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Other web sites to look for: http://menfranco-re.blogspot.com

Monday, May 2, 2022

Talking about Easter happenings.

Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people are friendly and believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day the might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, let us look at the existing religions, in this article of, Easter religious state of affairs.

As you know Easter is the commemoration of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, as you can see from what is written in this photo, so, if we believe in Jesus our souls can live forever. You see, Jesus is the spiritual link that can link us to God spiritual force of the universe. 

Welcome to our article, Easter religious state of affairs

May God help me say the right religious things in this blog. 

Let us talk about today religions and Easter. 

Dear readers, I am reposting one of my older religious articles here, (I have written this in April 2017) but as you know religious issues repeat themselves, so, what I said then can apply now as well. Anyhow, I will try to say something about how I see the religious world, because today religions make me wonder what to do and what to say, because things are not what they used to be.

 Anyhow, I wanted to tell you the good religious things, that happen at Easter religious feast, which in my view helps us to cope better with life. But because of what has happened in Egypt, to these two Coptic Christian churches, I became up-set and ended up writing an article that was not showing forgiveness. So, instead of forgiving the doers of this religious event as Easter teaches us, I was attacking them to the point that Hub Pages has marked my article as being Racist.

I suppose Hub pages was right, for telling me about my negative comments, because I let my human nature take over, when I was going to write about a religious article. So, now I am changing what I have said the first time and hope that Hub Pages lets me publish what is left of this article. However, my human nature still drives me to say what is happening in the world today, which can explain what I have written the first time.

Therefore, I want to point out this issue. I believe that we of the western world make laws against ourselves, we cannot talk about many things because they can be Racist, so, we restrict ourselves even to the point where we cannot defend ourselves. So, we must ask ourselves, if these laws that we have made, are they going to make any difference, or are they going to make life harder for us, because the rest of the world doesn’t care, and they use these same laws against us.

Having said that, now I can say what I wanted to say in the first place, since God seems to have given me the way, because a reader has written a comment that I can use to make people understand in a softer way my points of view. Now, let us talk hereunder more about Palm Sunday and Easter and less about what has happened in Egypt, so, let us talk about the Christian religions.


The Christian religions at Easter. 

So, let us forget what has happened In Egypt, in April 2017, because it brings up Racism and hatred, and we are not allowed to talk about that. Therefore, let us keep this issue to a minimum, even though it is wrong what has happened in Egypt to these two Coptic Christian churches.

But allow me to say this, for any Christian religious believer, what has happened on Palm Sunday is so painful and disgusting, because Palm Sunday is the greatest day of peace for any Christian religion. It is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem, riding a donkey, while the population brings these olive branches and other palms in the sign of peace. So, this day is supposed to bring peace, as I am going to explain in this example.

Now let me point out this to you, in Southern Italy in the town that I come from, the way that we celebrate Palm Sunday is to make peace, this can extend even to your enemies, if you want. So, let me explain what we do this special Sunday, first we go to mass taking with us a small olive branch, where the priest after celebrating mass blesses these olive branches or anything green that you have brought with you. Now, this is only the beginning of how the people behave on Palm Sunday; because after the mass when the blessing ends, the people going out of the churches, exchange their palms in the sign of peace, once that is over you may call to the house of some relative or friends, if you haven’t met them at the church.

Now, let me add this personal note, when I was young, after the church service I went home, my mother would ask me if I had gone to our closest relative to exchange this palm, because this is a sign of respect for the relative elders. But there is also more, if you had a girlfriend this was a good time to exchange the blessed palm, and have a small talk, you see in those times boys and girls were kept at a distance, so, this was a good excuse to talk to her; and then again, if you were engaged, you should really go to buy a small golden olive branch from the Jeweler's shop, take it to church to be blessed and then give it to you fiancé`. So, Palm Sunday was a very peaceful, happy and interesting day.

But those were the good times, when everything was done the old peaceful ways, which in my opinion were good times to live in, even if in the small towns that we were living in, boys and girls were kept at a distance, and the religions that we were following had a lot to do with this tradition.

Now that we have explained, how we were living the old times and what we did on Palm Sunday, we are going to talk about what has happened to the rest of my original article.


The God send comment to explain my article. 

Anyhow, over half of my original article has been deleted, but while it was published I had a good response from one of my readers, which really it says what I would have liked to say myself, but could not find the right words, Anyhow, I hope that my reader, Jay C Obrien doesn’t mind if I paste his comments hereunder.    

An answer to my original article 

·         Jay C OBrien from Houston, TX USA

Buddhism fails as a religion because it teaches No Afterlife for the Ego, No Soul.

Hinduism fails because Lord Krishna tells Arjuna to fight and kill his family to preserve his religious principles. (Religious principles should be Peaceful).

Judaism fails because it claims The Lord fought (and killed) people (including children) for Israel. See Joshua.

Christianity fails because it adopts the false claims of Judaism.

Islam fails because Mohammad prayed to Allah for victory in battle and teaches to fight for the religion.

A Progressive religion is needed to give up the Old (wrong) way of thought for the New (correct) thought. We need a Good, non-violent, loving, forgiving, accepting God/Father. We need a God without negative human emotions. One Source, One God, One Humanity, One Religion

(End of answer)

Thank you, Jay C Obrien, for taking the time to answer my short-lived article, which now has been edited and re-published in a shortened version. Yes, I agree with you one hundred per cent, that we need only one God for all existing religions, as you have explained beautifully. Thanks again.


Adding these Easter thoughts. 

