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Other web sites to look for: http://menfranco-re.blogspot.com

Saturday, July 17, 2021

In my religious opinion.

In this blog, we are going to talk about, In my religious opinion

Dear readers, there are several religious books in the world, and there are many religions. Anyhow, today we could say that the most important religious book is the Bible. The Bible has been written from the Jews, it was their religious and history book as well. In my opinion, when we read these religious books, we can learn lot of things, then we can add our own experience and form our opinion. For what I know, from the Bible many other religions were born, mainly most of the Christian religion, but also the Muslim religion derives from the bible, even if what we hear about the Muslims seem different from our religious beliefs. 

Welcome to our article, In my religious opinion

May God guide and help me write this religious article, the right way.

Dear readers, in this article, we are attempting to explain our religious beliefs in another way, in the hope that it is easier to understand, how we have formed our religious beliefs, and how we see religions today.

We are calling this article “In my religious opinion”, because this article, of our religious beliefs are based mainly on my life experience, so, this article is about all those things that I have observed during my life, that have changed my opinion. Anyhow, let me explain, you see, every one of us, sees and understand things in our own ways, and from the way we understand those things, we form our own opinions. Anyhow, we want to share these opinions, because we believe that they are important enough to be shared, since everybody believes in religion one way or another.

So, I want to share what I have learned from life, above all those things that have given me the opportunity to change my opinion. So, I would like to tell you how I formed my opinions, which could be interesting to read. Anyhow, in this article I am telling you only a few selected things that in my opinion are important enough to be told. Now, because this article is going to be published as being part of my religious writings. Anyhow, I must tell you how I have reached my religious opinions. So, let us start by telling you what I have written and why.

You see, I have written many religious’ articles in Hub Pages; I have written them according to my religious opinion.  I have been able to write these religious articles, because I have discussed them with my friends, while we were reading religious books that we happen to have, or, from what we can find on the internet. Books like the Bible, Catholic Online, Book of Mormon, The Koran -- Simple Search, The Laws of Manu, and any other religious articles that we have found. So, today I have formed my opinion about religions, which I want to share with the public.

Anyhow, to write these religious articles is not easy; because, whoever wants to write them has got to have some deep religious beliefs, one should feel a sort of mystic within oneself, and above all, has got to believe that he is doing the right thing even if it is hard to do. In other words, one must feel that is doing his duty, as a religious believer and a good citizen, like what I have written in my site, http://frankmenchise.com, the duty of any human being.

So, let me start talking about these religious issues that I have in mind, I will try to be brief, but I can see that I need to write a few articles to cover these religious issues that I have in mind.  

Now, I want to inform you, that all my religious beliefs are based on spirituality; however, for me God exists, and all other spiritual entities exist as well. Therefore, do not get me wrong, when you see me talking like an atheist, because, sometimes we need to do that to make our point of view, which might not be in line with many religious beliefs.


Talking about religions. 

In my opinion when we talk about religions we need to talk about the need that we have for religions. Now, to prove that we need religions, it is enough to read history books, or look at ancient monuments to see what ancient people believed: like the Egyptian pyramids, we can find some religious explanation in the Egyptian Book of the Dead - The Nazarene Way, or the Greek and Roman’s gods and goddesses statues that are still around today. These old monuments that exist today, is the proof that most civilizations have believed in gods and supernatural forces.

So, a long time ago, people believed in their Gods and spiritual beings. Because of these widespread beliefs, we must assume that we have this need within us that makes us want to have a spiritual life, so, we can live forever, and we want a God to guide us, therefore, religions are born from this need that we have. 

I believe that religions have been used to explain what is hard to explain, but, sometimes they were right and sometimes wrong. Anyhow, all religions have been used to explain the existence of life and spirituality. We can say that religions have been used, to explain how life and everything else has begun. 

