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Other web sites to look for: http://menfranco-re.blogspot.com

Monday, August 29, 2022

Religions of today, my views.

 Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in this article of, Religions of Today, and My Views, let me say how I believe, these changes will affect our views of God and religions. 

What we are writing in this blog took place a few years ago, But today these things can still happen, so this is a reminder of what happened then. above is the map of the Sinai, the attack of the Mosque took place at Bir al-Abd, whic is near the Mediterranean Sea. 


Welcome to our article, Religions of Today, and My Views

Because of what has happened, I am asking myself, is God an illusion?

Dear readers, this happening in the blog is a few years old, but today, we still havend solved this problem, so, I am repeating this article. Anyhow, I am a believer, but I have my doubtful moments, therefore, I am asking myself, if God is an illusion that humanity has created for various reasons.

So, to explain myself, let me say what I think about religions; I believe that there are too many religions in this world, the followers of these religions they believe that their religion is the right one, therefore, the other religions must be wrong.

They never think that they are wrong, because religions can be an illusion, that we the people of this world want to believe in this God as our father, that can guide and help us if we need help. We believe that, because it makes us feel better to have a God that looks after us.

I believe that we are crazy, because we want only what is good for us, so, when there is nothing that we like, we start dreaming about something that is not there, but it would make us happy if it was there, this wish takes many forms, one of this is the wish to have a god that would look after us.

Of course, there are other things that influence us; like we want to know where we come from, why we are here on earth and other things; so, we can believe in God.

Anyhow, while I am writing this article, I am trying to believe that there is a god that looks after us, so, I don’t want to admit that God can be an illusion that we have created ourselves.

You see, I have these up and down of faith, I believe that lots of people have these up and down of faith, but we end up just the same way we were before. There are times that I cannot help thinking that I am a believer, because I have written many articles about religion and God, of course my articles talk about God the way I see God, or the way I wish God was, but nevertheless I am a believer that believes in God. But today I am so frustrated that I want to admit that God is an illusion that humanity has invented in the past, because of these needs that we feel within us.

Of course, I should say, that I wish God exists, in such a way that God can connect all existing religions together. I am saying this because of what has happened in Egypt today, the 25 of November 2017, so let me explain.



The Egyptian horrible terrorist attack. 


While I am writing this article something horrible has happened in the Sinai Egypt, about 305 people are dead, because of these religious fanatics that respect nothing. There are no words to describe all this, we can only say that what is happening is completely insane; and in my personal views this must not happen in religious circle. Therefore, I ask myself this question, what is wrong with religions today? Because what has happened has religious links, and religions are being used to kill other people that don’t agree with their religion. 

Anyhow, let us describe what has happened, starting with a link to this horrible news, and then some comments straight from the Internet news.  

News about Terrorist Attacks  

(I quote from the news)

At least 305 people, including 27 children, have now been reported dead following an attack by Islamist extremists at the al-Rawdah mosque in Egypt on Friday.

According to officials, the 25-30 militants arrived in SUVs with wielding machine guns and then positioned themselves at the Mosque's entrance before firing indiscriminately into the crowd.

Authorities add that the attackers also brandished the black flag of terrorist group ISIS..

(End of quote)

So, when these horrible things happen, where a group of people shout “God is Great” (=Allah is Great”) and kill other religious people, which happen to believe in the same God, or sometimes a different God, one has to consider the role of these religions. So, because of what has happened, we must ask ourselves, if there is something wrong with religions and what can be done?  Now that I have said what has happened and this is affecting my religious views, I am going back to talk about my doubts about religious beliefs. Because I start thinking that God is an illusion, since nothing seems to work peacefully. 


My doubts about the role of religions.  

I must say that after what has happened, we may assume that God does not exist, so, God is an invention of our human mind. Because if God existed the way that He is supposed to exist, God would not let these people use his name in vain, and kill other people that worship him, you see, it does not make sense.

So, let us talk about it. Most people don’t want to know the truth, because it is not convenient to them, they like to live an illusion, because they cannot help it. Most times they accept the unreal instead of what is real, you see, we cannot distinguish one from the other, this is what is happening in religion circles.