Having written above what I could, because of the restrictions, which we impose on ourselves these days. Here I want to describe briefly other things that happen at Easter, for those people that are not familiar with the Christian and Catholic faith, As Jay C. Obrien has pointed out above, most existing religions will fail, if we are looking for a religion that can overcome all religious problem, because that religion does not exist, because all existing religions have these original defects.

Anyhow, we need a religion, that can link all existing religions together, with one God, who does not favor a group of people against other people, so, we can say that everybody is equal in the eyes of God; this is the God that humanity needs.

But this God that we need is not easy to describe, because it is hard to imagine a God like that. Perhaps I should say that, it is hard to describe a God that humanity can accept, because people want a God for themselves; otherwise they will think, what is the use to have this God? The main problem in religion is humanity itself, we are too selfish, we want a God for ourselves. 

Anyhow, let us describe what can be the closest existing religion, that we believe can help us to achieve our universal God for everybody. In my opinion, the closest religion is the Roman Catholic religion, because our Lord Jesus Christ is the link between humanity and God. You see, God made this happen, because humanity does not need a rigid God anymore, and God would like to be seen as a loving Father of all humanity. Anyhow, through Jesus Christ, God changes and becomes forgiving; not because God has changed, but the need of mankind has changed, so, God has changed attitude to help humanity. Well, this may not fulfill everything we need in a future Super-God, but is closer to our needs. You see, we need a single loving God without negatives, and God must be made from, One Source, One God, One Humanity, One Religion.    

Now that I have explained that, let us briefly say what happens at Easter in the Roman Catholic church. Starting from Palm Sunday, which is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem riding a donkey, and the crowds believing that he is the messiah, which can free them from the Roman rules welcome him with the palms.

After some events that happen during the week, Jesus Christ is condemned to death by crucifixion. The way of this crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the events that the pope acts at the via Crucis in the Colosseum in Rome. After that Jesus is dead for three days and arises again on Sunday. This event is there to say that death can be overcome through Jesus Christ, because our souls will never die, if we believe in God and Jesus Christ.

So, Jesus Christ is our link to God the Father, and our hope for eternal life, since nobody wants to die. This is one of the reasons why religions exist, religions exist, because God and religions give hope to those that need hope most, and it also promises eternal life.

We can say other things about our needs of God and religions, also about how religions are used from our religious leaders, since they use religions to control us, sometimes in a good way and sometimes the wrong ways. But I believe that, if all the people were to believe in a single loving God, religions would not be used from people against other people. Anyhow, I think I have said enough in this article. See you soon, in our next article, We need to believe in God

To see more click on this link, Easter religious state of affairs

May God bless us all.  


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Looking at religions today.

Anyhow, in this article we want to look at today religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people are friendly and believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day the might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, let us look at the existing religions, in this article of, Looking at religions today

There are several religions in the world today, some derive from the Bible, and some have other origin, they all have their own symbols and their own way. one of the main religions is the Roman Catholic religion, and it derives from the Bible. Their main church is St Peter Basilica in Rome. This is where pope Francis celebrates his mass, since it is the leading church of the Roman Catholic religion, which is the largest group of all Christian religions. We need to note that Christianity has several groups, but they are all linked, because they all believe in Jesus Christ. 

Looking at religions today

Looking at religions today  

Welcome to our article, Looking at religions today

Today people are less interested in religions, than they were in the past, because of what is happening. We can think of various reasons why this is happening, Perhaps the reasons why religions are not as important, it is because today people can easily see what other people believe, thanks to the internet that has put an end to separatism. Because we see that other people believe in religions and God in different ways, the faithful are not so sure anymore what to believe, for this reason they are not attached to religions as they were before.

But that is not the only reason, because there are several reasons that can affect people beliefs; therefore, we should look at what is happening in religious circles; you see, today there are many happenings reported on the news, which can make religious people upset. This would include, the Islamic terrorist that kill people in the name of their God Allah, (which sound crazy to most of us), then, the pedophilias in the roman Catholic Church, and other things, which soon or later affects the beliefs, of religious people. Now, let us view a couple of pedophilias cases that were reported in the news. We said a couple, because there are too many, if we want to report them here, so, here-under is a shortened version, of what has been reported in the news, just to see what we are talking about; here I quote:

Sex orgies, prostitution, porn: Allegations shake Catholic Church in Italy

ROME (RNS) — Lurid accusations of priests involved in sex orgies, porn videos and prostitution have emerged from several parishes in Italy recently, sending shock waves all the way to the Vatican and challenging the high standards Pope Francis demands on clergy.

In the southern city of Naples, for example, a priest was recently suspended from the parish of Santa Maria degli Angeli over claims he held gay orgies and used Internet sites to recruit potential partners whom he paid for sex.

The allegations concerning the Rev. Mario D’Orlando were brought to the attention of the diocese when an anonymous letter was sent to a Naples bishop. D’Orlando denied the charges when he was summoned by the city’s archbishop, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, but is now facing a formal inquiry conducted by local church officials.

In the northern city of Padua, a 48-year-old priest, the Rev. Andrea Contin, is facing defrocking as well as judicial proceedings amid accusations he had up to 30 lovers, some of whom he took to a swingers’ resort in France.

Contin was removed from his parish of San Lazzaro after three women came forward with complaints against him in December. Bishop Claudio Cipolla of Padua cut short a visit to Latin America to deal with the scandal.

End of quote from news report.

We have cut this report about the Roman Catholic priests disgusting behavior short, because it would make just every religious person sick, if you read them all.

Here we can say, that the only positive thing about this mess in the Roman Catholic church, is pope Francis that wants to impose harsher rules and punishment to the failing clergy. I hope that he succeeds in fixing those problems, because people still need God and religions to guide them, so that they can live a meaningful life. Now let us talk about other religious problem, that the world is witnessing today.