Apart from religions explaining how everything began, and the creation of life, religions have been used to control people, because religions are a set of rules that the followers must use. Therefore, religions are useful to humanity, when they are made and used the right way. In the past, there have been many religions, some of those religions were good for humanity, so, the best of them are still in existence today. 

There have been religions that were strange, but they were not bad and therefore useful for humanity, during the time that they existed. But there have been religions, so horrendous that today we would through their religious leaders in jail, lock them up and throw away the keys; here I am talking about those religions that used human sacrifice. 

Now, I have talked about the religions that exist and have existed in the world, because I want to point out that man needs religions, and for this reason, man has invented religions. So, all existing religions have been created by man, and all religions can be changed by man, if there is a need to change them, this is my opinion about religions. 

But even though religions have been created by man. We believe that the spiritual side of religions exists. Therefore, it would be unwise to say, that God does not exist.

You see, some spiritual things must have happened to people in the past, which was close to the ways that religions explain their beliefs, at the beginning of their religious books and beliefs. Today we can question what could have happened and why, and ask if it was just our human imagination, that has invented God; but the fact remains that, Man needs God, and we have to admit that we do. But then, what sort of God does humanity need. we may wonder, because we need a God for all humanity and not a group of people. 


Talking about God.  

Now that we have explained that in our own opinion we need God, and religions have been created by man, because “man needs God” and religions. Therefore, the gods that we believe in, have been described by man, even though there might have been spiritual happenings, or somebody had a vision or a dream, that prompted them to tell other people whatever they saw or dreamed about. The fact remains, that we can say that man has described God, and religions according to mankind needs. 

One of the most known facts that we can talk about here, it is about Moses on Mount Sinai, the vision that Moses had on Mount Sinai, led to the beginning of the Bible and the Hebrew religion. The Hebrews needed a leader, a God and a religion that could deliver them from the Egyptian slavery, and this is exactly what happened. Here I want to point out that even though I believe that God exists, the rest of the religion that followed, Moses vision, was written to fix the need that the Hebrew people had at that time.

Now, because different groups of people had different needs, they invented or created their own gods and religions according to their needs. So, today there are many gods and religions in the world. As we know, the religions that exist today are different to each other. This difference can be explained in certain ways, God is different at different times, because people have different needs. 

Anyhow, we believe that today religious needs are different from the past, because we are becoming a more equal society with equal needs. This is happening because today people move more easily from one place to another, so, isolation is not the trend anymore. Now, because of these people movement, people need a religion that is flexible enough, and that allows enough room for other religions to be compatible with. But the old rigid religions are not flexible enough. 

So, in my opinion, today we need a super God that is compatible with all existing religions, and that is able to deliver an idealistic religion, which can connect to existing religions, because that is what we need from God and religions these days. You see, in the past religious leaders have described their gods and religions, according to the needs that they had, which was isolation from other religious groups. But today isolation cannot be achieved anymore, since people move willingly and freely from one place to another, therefore, in my opinion, we need to describe God and religions according to what we need today. This can be a super God that can connect all existing religions together.

I believe that we have said enough in this article. So, see you in our next article, where we are going to explain and compare how we see the existing religions of today, and start imagining how they can fit in our religious theory of the future, which we believe can be achieved, if we have a super God above all other Gods. 

To see more click on this link, In my religious opinion

See you, in our next article, in my mystic religious opinion.  

May God bless us all.  


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Man needs and God.


In this blog, we are going to talk about our human needs for God and religions. 

Most of us want to see God like a human being that can do anything he wants, because that is the God that we need. But we must admit that this God may not exist. So, some people see God in a spiritual way, most likely a force energy that can help us, if we connect to God by thinking positive. So, let us talk about this God and our needs.  

Welcome to our article, Man needs and God

Dear readers, this article is the continuation of our previous articles, where we have explained in our own way, why humanity need to modify religions, so that, they can work better in the future.

Anyhow, we have been studying and writing religious issues; we have done that by observing religious things, we have concluded, that man needs God and religions to function better during his life; Now we need to learn and discuss other things as well.