Having said all this, one should search for the truth, even when it is not easy to see the truth, as I have said just here above.

My own personal views about God are that God can exist, but the descriptions of God, is not correct, therefore, they are illusions that have been written to fulfil our desires; to fix that, we should be looking for a God that can embrace the entire world, if we can find that, then, we can find peace and harmony on earth. I hope you see what I mean. 

For me God is life, and existing life on earth represents God himself. So, there is no way that God would want to destroy his own life. 

We will continue to discuss this issue, in our future articles. But our next article will be about Christmas. because this will make me feel that there is still hope in this world. So, see you in our next article, 

May God bless us all. Christmas 2017 Has Come and Gone

To see more click on this link,  Religions of Today, and My Views


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

My religious life beliefs.

 Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people are friendly and believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in this article of Religious Life Beliefs, let me say how I believe, these changes will affect our views of God and religions.   

We believe that no one has seen God, and God does not need to be like a man, so, God can be anything even the entire universe, or God can be the positive life energy within the universe, so, when we look at the universe, we might believe that we are looking at God, or part of God, since God can be the entire universe.  

Welcome to our article,  Religious Life Beliefs. 

Dear readers, today am writing my religious life beliefs about God and religions, because they have become modified from my original beliefs. You see, during our lives, things happen that forces us willingly or unwillingly to change our point of view. Now, our points of view, can be political, personal or spiritual. Anyhow, today I am going to write about religion and spiritual things, and how they fit in with our everyday life. I believe that if everyone contributes something, by writing and putting forward our personal beliefs, then, one day the world can become a better place. So, let me write something that I believe could be helpful in the future.

Anyhow, here we want to look at spiritual and religious things, and how these religious things affect our ways of living. So, let us talk about what we believe and the generations before us believed, most of us believe and have believed in God. So,  we should assume that people that believe in different religions, they believe in their God, or gods and their spiritual things. I believe that this is happening because of our inner need to believe in God.

What we have said is obvious when we look at any civilizations, they all had their own religions, sometimes like our own and sometimes completely different, but all religions work, when people believe in those beliefs. Therefore, we should assume that all religions have spiritual connection, and for this reason they cannot be false, so, there must be a way where they connect to the central spiritual God of the universe. Since we believe that God of the universe is the universal spiritual force that links everything together.  

You see, if we believe that we have a soul, then it follows that the spiritual life exists, and therefore God exists. If we believe that we don’t have a soul, we must believe that no spiritual things exist and God does not exist, which it is unacceptable to humanity, since history shows that man needs to believe in God. Now let us see how we can describe this future God of the universe.        

This photo above suggests how we may percive God in the future, you see nobody has ever seen God, so, God can look just about anything, some peole believe that God is a positive life energy within the universe, and we can attract this positive life energy to us through prayers and meditations. 

Describing God of the universe. 

To imagine and describe God of the universe is not going to be easy, because God is a spiritual entity, therefore, we cannot see God, but we can only imagine God in his spiritual capacity. Now, God has been described in many ways from many religions, but the description of God is different from one another, at the same time there are similarities. So, we should look at these similarities to describe how God can be. In fact, we may even think that God is life, therefore God is in every living think.  

Now, let us assume that we have found a way how to describe God, next step is how we can describe God that everybody can accept. It is necessary that we find a God description that everybody accepts, because that is the only way that would fulfil our human needs, you see, the reason why religions at times fight each other, it is because they are somehow different, because they see their God fulfilling a different role, so, God needs to be described in the same way. 

To tell you the truth, I have had a few discussions about this issue, the last discussion was what one Hub-Pages author and follower said. He put forward this idea that if we could use this phrase that pope Francis had said in a speech, on every page of the Bible, it would help stop the violence. Here I am going to quote this phrase; “Violence by man against man is in contradiction with any religion worth of that name” Pope Francis January 18, 2016.