About other religions with problems. 

Now let us look at the Muslim religious problem, because they have more problems than they believe they have. Then we hope that we can suggest a way how they can fix it. 

Above, we have talked about the Roman Catholic Church having a problem with the pedophilias in priesthood. Now, let us switch religions and talk about, the Muslim religious problems. Yes, the Muslim religion have their problems, even if they deny them, one of the worst problems is the Islamic terrorists, that as we see from this side of the Western border, they are the most destructive people in living memory. Yes, they are the most destructive religious people today, because they believe in a God that wants them to kill other people. This believing in a God that wants you to kill other people is absurd, because by simple human reasoning, this God that wants you to kill other people cannot exist. The reason that this God cannot exist, it is because God has created us and every living thing, so, if God is the creator, God will not want to kill his own created life; therefore, if any spiritual entity that wants to kill people exists; then this entity cannot be God, and must not be called God. This is how I believe God needs to be, God is life and the protector of life. 

Anyhow, I believe that, these people that are going around killing other people, they are still living in the past, like a thousand years ago, or when their religion was born about 1500 years ago; they may say and even believe themselves that their religion is a peaceful loving religion, and it is not an aggressive religion, but they don’t realize that as soon as something goes wrong, they talk about, holy war, as if wars can be holy and ordained by God. There must be something wrong with this religion, or perhaps it is the people themselves that are to blame, because they are war loving people, so, they use their religion as an excuse to make wars and kill other people.

So, today they still make wars to each other easily, sometimes the western world gets involved, but this make things even worse, because then, these Islamic religious people can blame somebody else for what is happening. They never think that it is their Islamic religion that leads them to be the way they are, they are war loving people. It has got to be so, because when their prophet Muhammad started to preach the Koran, they were fighting each other with endless wars, these wars were extremely violent, in those times people had to win the war or better die. 

So, their prophet Muhammad, had to preach how to keep his people together and how to fight and win the wars. And this he did with great success.

So, the nature of the Koran, has got to have this war like machine mentality written within it, which even today we can easily see, when the Islamic people talk about JIHAD and kill in the name of Allah their God.

This is how we the people of the Western world, see this Islamic religion, we see these religious people that do not want to change their ways at all, when everybody else is changing, because they want to adapt to the present times. But the Muslims don’t want to change, they want to live in the past, using past religious values, which at the time when they were made, needed to be that way to survive. 

Some people say that they would like to compare, Our Lord Jesus Christ to the prophet Muhammad, but to us Christians this sounds even absurd, how can a prophet that guides people to fight and win wars, to be compared to our Lord Jesus Christ that talks only forgiveness.

So, there cannot be any comparison at all.

I can say a lot of other things here, but I am not going to, because I would like my readers to meditate about what has been said, which is the differences between Our Lord Jesus Christ and the prophet Muhammad. Since I am a Christian I would choose our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Anyhow, I believe that in the future Jesus Christ will become even more important, since He is the link that links us to God spiritual force. 

May God bless us all. 

See you soon in our article, Easter religious state of affairs

To see more click on this link,   Looking at religions today


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Religions and religious leaders.

Anyhow, in this article we want to talk about religions, and religious leaders. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people are friendly and believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day the might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, let us talk about religions and religious leaders, in this article of, Religions and religious leaders

Today religions have different problems that they had in the past, and their leaders need to fix them. So, Pope Francis head of the Roman Catholic church and archbishop of Rome, needs to fix those problems soon. We hope that Pope Francis is the right person to do it, since it is a complex problem, that the previous Popes have avoided to fix. 

This is St. Peter basilica in Rome, here is where Pope Francis serves as the archbishop of Rome, what he has inherited here is a church with many problems. These problems were the reasons why the former Pope retired early. Anyhow, we pray God and believe and hope that God will help him solve the problems that he has inherited. 

Religions and religious leaders

Welcome to our article, Religions and religious leaders

Dear readers, we believe that religions have been invented by man, because we need to believe in God and the spiritual things that go with it. So, religions have been invented, because we want to know where we come from, the reasons we are here, and for that reason we would like to have a supreme spiritual being to look after us and guide us, we feel better that way. The second need is that man needs some rules to follow. You see, life is easier if you have rules to follow. This is why mankind has made religions and their rules, which were written per the needs of the times when they were written.  

Anyhow, today human needs are different, so, I have written this religious theory, where there is a unique super God-life-force that can connect all religions together, hoping that the public would accept this religious theory, and then, use it as the new religious way that the world needs, because it can connect all religions together under the same God. To explain this religion, I have also written a new prayer, that while we are praying explains the changes, so, I am going to write my prayer hereunder.


My lord God, I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that would affect my soul. Father guard and protect me from all dangers and the spiritual force of evil, and let me be a very wise man, so that I can write those religious writings in such a way, that they can connect all existing religions together to God spiritual life force, in the hope that all existing religions can become a single religion, that the world can use for the future benefit of mankind. Father hear my prayer, amen.   

Anyhow, I have written my theory and my prayer, and now I am going to write more religious articles, until I find a way how to convince the people, perhaps by writing a compact religious theory that the public can accept, so, I will write about anything that connect with religion.  

Anyhow, recently I have made this observation, for the first time in my life, I have seen the Roman Catholic Pope being treated disrespectful like a politician. Some people stick a photo of the pope on the walls in Rome telling the strange things that are happening in the catholic church. This is never happened before, because this attacks the pope and the pope policies, you see, if anything was advertised from the church before, it was about forthcoming religious events, so, even religions these days are not as they used to be, I wonder how everything will turn up one day.