So, we are looking at what we have achieved so far; here we have to say that we have had a limited success, since only some of our religious articles seem popular enough to be called a success. I believe that for people to change their point of view about religious beliefs is not easy. So, starting form today, I am writing this article man needs and God, but we are writing it in line with the existing religions. 

I know and you know, that these religious issues have been there for thousands of years, and what we are saying now has been said before, from our previous generations; but our previous generations were talking about those religious issues that were present at that time; today a lot of things have changed, so, we have different issues to discuss and solve. I believe that everyone of us, has the duty to put forward his/her own religious beliefs, on how today religious issues can be solved.

We know that today the entire world has problems, one of the main problems comes from religious extremist, because their religion was set in such a way that is hard to change anything, even knowing that the need of the people has changed, these old religions will not allow any changes; because they believe that their religious books is the word of God, or God inspired, so, they cannot be changed.  

But we believe that religions, religious rules and the existence of God, has been invented by man. You see, they came about because man needs God and religions, that is the reason why, there are several religions in the world today; but today the world can be served better, if there is only a single religion.

We have tried to describe how religions can be liked together, in our previous articles, but not many people have expressed their opinion on our theory. However, there are a few people that put forward their own theory, about the existence or the non-existence of God. Some people go as far as saying that God may not exist, so, it was Mother Nature that made it happen the way it is now. 

So, here under I am going to quote from Nature dunnit!!!!, what this Hub Pages Writer A. Villarasa has posted a couple of weeks ago. A Villarasa posted and compared several issues in his article, which are interesting to me, since I am writing about God and religions, and this gives me an opportunity to have my say, so, we are going to quote these issues and at the same time, we will comment in between and express our view about what is being said.


Talks about nature and God

Nature dunnit!!! 

In this sub-article that we could call Nature and God, we are going to compare what this hub writer A. Villarara wrote and how they compare to our own beliefs. So, let us start with the first quote:

(Nature dunnit!!! Quote one.) The pantheists among us believe that Nature and “God” are the same thing, thus the natural world that we are now discerning and discovering was created by Nature itself…a self-creating entity so to speak. This contention is supported by naturalists who believe that “ONLY natural (as opposed to supernatural or spiritual) laws and forces operate in the world…., and further, that natural laws are the rules that governs the structure and the behaviour of the natural universe, and that the changing universe is at every stage a product of these laws.”  (End of quote one)

(Our say;) To believe about what the pantheists believe in; in our views is helpful, because they do not eliminate God completely, but at the same time they view their God having a less important role than the theists do. So, in a way their views of God, in our own beliefs and understanding comes closer to us than how the existing religions want us to believe in. You see, we believe that man needs God, since has been so, from the very beginning.


(Nature dunnit!!! Quote two.) Theists on the other hand challenge the idea that nature contains all of reality; they view natural laws not as the primary cause of creation, but rather the laws promulgated by a Primary creative/intelligent source, (totally unrelated to nature., thus supernatural) to govern what the primary source has created, i.e. Nature. (End of quote two)

(Our say;) The theist are those people that believe in the religious beliefs that exist today; therefore, they believe anything that is written in the Bible, if they are from the Christian religion, or any other religious book according to what they believe.

Our own view here is that we are moderate theists, so, we want to suggest that God may have been the primary cause of creation, but not to the extent that is written in the Bible. We believe that God is life and the positive life force energy that exists in the universe, and that God could have started life on earth with his life energies, and then let mother Nature do the rest. If we believe that both God and Mother Nature worked together, then it is easier to link everything together. Because, as we have said above, man needs God, because it has been so from the very beginning of time.