I thought, that phrase can be helpful, but it might not cross the boundary of other world religions, so, I am suggesting my own phrase, which is as follow:   

The phrases we are suggesting here, can be helpful, they can also be mixed with other phrases, but for me personally, what I would like to say is this phrase, on every page of every religious book.

“There is only one God throughout the universe”

Of course, this is not enough, because it needs an explanation. So, it should be followed by a longer explanation like this, written at the beginning or at the end of every religious book, so that the people can understand what we mean by that phrase, now, let me describe this future description of God that this phrase wants to describe;




Everything that is living in the universe, is there because it is part of God-life-itself: So, nothing alive can exist without being part of God, just because God is life itself: Therefore, God is the life essence of the entire universe. 

No living man should or could ever pretend to kill in God’s name, because in doing so he would be killing a tiny part of life, which would be a tiny part of God himself, and therefore, he has committed a sin against God and God of the universe spiritual life force, including himself, because he has destroyed a human life.  

Now, this description of God needs explanation, which I will try to explain here-under


Explaining my religious views

I know that what I have said above is only my view of God, since most religions don’t see God the way I am describing Him; therefore, I may have trouble to make believe that this God can exist. But then again, God is the way we believe He is, since God may not even exist, but God exists in our minds the way we see God, which could be different, from what somebody else believes.

Well even this explanation is not right, because the reality is that we need to believe in God, even if one day God turn out to be only a spiritual life force that guides the universe, or something like that.

But, because of the violent acts of the terrorist today, we are looking for a God that can guide humanity in a more peaceful way, therefore, we would like to describe a god that can achieve that, which in a way the God we have described above, could come close to our needs, so, I should let be the way it is.

Anyhow, I am going to work on it, and see if I can find a better way. You know, as I said at the beginning of this article, our beliefs including religious beliefs become modified from out life experiences. So, even what I have written above can become modified, if one day it needs to be modified.

Now, since I believe that I have explained some religious problems, and this article is long enough, since most people prefer to read short stories. I will stop writing it, so, I will continue to write about religion in our next article, Religions of Today, and My Views. 

To see more clik on this link, Religious Life Beliefs  

See you soon.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

World religious events, and the pope.

Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people are friendly and believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, let us look at what is happening now in the religious world, in this article of, World events, religion and the pope.  

Today religions may not be as attractive as they were in the past, because of the Muslims terrorist attacks in the western world, but there are still a lot of believers that follow religions. Look what is happening in Colombia, wherever the pope goes there are big crowds that want to see him, after all he is the leader of the Roman Catholic church, so he makes sure that he meets his followers the best way he can, one of his ways is to greet them from his pope-mobile. 

World events, religion, and the pope

Welcome to our article, World events, religion and the pope

Dear readers, we want to talk about religious events that are happening in the world today, because even if religions are not as important as they used to be, religions are still playing an important role in the world, in fact, there are places that they are as important today as they were in the past. 

We have noted that pope Francis is an interesting pope; this pope is not the usual pope that says only the mass in St Peter Basilica, and blesses his congregation from the window in St. Peter Square, saying the usual phrases that they say, when these events take place, you see this pope is a risk taker, so, he mixes himself with world leaders and does not spare them much. Because with his way of saying things, he finds the way how to say things, that other people cannot say, because they can sound offensive.

So, this pope has got his own ways how to do things, we know that religions have always had this power, because the people believe in God and religions, and religions have been set up in a way that it is always possible to explain the situation in a different way, since they can always say that whatever happens it is God’s will, but when it is very bad, it is the devil work. Now this is one way of seeing religions and how they get around many things. As we know, there are many religions in the world, because religions are useful to guide and control people, in fact, people follow religious events and they feel better when they do that. Anyhow, today we can follow what pope Francis is doing while he is visiting Colombia.  


Some religious events in Colombia. 

Saturday, pope Francis in Colombia spent some of his time consoling the orphans, the poor people and the sick. He also told priests and ordinary Colombians to be more open to accept sinners and welcome them in. The pope encouraged a peace process that is going on over there and other things.