Now what they are saying is not clear, so, I need to consider it before I can write it down, but I believe that it has something to do with the pedophilias that the pope condemns, somehow these sinners want to be covered up and protected from the church, but this pope wants to expose and condemn those responsible, so, he is not going to help them and cover everything up as it was done in the past. Anyhow, this is one of the religious issues of today, but there is more about the world religions and how their leaders behave these days.


People and religions today. 

Now, those people that observe everything closely, it is obvious to them that people want to be led from their religious leaders in the right direction, because it is the fundamental reason why religions exist, as we know religions exist because we need to believe in God, and led in the right direction from religious leaders. But there are times that this does not happen. In fact, the contrary happens, which throws people off the religions they are believing in.

So, there are a people today that are agnostic, some of them are becoming atheists, because of the many negative things that happen in religious orders. Starting with today paedophilia in the Roman Catholic church, which is disgusting, since their clergy preaches purity and take a vow for celibacy, so, they can serve their religious order all their lives, and they want to be seen more as spiritual being, than human beings of flesh and blood with their human desires. Then during their lives their body needs becomes too strong to control, so, they start practicing paedophilia to satisfy them, which is a lot worse than having normal sex, because this does not involve minors.    

We should admit that religions have misled people in the past, they are continuing to mislead people even today, most times they don’t even know what they are doing, since they may believe that they are doing the right things when they are not, because what they are doing can hurt some people feelings. They should try hard not to hurt anyone. So, it would be advisable that religions follow their normal neutral routine, it is safer for them.

During this time of the year there is not so much to do in the churches, since the most important feast of Christmas is past, after that there is epiphany, followed by the feast of Saint Antony patron of the animals, and then there is Ash Wednesday, after that there is Lent, here again church activities increase, and they will take us through to Palm Sunday and then Easter. So, Cristian religions have still a few things to do during this time, and their followers are happy to follow. Provided they are kept as simple as they are, because when they go too far, they make mistakes, as we are going to describe here-under.      

The most obvious mistakes of religions. 

This is one of my personal views, about the mistakes that religions have made in the past and mistakes that they are still making today. We can say that, the greatest mistake of the Roman Catholic religion has been the inquisition, because it was so horrible, as they would burn people alive, just because religious leaders found these people guilty of not believing in the same way as they did. Those religious leaders that were leading the inquisition were so wrong in their judgment, because they believed that they did a great service to the churches and religions, when they were in fact making the greatest mistake of their lives, if there is a Hell in the other world, they should rot and burn in Hell forever, just the same way that they have burned those people alive.

Anyhow they burned people alive, to satisfy their beliefs that were about this God that in the end may not even exist. Yes, you heard it right, God might not exist at all. And a God that wants some of his believer, to burn alive other people in his name, can never exist. Because, if there is a God, God must be life and has created life, then this God is bound from his own nature to protect all living people, because they are part of himself and his children. I hope you see what I mean.

Now, the inquisition is one of the mistakes that religions have made in the past. Now, let us try to see what mistakes they are making today. It is obvious that the Roman Catholic church has the problem of paedophilia, so, changes need to be made to minimize them, perhaps by letting the priest get married, or something similar. It looks like that pope Francis is letting the clergy know that he is not going to put up with it, so, they better behave. I don’t know exactly what pope Francis can do, but at least he is letting them know that they are doing the wrong things.

Above we have talked about the Roman Catholic church, which is part of Christianity and derives from the Bible, there are other religions that derive directly from the Bible and they may have similar religious problems, which may need to be adjusted, and there is also the Muslim religion that indirectly derives from the Bible, since in the Koran Allah their God speaks and says, I am the same God of the Israelite that helped them cross the Red Sea and many other things like that. So, Allah and Yahweh are the same God under different names, even if the Muslims behave as if Allah is only their God.

What I am going to write next is a short comparison of these existing religions, but at the same time it can clash with the religious beliefs of the Muslims. It is going to clash because, I cannot see how they believe that they can go around killing people in the name of God and they believe that their God Allah will recompense them. For me, my common sense says that it is more likely that they will be punished, in the same way that they inflict pains to the people they kill. It is only fair to believe that they will be punished. Because if Allah is a just God, then, that is what his own nature will lead him to do.

You see, we can only believe that God is right and just, so, if God doesn’t apply his mercy, he must apply justice, which most likely is like the saying, an eye for an eye, or a punishment of equal value.

I hope I have explained myself. See you next time in our article, Looking at religions today

To see more click on this link, Religions and religious leaders

May God bless us all.


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Christian religions and life.

Anyhow, in this article we want to talk about religions, and how we use religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people are friendly and believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. Anyhow, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day the might change again, but religions are going to survive, because we need to believe in a God and religions, as we are saying in this article, Christian religions and life.   

As you can see from this photo of religious logos, there are several religions in the world, anyhow, today we are going to talk about Christian religions and our spiritual beliefs. 

Welcome to our article, Christian religions and life

We believe that religions are for our spiritual needs, and religions are necessary, since they teach us a way of life that helps people live in a friendlier way. We may not agree with some religion, and what some religions teach their believers, because they are far away from our religious beliefs. But you see, most religions have been made up for getting a group of people together under the same religious rules.

Anyhow, today we are writing about our Christian religion and how it helps us in our life. So, let us talk what happens after Christmas in our religion, since our last article we wrote about Christmas and how people use these religious feasts. This year we want to write about religious events, and then try to see how they fit with our religious theory that we have written.

Anyhow, in our last article we have talked about the coming Christmas of 2016, and the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas time happens once a year at the end of the year, and after that people start thinking about the new year. So, with the coming year everything starts again, so, let us look at what happens in the religious world, and how the church explains the progress of this newborn baby Jesus Christ, because in the Christian religions everything evolves around baby Jesus Christ.    