(Nature dunnit!!! Quote three;) The empiricists among us have dutifully/ serenely forwarded the concept of the Big Bang as the initial event that led to the formation of all that is material and physical in the universe… thus confirming the idea that the universe had a beginning and would therefore likely have an end. If the universe had a beginning, and Nature and its laws created and subsequently formed the universe we now see, could we then say that Nature was there even before the Big Bang. If so, in what form could Nature have been, before it started to create the universe? (End of quote three)

(Our say;) In our religious quest, we are only trying to answer the question about the existence of God and why man needs God, by looking at what information is available around us. Therefore, we cannot answer the question about the Big Bang; but I want to point out from what I understand, the Big Bang that created the solar system and our galaxy does not need to be the original Big Bang that started everything; because it could be that in the universe there have been several Big Bang that have involved only part of the universe.


(Nature dunnit!!! Quote four;) One very imaginative Hubber, suggested forcefully that in his conceptualization, Nature was a self-contained form of ENERGY, that during its expansion accumulated enough mass that then led to the production of all material things in the universe. Thus no need for a GOD.

If Nature did it all by its lonesome self, why would it create sentient life (that’s you and me) when by its very ontological composition, nature is NOT sentient? (End of quote four)

(Our say;) This very imaginative Hubber has his own views of how everything came about, at the very beginning of time. Perhaps some of his theory might be correct, one can never know; but does it help us to solve the question about the existence of God, or the need why humanity needs God? I do not think so. But it is an interesting way to keep in mind, when we want to talk about what other people think about God and the universe.


(Nature Dunnit!!!, Quote five;) Alfred Russel Walace, an avid evolutionist (and together with Charls Darwin, co-elucidator of natural selection as it relates to the evolutionary process) diverges from the path of total materialism and naturalism, when he concluded that natural selection alone was insufficient to account for a set of uniquely human characteristic, the most obvious of which is the size and complexity of the human brain. Subsequently he proposed that some other entity had to be involved, in order to explain the existence of a brain, that could support the intellectual activities of humans in all cultures, time frames, environments, and predicaments.

That other entity he proposed was a supernatural one. (End of quote five)

(Our say;) Alfred Russel Wallace might be right that there need to be a supernatural entity that make life possible the way it is. We agree with his views and believe that Mother Nature and God have worked together, since the very beginning of time and the result of which is here today; there is life on earth including us human that would like to know everything around us, we are very inquisitive you know.

Anyhow, here above we have talked about many things, some of which are about the existence or the non-existence of God, we believe that God exists, and one of the reasons why God exists, it is because we need God to exist.     


We need God to exist

We believe that we need God to exist, because we like to have God as our spiritual father, it makes us feel better. Anyhow, we have discussed this issue and other spiritual and religious issues, that can help humanity in the future, if humanity accepts them. But because it is a new way of seeing religious issues, people are cautious to accept them.  

One of the most interesting things that we have found, while we were studying and writing religious issues, is that we need a God to help us exist, so, we can feel that we have a meaningful life. So, we need to write religious issues, in a way that most people believe in already, since we want to discuss our own spiritual life in a modern way, which would be able to links our new religious beliefs to the old beliefs.

You see, religious beliefs are hard to understand. Some people believe in prayers and in the law of attraction; so, they are willing to believe that: whatever you pray to God and ask for, you shell receive. Well something like that has even been said from Our Lord Jesus Christ. But I believe that Our Lord meant spiritual things and not material things.

Talking about Our Lord Jesus Christ, he also said these following phrases:

“The Father and me are one”

“Of myself I can do nothing”

“It’s the Father within that does the work”

Does this mean that we carry within us this spiritual force that will help us do the right thing, because he also says;

“The kingdom of god is within”

“It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.”

As I have said it is difficult to understand some religious issues. But it always comes down that we feel better if we have a God and religious rules to follow, life seems easier that way.

So, we need God to exist. Because we like to believe in God. So, from now on, when we write religious articles, we are going to write them, in such a way that they are linked with the old way of beliefs and the new way as well. So that, it can help to link them together.

I believe that I have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next article, in my religious opinion. 

To see more click on this link, Man needs and God

May God bless us all.        


Sunday, June 6, 2021

Imagining God spiritual dimension.