As most times happens, not everything goes the way we plan it, so, because of heavy rain, pope Francis had to be driven to Colombia’s second largest city instead of taking a helicopter, delaying the mass that a million people were going to attend.

He apologized for the delay, at the Mass, Francis urged Colombia’s church to relax some of their rules of their doctrine. He said to be more like Jesus and have an open mind, not like the Pharisees, he said. Those in the early church who stuck to the rules became paralyzed.   

The pope said that, attachment to normal religious ways can bring comfort to Catholics, but the Gospel says also to help other who are not so perfect. So, everyone is invited to come here to get help, and try to find what they need spiritually.

Next step, he is going to Cartagena to honor St. Peter Claver, a Jesuit who ministered to thousands of African slaves.

This is a strange observation, we think that the pope is protected from God, so, nothing should happen to him, but it is not so, the pope hurt himself in his pope-mobile, he is just like anyone of us. Anyhow, after all these happenings, the pope will fly back to Rome on Sunday night. Well this is a brief account of what pope Francis did. Now let us look at other world events.


What is happening in the world today? 

Now, because these articles are being written to talk about religious issues, and think how religious people think. So, when we look at what is happening in the world today, we wonder if it is the will of God? Or, are they happening for other reasons?

Anyhow, today what is worrying the world most, is this North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un that is making these atomic bombs, and tries to threaten America and the world with them, he must be crazy, because he will not survive if a real war breaks out, but even this is not the main problem that the world has today.

In fact, the main problem that we have today, are the natural disasters that are occurring, these hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and America that are devastating everything in their path. First Hurricane, Harvey and then Hurricane Irma; some people think that they happen because of the global warming, other people don’t believe that, in fact, some even think that it is God’s will. Now, I don’t think that it is God’s will. But if there is a God that has the power over these events, then we should be praying this God to help us, in the hope that he listens to our prayers, and moderate this violent weather behavior. Perhaps this is my wishful thinking, but anyhow, it has come to my mind. 

There a couple of other things that I want to mention here, one of them is about the weather again; you see, while I was writing this article, I heard news from Italy that seven people are drowned, from a violent storm in the city of Livorno, the storm was so severe that houses were flooded and some people have died. Here again, one can ask oneself if this is God’s will, because humanity try to kill each other, some even kill in God’s name, God is fed-up and wants to show these people that if he wants people killed, he doesn’t need their help. Okay this last bit has come to my mind, because of the 9-11 terrorist attack that killed so many people in New York, and of course what has followed since then, since these terrorists continue to kill, with no remorse of the life they destroy.

There must be something wrong in the mind of these people, or something wrong in the doctrine they are following. May God let these people see that peaceful coexistence is what the world needs most?

This is the reason why we are writing these articles. In our articles we aim to tell the people, that a way must be found, how the world can believe in a single God that links all religions together. We believe that if we describe that God is life and gives life to every living thing, this could be the way to link everything together, because a single religion can be made. May God help us to find our way. We will continue to talk about religions next time in, Religious Life Beliefs

To see more click on this link, World events, religion and the pope  

May God bless us all.  


Friday, June 10, 2022

We need to believe in God.

Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people are friendly and believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day the might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, let us look at the existing religions, in this article of, We need to believe in God

As you can see from this photo, there are many religions in the world, most of the major religions have their own sign that represents them, which will tell you what they are about. These signs are also there, so that they can be recognized easily by the believers.  


Welcome to our article, We need to believe in God

Dear readers, we need to believe in God, because it can help us live a better life. But this belief does not help everybody. Therefore, during our lives, most of us will have our doubts about our religious beliefs, some of us will conclude that God does not exist, because there are many things that don’t add up properly in our religious beliefs: for instance, when something horrible happens, we are bound to ask ourselves, why God let these horrible things happen? Then, we will continue to ask ourselves, if God exists or does not exist, because of what is happening around us. Now, all this asking that we do to ourselves, it will drive us to think that God does not exist, because if God existed these horrible things should not have happened. But we need to believe in God, because as some people say God is hope for those that need hope most, so, let us continue to believe in God and religions, the way that we have been taught to believe.  