Today what we are telling you, has been told thousands of times and it will continue to be told for a long time to come. Because beliefs and religions must keep these beliefs going, so, the old same story is being told again, because we need to tell the future people about these happenings. We can say that this is the way that humanity passes this information from generation to generation.

Anyhow, we have decided to follow some of the church liturgy during the year, to see what happens during the year in churches and commend on it. We want to follow what pope Francis says, since he is a different pope, I feel that he can change a few things during his reign as pope. You see, he even believes about evolution, which is something that believer would not admit. At the same time, we will have our chance to discuss what he has said and talk about why he is taking that stand. So, let us start with epiphany, since epiphany is what the churches celebrate after Christmas.


Christmas and epiphany. 

All Christian religions, after celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ at Christmas, they start a new liturgical year, with the three wise men reaching Jesus birth place. 

But, the feast of epiphany in Italy for the children is different. You see there was this old lady that brought presents to us children, she was like today Santa Claus, but with a difference, she was an old lady a bit like a witch riding a broom, who brought presents to us kids, she would give good kids good presents, but would give naughty kids ashes and coals, picked up from the chimney where we had hung one of our socks to receive her presents, anyhow I got some good presents, but sometimes got some ashes and coals too, this is how we kids saw epiphany then, but there is also the church version of this feast, so let us talk about it.

In Christianity, the feast of epiphany can be different between different Christian churches, but let us talk about the Roman Catholic church. The religious feast of epiphany in the Roman Catholic church it is about the three wise men reaching their destination to visit baby Jesus. At the service, the priest will tell you that these three wise men (or kings) have come from faraway lands, guided from this bright star that now has stopped above the humble place where baby Jesus is laying in a manger. A lot of local people have come to visit baby Jesus, because of this bright star staying above this place and other signs. Anyhow, the three wise men are there because they knew that baby Jesus is an important person, they have read the scriptures of the old prophets, so, they have followed this star that guided them. Knowing that this newborn is important they have brought presents fit for a king: their names are; Gasper, Balthasar, and Melchior; their presents are, gold, frankincense and myrrh, so, they were fit for a king. And thus, from this poor and humble beginning, now baby Jesus has become important.

It is said that the three Magi on the way to find baby Jesus had gone to ask King Herod for directions; they asked where is the child that has been born king of the Jews? He did not know himself, but he called the chief priest and the scriber of the people to find out, so, they said that the Messiah was to be born, in Bethlehem of Judea. King Herod was interested to know more about this newborn baby, so, he asked the magi to let him know on their way back. But the magi became suspicious and left using another way to avoid King Herod.

Anyhow this is what you will hear preached, if you go to the epiphany church service. So, I think that I have said enough about epiphany. The only thing that I am adding here is that while the magi became suspicious and left for a different way without going back to Herod. Also St. Joseph had a dream and became suspicious of King Herod, so, soon after that they left to go back to Egypt.   


Religious happenings today.

These religious things that we have written above, have happened in the old times, today we think that nothing important is happening right now, because there are not any spiritual signs that we can follow. But I believe that religions and religious beliefs are still playing their part, even when everything seems the same old thing. But then if we look at the following issues, they are not the same.

So, let us follow pope Francis and anything that seems out of the ordinary. I believe that pope Francis today is changing a few things that in the past were not possible to change, he is basing and using religion more in a humanitarian way than a strict religious way. So, he even lets in churches people of different religions, he wants to save lives and hardship to anybody, just about every day at the angelus, when he appears at the window above St Peter Square, he talks about the refugees especially the children that reach Italy by themselves, he is very helpful towards them, he takes risks with all these new comer refugees, even if some of them are dangerous, he does not see this danger, he trusts in God and our Lord Jesus Christ, and hopes for the best outcome.  

We said at the beginning of this article, that religions are a way of life that helps people of religious groups to live in a friendlier way, forming a religious group of people is okay, but just because it is a group it divides itself from other religious groups. But pope Francis does not want to see that, he looks at everybody as an individual and a child of God, so, he believes that everybody for him is equal in his eyes and the eyes of God and treats them equally. What is going to change from his actions we don’t know yet, because they can affect religion in the future. I suppose that we should wait and see what is going to happen.

We would like to know what the aim of his changes could be. So, this question arises. Are his aims only to save lives, and be human towards anyone that comes close to him? Or is he aiming at something more important? Does he really know what he is doing, or he trusts in his faith and God blindly, hoping that everything will turn out okay?

Perhaps one day we will know the answer to these questions. I believe that this pope wishes that there was only one religion. Anyhow, I believe that we have said enough in this article for the time being. So, see you next time, with our article, Religions and religious leaders

To see more click on this link, Christian religions and life

May God bless us all.        


Monday, December 20, 2021

Christmas is coming soon.

Anyhow, in this article we want to talk about Christmas, at the same time we want to say that people use religions to have a common interest. Life feels better when people are friendly and believe in the same things, religions fulfills that role beautifully. As we all know, in the past some religious beliefs have changed, and one day the might change again, but religions are going to survive, because we need to believe in a God and religions.  

This photo shows an imaginary religious nativity scene, with Mary Joseph and other saints attending baby Jesus, there are also some angels above to show the importance of this religious event. Well this is how we have been told this event happened when Jesus was born.   

Welcome to our article,  Christmas is coming soon

Dear readers, in this article we are talking about Christmas, since it is that time of the year when Christmas is celebrated. We want to do this, because we would like to discuss how these Christmas celebrations affects people mostly in a positive way. You see, most people like Christmas and enjoy it, of course it is the children that like Christmas most; because we the people have invented this character of an old man called Father Christmas that gives presents to the children, so, the children are waiting eagerly for father Christmas every year to see what he brings them.

