided to start from the beginning again, or should I say, I am going to start from the end, and then connect everything together, so, I can describe God the way I believe God needs to be described, because God can be described in many ways, that is why people have different views of God; I have my own view of God, and I am going to explain, why I see God the way I see God. 

But first, I want to say what I believe, we can use what we know, to link today religions to the future religious beliefs. If we accept that God is life, then today Roman Catholic Holy Spirit can represent life, so, a link already exists.

Anyhow, we must believe first that God exists and can be accepted as being life, then we need to choose a description of God that is compatible with most religions, at the same time we must ensure that the God we are describing ticks all the box in a positive way. So, let us see what sort of God we need. I believe we need: ONE SOURCE, ONE GOD, ONE HUMANITY AND ONE RELIGION, for globalization and peace, and we need to believe in a loving God.   

Now, if I can describe an acceptable God, that has all the positive attributes that we have described above, then we are on the right path. So, one day we may be able to suggest to the world what sort of future God we need. But I must say that it is only part of the description of God. For instance, we can say that God is life and we are all part of God, well this can solve only part of the problem; you see people need to have a soul, so that God can promise the afterlife to us, just like existing religions believe. Anyhow, I believe that this article is already long enough, so, we will be talking about this in our next article, Journey of Our Human Soul

To see more click on this link,  I Believe God is Life

See you soon.

May God bless us all.