You see, we need to believe in God for many reasons, even when things happen that make us think that God does not exist, or God does not care about us, because God does not help us solve our everyday problems, or prevent something horrible happening, like what has happened in Spain yesterday; (18/08/2017) this madman has driven a large vehicle through a large crowed in the street of Barcelona, killing 15 people and injuring over a hundred others. What hurts most is that there is evidence that this is another terrorist attack, that religious extremists are waging against the rest of the community, in fact it seems that this attack was part of an organized group of extremist, who were going to carry out other violent deeds, but the Spanish police were able to stop them in time.

Anyhow, let us describe a way how our spiritual side works and what we usually do to satisfy our spiritual needs. Which in our Roman Catholic religion, it can also be expressed by our adoration of a Madonna or Saints. Let me explain a Madonna or Saint does not take the place of God, but it is a link of the chain that links to God. You see, people pray to Madonna or saints because they seem closer to us.   


Looking at our spiritual needs. 

I believe that to understand our spiritual needs, we need to look at what today religious institutions want us to do, which is usually what our forebears did in the past. We need to understand that religions have been made up for us from our forebears, they have been made for those needs that were present at the times when they were written. Most of those needs will still apply today, and they will still apply tomorrow because most of them don’t change. It is only some very extreme religious needs that may change, because things around us have changed and keep changing, so, those religious needs are not useful anymore.

Anyhow, if we think about it, soon or later we will understand today spiritual needs, that are required for our present times. Today I am convinced that we need to believe in God and everything else that comes with it, because that is what we humans are like, we need to believe in God, it is necessary for us to believe in these religious institutions, which our forebears have setup for us in the past, as they give us some guidance how to live our lives. So, let us look at what some of these religious ways that we are using even today do, starting with my own native town and its religious feasts, since I believe that these religious feasts help people live a better and happier life.

In my native town of Genzano di Lucania, we have many religious feasts, the most important of these feasts is the feast of this Madonna called Maria Santissima Delle Grazie, this feast runs for three days, and all the people have good time. For a start, everyday there is a religious procession, where we take this Madonna statue around the town, there are a lot of people that take part in it, those that are not in the procession, will line the street to see the procession passing by. Because of this festive season, there are lots of happy things to do, there is a few merry go around for the kids, some games for older people are played, there are many stalls set up to sell ice-creams and other joyful things, there are a few bands playing music in the square. In other words, it is a very happy time for the town’s people. This may not seem a lot today because ice-cream and music are available every day of our lives, but in the past they waited for this feast to enjoy these things.

So, we can say that this is a way of life that our forebears have instituted for us. Now, just to prove my point, my native town of Genzano di Lucania, it is not the only town that has these religious feasts, so, let me name a few other nearby towns that come to my mind even today: in Banzi (this is a small town about 4 km from Genzano) there is the feast of St. Vito the 15th of June and here too, they have games bands and everything else to make people happy; another important feast is the feast of St Rocco in Tolve; (this is a town that take 4 or 5 hours walk to reach it on foot, some devotees walk an entire night to reach this town, but they are devotees, so, they are happy to do it), another one is the feast of St Gerardo in Potenza. Of course, there are a lot more feasts, in fact every town has at least one feast of its saint protector. Which we can say that it is a way of life that helps the people live a better life. So, religions are helpful. 

Now, here I should add that there can be exceptions, when religions are used to make wars and hatred, like in the case of the Muslims terrorists.        

Anyhow, I have written this article to show that we need to believe in God, because to believe in God is helpful for everybody around; the only problem here is that the world needs to find an universal God and religion that everybody can believe in. So, we have written our theory of Reconciliation of the Universe  Where we explain how we see God of the future. Which is a bit different from the Muslim God, and this may help self disarm the Muslims terrorist. 

Hereunder is one of the links of the feasts I have been talking about.



This is all. See you in our next article, World events, religion and the pope

To see more click on this link, We need to believe in God 


Monday, May 2, 2022

Talking about Easter happenings.

Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people are friendly and believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day the might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, let us look at the existing religions, in this article of, Easter religious state of affairs.

As you know Easter is the commemoration of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, as you can see from what is written in this photo, so, if we believe in Jesus our souls can live forever. You see, Jesus is the spiritual link that can link us to God spiritual force of the universe. 

Welcome to our article, Easter religious state of affairs

May God help me say the right religious things in this blog. 

Let us talk about today religions and Easter. 

Dear readers, I am reposting one of my older religious articles here, (I have written this in April 2017) but as you know religious issues repeat themselves, so, what I said then can apply now as well. Anyhow, I will try to say something about how I see the religious world, because today religions make me wonder what to do and what to say, because things are not what they used to be.

 Anyhow, I wanted to tell you the good religious things, that happen at Easter religious feast, which in my view helps us to cope better with life. But because of what has happened in Egypt, to these two Coptic Christian churches, I became up-set and ended up writing an article that was not showing forgiveness. So, instead of forgiving the doers of this religious event as Easter teaches us, I was attacking them to the point that Hub Pages has marked my article as being Racist.

I suppose Hub pages was right, for telling me about my negative comments, because I let my human nature take over, when I was going to write about a religious article. So, now I am changing what I have said the first time and hope that Hub Pages lets me publish what is left of this article. However, my human nature still drives me to say what is happening in the world today, which can explain what I have written the first time.

Therefore, I want to point out this issue. I believe that we of the western world make laws against ourselves, we cannot talk about many things because they can be Racist, so, we restrict ourselves even to the point where we cannot defend ourselves. So, we must ask ourselves, if these laws that we have made, are they going to make any difference, or are they going to make life harder for us, because the rest of the world doesn’t care, and they use these same laws against us.

Having said that, now I can say what I wanted to say in the first place, since God seems to have given me the way, because a reader has written a comment that I can use to make people understand in a softer way my points of view. Now, let us talk hereunder more about Palm Sunday and Easter and less about what has happened in Egypt, so, let us talk about the Christian religions.


The Christian religions at Easter. 

So, let us forget what has happened In Egypt, in April 2017, because it brings up Racism and hatred, and we are not allowed to talk about that. Therefore, let us keep this issue to a minimum, even though it is wrong what has happened in Egypt to these two Coptic Christian churches.

But allow me to say this, for any Christian religious believer, what has happened on Palm Sunday is so painful and disgusting, because Palm Sunday is the greatest day of peace for any Christian religion. It is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem, riding a donkey, while the population brings these olive branches and other palms in the sign of peace. So, this day is supposed to bring peace, as I am going to explain in this example.

Now let me point out this to you, in Southern Italy in the town that I come from, the way that we celebrate Palm Sunday is to make peace, this can extend even to your enemies, if you want. So, let me explain what we do this special Sunday, first we go to mass taking with us a small olive branch, where the priest after celebrating mass blesses these olive branches or anything green that you have brought with you. Now, this is only the beginning of how the people behave on Palm Sunday; because after the mass when the blessing ends, the people going out of the churches, exchange their palms in the sign of peace, once that is over you may call to the house of some relative or friends, if you haven’t met them at the church.

Now, let me add this personal note, when I was young, after the church service I went home, my mother would ask me if I had gone to our closest relative to exchange this palm, because this is a sign of respect for the relative elders. But there is also more, if you had a girlfriend this was a good time to exchange the blessed palm, and have a small talk, you see in those times boys and girls were kept at a distance, so, this was a good excuse to talk to her; and then again, if you were engaged, you should really go to buy a small golden olive branch from the Jeweler's shop, take it to church to be blessed and then give it to you fiancé`. So, Palm Sunday was a very peaceful, happy and interesting day.

But those were the good times, when everything was done the old peaceful ways, which in my opinion were good times to live in, even if in the small towns that we were living in, boys and girls were kept at a distance, and the religions that we were following had a lot to do with this tradition.

Now that we have explained, how we were living the old times and what we did on Palm Sunday, we are going to talk about what has happened to the rest of my original article.