Anyhow, the festivities of Christmas have two sides one is the religious side and the other is the mundane side. We know for a fact that the children love Christmas, because they receive presents; the shop keepers like Christmas, because they can make money selling toys and other thing that we need for Christmas, and most of us grown-up like Christmas as well, because we get together and enjoy good food with our families and friends. So, the invention of this Christmas event, seems to be a good thing for humanity that use Christmas, as an excuse to enjoy themselves.

So, let us see briefly what we do at Christmas. Some of us call this the silly season, because we go shopping spending money on gifts, which may not be necessary to the person that receives them. We do this in shops that sound inviting by playing Christmas carols and telling us happy things. When we turn on the TV, they tell us when the Christmas carols will be broadcast, it is a very joyous time of the year.

Having said that now let us talk about the spiritual and religious side of Christmas, since for Christianity these Christmas celebrations are important; as you know, Christian religious worshippers celebrate the birth of our lord Jesus Christ, and therefore the birth of the Christian religions, since Jesus Christ is the spiritual founder of Christianity, even though this religion was not purposely started from Jesus Christ, it became a religion later.

Anyhow, as we have said, this feast has two sides, the religious side and the mundane side, all this seem to work well for everybody, and therefore, there is no harm done, and that is just great, even though some people have some reservation, like the real reason, why we celebrate Christmas the 25 of December, when very likely Jesus was not born the 25 of December. So, we wonder how Christmas came about to be the way that we celebrate Christmas now. We are sure that Christmas has got to be more than the birth of our lord Jesus Christ, because not only it is a religious happening, it has also these other traditions of presents and the Christmas tree, so, it has got to be more than one event put together. Therefore, let us try to imagine how the present Christmas has come about, including other events that may have influenced to form Christmas as we know it today, so, let us talk about the possible origins of Christmas.


The origin of Christmas. 

There are reasons to believe that the origin of Christmas is an old pagan festival, which people used to celebrate lavishly for a few days of the year, I believe that it was an event that marked something important to them, one of which could be the rebirth of the sun. As we know today in the northern hemisphere the shortest day of the year is the 21 of December; so, it stands to reasons that soon after that our ancestors would celebrate this event, either to influence the sun god to come back, or the rebirth of a new year as the sun would slowly come back to shine for them for another year. You see, there are a lot of signs in old monuments telling us that a long time ago people thought that the sun was a god, and they worshiped the sun; and even if they did not worship the sun, they followed the sun all year around, so, it is reasonable to assume that they wanted a feast to mark the return of the sun, today this feast has become Christmas.

Of course, people have all sorts of ideas, why we have Christmas the 25th of December. Now, here I have something more recent to talk about. For instance, sometimes at my home, some Jehovah witness come to visit us, and we talk about religion, because that is what they do when they visit you. Anyhow, they are telling me that according to the Bible and their religious study, Jesus Christ was born in October and not in December, they might be right there, because I would come to the same conclusion if I base my enquiries on the Bible only. Anyhow, today it does not matter how Christmas come about, since everybody like it and has good time.

Now, let us talk about the religious Christmas and what happens in the Christian churches, since this is the issue that we want to talk about in these articles, because at the end of it, we want to compare todays’ religions and how they affect humanity. Anyhow, Christmas time is a busy time for the Catholic and other Christian churches. So, let us discuss what they do and how it affects humanity, which we believe it affects us in a positive way.


What the Christian believers do at Christmas. 

We believe that religions play a positive part in our lives, but today, we are talking about Christianity only, since we don’t know if other religions have something like Christmas to celebrate and bring people together, and while they are doing it they can enjoy themselves as well. We guess that other religions have their own ways, how to get their believers together, because one of the most important things for religions is to bring people together, so that they form a friendship that makes them stay together; you see, staying together is what makes a religion strong.

Anyhow, the Christian religions have a few things going on at Christmas, which brings people together and makes them happy, at least this is one of the aims of the religious leaders and most times it works. Anyhow, at the Christmas service, the priests start telling the people that God has been good to us and has send us a savior, this savior is our lord Jesus Christ and we will celebrate his nativity the 25th day of December, as Christmas. So, we should be happy just because we would be saved, but to be saved we should be good in the eyes of God, to be good in the eyes of God, we must start by respecting and following what the church leaders say, like priests and all other clergy above them, they also help us understand how all this came about.

At Christmas time, most churches have a nativity scene showing little baby Jesus in a manger and many other characters, so, people usually go to see how it has been put together. There are some people that make their own Nativity in their houses, it is a bit of competition there, even though they don’t say it. You see, when I was a teenager six decades ago, religious people were visiting the churches to see which church had done the best nativity scene.

In Australia and America, they seem to think more about Father Christmas than the religious side of Christmas, but even this is a happy event that gives joy to the people anyhow, they also use these Christmas carols to remind us that it is Christmas time, as we have said above. So, we can say Christmas is a very useful institution that humanity has come up with, and we believe that it is here to stay for a long time.

Now, let us conclude this article. Here we would like to say that Christmas is a very useful and joyous institution in the western world. So, we would like to invite the rest of the world to follow this example, where religions and living a happy life go hand in hand. Where religions have a god that is not so demanding as God Yahweh was in the Old Testaments, where God is love and not a tyrant, and God is merciful and understands humanity, like our lord Jesus Christ does. This is the reason why we celebrate Christmas.

That is all I can say. See you next time, in our article Christian religions and life

To see more click on this link,  Christmas is coming soon

May God bless us all.  


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Pope Francis Befriends Muslims.

Anyhow, in this article we want to review our religious article, because our religious views continue to change. You see, what is happening is a process of the accumulated knowledge that takes place in our brain while we are learning more things. So, we are going to write our future religious articles according to our modified views. Anyhow, pope Francis is, moving faster then us, because see what he is doing, ne meets with other religious leaders.  

I believe that pope Francis thinks in a modern way, some of us may think that he is ahead of the present time, because he sees the need to end religious isolation, for this reason he goes out and tries to connect to other religions, by meeting with other religious leaders, we hope and pray that his move works out in a positive way. 

 Pope Francis Befriends Muslims

Welcome to our article, Pope Francis Befriends Muslims. 

In these times of unrest, Pope Francis tries to do what is best, he goes out of his way to befriend the Muslims, this pope is like Jesus he wants to persuade people through love. But will this gesture of goodwill be appreciated from the Muslims, we hope they do, but we don’t know; there are too many differences between Christianity and the Muslim religion.

Even when we believe that they believe in the same God, but this God is called with a different name: the Christians call their God “Yahweh” while the Muslims call their God “Allah”. They are talking about the same God, because in the Koran God speak and says that he is the God of Abraham, and the God that helped the Israelites cross the Red Sea. But even if these two religions believe in the same God; is this going to be enough to persuade the Muslims to merge with Christianity? Because this is what pope Francis wants to happen.

Anyhow, I am writing this article today, after I have found this other article about pope Francis on the internet. So, I am going to use part of what I have found in between my own views about what I believe could happen. I believe that pope Francis is a risk taker, because what he is trying to do is risky. Now let me quote what I have found on the Internet.

Quote 1  

Pope Francis recently signed a pact with Muslims in a possible push toward a one-world religion and declared that diversity of religions is God’s will. But wait. Doesn’t the Bible warn Christians about unifying with those who worship other gods and have contradictory beliefs? (End of quote)

Then this guy goes on telling us this;

Quote 2

God sent His Son to save sinners, but Allah had no son. Isn’t this a problem with anyone else? There are many glaring, stark contrasts between the founders of Christianity (Jesus) and Islam (Muhammad) as well as the doctrines themselves. Jesus taught love and forgiveness, and He also instructed His disciples to “pray for those who persecute you. (Matthew 5:44).” Jesus was a sinless, spiritual leader who laid down His life to save mankind, said “Father, forgive them” to those that crucified Him’ Jesus never killed anyone. (End of quote)

There is a lot more said, but I am not writing all of it;

Quote 3, The pope, and the grand imam of al-Azhar signed what was referred to as “a historic declaration of fraternity, calling for peace between nations, religions and races, in front of a global audience of religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other faiths.”

We know that powerful, world elites are pushing uniformity and a one world religion, but it’s still stunning to see top world leaders from Catholicism and Islam make such a dramatic display.

(End of my quotes)

Anyhow, this article goes on to say that the Roman Pope Francis and the grand imam of Egypt’s Al-Azhar, have signed a one world religion agreement titled

 “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together.”

Now, what I found that is missing in this article that we are talking about, is that it does not mention that that there are mainly two types of Muslims, the Sunnis and the Shias.  


Here pope Francis is shaking hand with the grand imam of al-Azhar, perhaps they want to start a 
new way of fraternity between the religions of all nations.

My views about these religious issues.   

Now what I have written above is only a small part of what I found, so, it goes on saying that it is very unlikely that these two religions can merge, because of the great difference between the teaching of Jesus Christ and Muhammad, but nevertheless it is a beginning; this beginning is telling us that even the religious leader are becoming aware that religious changes are needed. So, it is only a matter of time before it happens.  

My views about these religious changes above, are very unlikely to happen, but changes are required, if humanity wants to use religions to guide the people, as we have done in the past. But we believe that it is more likely that people accept a new religious order, which will see the people all at the same level, guided from a Super God that sits above all existing Gods, than merging the existing religions.

What we are saying here is not new, because religions have come and gone before, so, it is only a matter of time before a new religion is formed. We have suggested in our religious articles, this God that represent all existing life on earth, including the existing spiritual life, in the spiritual dimension. I know that what we have said there is not easy to accept, because we want a God that looks after us and nobody else; but the world can be better off if we accept a God for everybody. These are my views for time being, and my views can be modified, when important religious things happen.

Anyhow, Pope Francis has signed this agreement with the Egyptian’s imam Al-Azhar, which is the leader of the largest group of Muslim, but I want to point out that the Shias Muslims, are those Muslims that seem to fight more often everywhere they go. So, I hope that this agreement helps to bring these two religions together, and in the long run, bring some peace in the world, but I have my doubts.

Anyhow, I believe that befriending the Muslims, is a good idea, if it works out the way the pope wants it to work; but if it doesn’t work at least he has tried. I believe that pope Francis wants to end religious rivalry, which is a good thing if that happens. So, now we must wait and see, if he continues to befriend other religions, and if he is successful; if the pope is successful, then a new religious system could begin.

I think I have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next article, where we will go back to talk about the present religious system, and what we do at Christmas. 

To see more click on this link,  Pope Francis Befriends Muslims

May God bless us all.  


Sunday, October 31, 2021

Religious function today.

Anyhow, in this article we want to review our religious article, because our religious views continue to change. You see, what is happening is a process of the accumulated knowledge that takes place in our brain while we are learning more things. So, we are going to write our future religious articles according to our modified views. 

Today even religious things are changing, here above Pope Francis mixes with the crowds and he like to tell them what to do, he is a modern pope, he is not like the popes of fifty years ago, when Christians were forbidden even to talk to other religious people, because pope Francis tells you to pray for them. 