The God send comment to explain my article. 

Anyhow, over half of my original article has been deleted, but while it was published I had a good response from one of my readers, which really it says what I would have liked to say myself, but could not find the right words, Anyhow, I hope that my reader, Jay C Obrien doesn’t mind if I paste his comments hereunder.    

An answer to my original article 

·         Jay C OBrien from Houston, TX USA

Buddhism fails as a religion because it teaches No Afterlife for the Ego, No Soul.

Hinduism fails because Lord Krishna tells Arjuna to fight and kill his family to preserve his religious principles. (Religious principles should be Peaceful).

Judaism fails because it claims The Lord fought (and killed) people (including children) for Israel. See Joshua.

Christianity fails because it adopts the false claims of Judaism.

Islam fails because Mohammad prayed to Allah for victory in battle and teaches to fight for the religion.

A Progressive religion is needed to give up the Old (wrong) way of thought for the New (correct) thought. We need a Good, non-violent, loving, forgiving, accepting God/Father. We need a God without negative human emotions. One Source, One God, One Humanity, One Religion

(End of answer)

Thank you, Jay C Obrien, for taking the time to answer my short-lived article, which now has been edited and re-published in a shortened version. Yes, I agree with you one hundred per cent, that we need only one God for all existing religions, as you have explained beautifully. Thanks again.


Adding these Easter thoughts. 

Having written above what I could, because of the restrictions, which we impose on ourselves these days. Here I want to describe briefly other things that happen at Easter, for those people that are not familiar with the Christian and Catholic faith, As Jay C. Obrien has pointed out above, most existing religions will fail, if we are looking for a religion that can overcome all religious problem, because that religion does not exist, because all existing religions have these original defects.

Anyhow, we need a religion, that can link all existing religions together, with one God, who does not favor a group of people against other people, so, we can say that everybody is equal in the eyes of God; this is the God that humanity needs.

But this God that we need is not easy to describe, because it is hard to imagine a God like that. Perhaps I should say that, it is hard to describe a God that humanity can accept, because people want a God for themselves; otherwise they will think, what is the use to have this God? The main problem in religion is humanity itself, we are too selfish, we want a God for ourselves. 

Anyhow, let us describe what can be the closest existing religion, that we believe can help us to achieve our universal God for everybody. In my opinion, the closest religion is the Roman Catholic religion, because our Lord Jesus Christ is the link between humanity and God. You see, God made this happen, because humanity does not need a rigid God anymore, and God would like to be seen as a loving Father of all humanity. Anyhow, through Jesus Christ, God changes and becomes forgiving; not because God has changed, but the need of mankind has changed, so, God has changed attitude to help humanity. Well, this may not fulfill everything we need in a future Super-God, but is closer to our needs. You see, we need a single loving God without negatives, and God must be made from, One Source, One God, One Humanity, One Religion.    

Now that I have explained that, let us briefly say what happens at Easter in the Roman Catholic church. Starting from Palm Sunday, which is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem riding a donkey, and the crowds believing that he is the messiah, which can free them from the Roman rules welcome him with the palms.

After some events that happen during the week, Jesus Christ is condemned to death by crucifixion. The way of this crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the events that the pope acts at the via Crucis in the Colosseum in Rome. After that Jesus is dead for three days and arises again on Sunday. This event is there to say that death can be overcome through Jesus Christ, because our souls will never die, if we believe in God and Jesus Christ.

So, Jesus Christ is our link to God the Father, and our hope for eternal life, since nobody wants to die. This is one of the reasons why religions exist, religions exist, because God and religions give hope to those that need hope most, and it also promises eternal life.

We can say other things about our needs of God and religions, also about how religions are used from our religious leaders, since they use religions to control us, sometimes in a good way and sometimes the wrong ways. But I believe that, if all the people were to believe in a single loving God, religions would not be used from people against other people. Anyhow, I think I have said enough in this article. See you soon, in our next article, We need to believe in God

To see more click on this link, Easter religious state of affairs

May God bless us all.  