Now, this photo here is interesting, because it shows us what pope Francis can see, when he addresses the crowd at the angelus. Most times we only see the pope far away at the window talking to the crowd.  

Welcome to our article, Religious function today. 

As we have said, we are interested in religious issues, so we want to see what religions do for us and we want to continue to write religious articles. So, let us try to follow what is happening these days in the religious field. Then, we can compare them with our own religious views. Since we want to understand these religious happenings, and compare them with what we know, and our religious theory of, Reconciliation of the universe.

Perhaps to understand what is going on, we should start to follow religions at the highest point possible, so, let us follow the pope and what pope Francis does, since pope Francis is the most important person, in the western religious world. You see, we want to see and make up our minds if religions are helping us in our lives; so, let us describe what is happening these days. 

Anyhow, pope Francis, on the 11th of December 2016- During the Angelus made a special appeal for prayers for the people of Aleppo and Syria, and for all those other people affected by this war, which has gone on for years, with disastrous consequence and many innocent people have died. We outsiders find hard to understand, if this war is a war between the rebels and the Syrian government, because they don’t like Bashar al-Assad regime. Or there are other things that we don’t know, like the rebels that include religions, therefore, they are religious rebels, who wage war because they want their religious ways imposed on other people.

Let me explain, in the news that we read or listen to, we hear that there are wars going on in the Middle East, sometimes they talk about, the Syrian government with the army waging war to some rebels, but they don’t explain whether these rebels are rebels against the regime only, or they are religious as well. Because at the same time there are these ISIS rebels that kill people left right and center, and they are religious fanatics, since they kill in the name of their God Allah, so, they are religious people, even if they seem to us just plain killers that should have no place in our modern society.  

Anyhow, let us go back to talk about the roles that religions play today, in these cases, we are with pope Francis, who asks the Christian followers to pray God for the people of Aleppo and Syria. In my views this is the best we can do and hope that God hears our prayers and influences the right people to do something about it.

Now let us see what else pope Francis does.


What else can we learn from the pope.   

I believe that if we want to compare religions, we need to pay attention to what is happening today, we should look at religious leaders, so, we can learn more about them. Having said that, what else can we learn from pope Francis by following him, and see, what he is doing.   

Saturday December 10- 2016, pope Francis spoke to young would be priests of the future, telling them about the problems that they can face in the future as priests, and telling them what he aspects from them, when they are religious ministers. To do that, pope Francis was talking about the three-fold ministry of the priest, which are, welcoming everybody, forming good relationship with God by following the religious rules, and they should avoid selfishness and think about themselves too much. So, in other words, one can say that pope Francis was warning them to be good priests.

Because, if they do that, then, they should have a high approval rate from everybody. So, we can say that the pope is doing well, even when some of us try to run him down by criticizing him. Anyhow, I start to believe that this pope, who has made changes from the previous popes, since he does not follow strictly what the former popes did, may be the pope that this world needs today.

Now, what else does pope Francis teaches us today? He said, as Christmas approaches, the Nativity scenes found in churches and homes around the world bid us to make room for Jesus both in our lives and in society. This is what pope Francis said shortly before the lighting of the Christmas tree in St. Peter’s Square.

Here again the pope does all those things that make life more acceptable for everybody, so, we can conclude that this pope and Christianity work well together. Therefore, when we look at these examples, we can say that the Roman Catholic religions could be one of the best religions in the world. We know that it is not perfect, because of the criticism that we get from the atheists and other learned people. But that is another story that needs to be talked about, because today we want only to compare a few things that we have found and written here.  


Now let us try to compare religions

In this article, we want to compare what religious functions do for us. So, let us try to compare what we have written in this article, so that we can see whether religion is good or bad for humanity.

We have talked about pope Francis, where he has asked his followers to pray for Aleppo and Syria and the people that are affected from this war, we believe that it is a good call with noble intention, whether God hears our prayers and helps humanity solve this problem is hard to say;  anyhow, the pope is showing us the way, how it should be done, when the pope does these things, to me it means that the pope wants to end the division between religions.

This pope Francis is not like any other popes, but I believe that he seems to understand a few things that most people ignore completely. Personally, I believe that he is doing an excellent job and guiding humanity in a global and merciful way. We need to ask ourselves, which other religious leaders pray for people that could be their enemies, since in Syria and the Middle East religious fanatics kill the Christians because they don’t belong to their religion.

Now let me take another look at what we have written, we can only say that the pope has done well, owing to the facts, that he has been merciful and followed the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, just like the Roman Catholic and other Cristian religions would.

This same thing cannot be said about the Muslim religions, since they go around killing in the name of their God Allah. We of the western world and religions can only ask ourselves, what sort of God is this God that let his people kill in his name. There must be something wrong here, because we cannot comprehend how this is possible, but it happens anyhow.

Today we should ask ourselves this question here, while these terrible things are happening using God’s name. We need to do that because, the world populations today are moving around. So, the world will be different in a few years, this people movement has a name and it is called globalization. Now, we believe that for the world to reach consensus on globalization, it is impossible unless the world religions change, and a new religion is born from all existing religions. This could be only possible if a new religion is designed in such a way, that it can link all existing religions together, with God of the universe at its head. So, what pope Francis is doing is like he wants to bring all religions together, which can be similar to what we want to suggest in our religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe. 

Now in next article, I am going out of my way, because in next article, I am going to talk about what pope Francis is doing to achieve what seems impossible to achieve today, Because Pope Francis Befriends the Muslims. Then we will go back to talk to continue what we were doing.  

To see more klick on this link, Religious function today

May God bless us all.  