In this blog, we are going to talk about how we believe God is like in the spiritual world, the way we have been told to believe. We will discuss about the spiritual dimension, and then describe how we believe the spiritual world can be like. 

In this case we should say, let our imagination run wild, so that we can describe God the way we like, or how we believe God should be, to help humanity solve their problems. Because God is what God is, or what we believe God is like. See what Baruch Spinoza said. 

So, if I understand it right, this means that God is everything and in everything, but let us continue to write what we believe ourselves.  

Welcome to our article, God spiritual dimension

Dear readers, in this article we are going to use our imagination, and talk about how we believe, God spiritual dimension can be, to complete our set-up of the spiritual energies of the universe.

We know that the descriptions in this article, are not like the normal religious beliefs. But you see, we are writing this imaginary spiritual belief, which has the potential to overcome the religious problems that exist today. We know that our views are different from the past, but they are our views of how religions should be, to help humanity in the future.

Anyhow, we are going to talk about the positive energies of the universe, that represent all existing Gods that the people believe in. We know that people would like to see God like a person, but I cannot imagine and describe that, I can only imagine God, how God can be in the spiritual dimension of the universe.  

To describe God of the future the easy way, we must assume that God is everything and is everywhere, therefore, God is part of everything that exists in the universe, but to make it clear, we need to break it down in such a way to see how the spiritual dimension works.

So, let us talk about how God of the universe fits within the life-force’s energies of the universe, and how all these spiritual entities work together under the guidance of God.

In order to do that we must assume, that all the spiritual entities that we the people of this world believe in exist; but some of them can be different from the main beliefs, since every one of us may see them in a different way; however, they all belong to the spiritual life-force energies of the universe, where God of the universe is at the center of it, and guides everything according to his benevolent will, since all life energies pass through God spiritual life-force, and God distributes them in such a way that life can go on forever.

Now, we need to explain this issue. In my imagination, I can see that this can only exist, if there is a continuous flow of spiritual life energies, and that God is the driving engine of the entire spiritual forces of the universe. So, starting from God, these spiritual energies move away from God and go around in the universe, but soon or later they return to God, and thus, they form a never-ending cycle of spiritual life energies.

Now, we need to describe the several ways how these spiritual life energies can return to God central life force, to form a never-ending cycle of spiritual life energies of the universe. So, let us talk about the spiritual life cycle.


Imaginary spiritual life cycle.  

Now, let us describe how this spiritual life cycle can work, here we need to assume that in a way, all the spiritual life energies go around in a circle. So, let start from the central life energy of God, since God is the most important spiritual energy in the universe, and it can give life to every living thing; so, in a way we can say that God is life. Anyhow, this God life force by necessity needs to be divided in smaller spiritual beings, for life to exist, because life as we know it, is a small part of these life energy. Anyhow, from this central spiritual energy, all gods and spiritual beings are born, so, around this central life energy most of the important gods that people believe in exist, after these gods there are angels and archangels, and as we move away from the center the spiritual entities become small and less important.

Some of these life energies are needed to form life as we know it. Now let us talk about ourselves; you see, we the people of this world would like to be immortal, for this reason, we need a soul that is immortal, and we have a soul that is immortal, so we can live forever. This spiritual setup can work well both ways and can exist. You see, we know that we exist, and we know that spiritual beings exist; now we need to work out how they work together.  

So, let us assume that we indeed have a soul, so, when we die, we believe that we go back from where we came from. Now, there are a lot of people in this world and when we die our souls go back to the spiritual side, so, there must be a flow of these spiritual energies, and they are not all going to the same place or direction.

We believe that when we go back to God spiritual force, we go in different ways and in different places, which would be hard even to mention a few, since we want to write a short version of these spiritual life forces; we are only going to write about, those souls that happen to make the shortest journey, and those unfortunate souls that must make the longest journey, before they return to the central life force of God of the universe.


Our souls’ long journey.   

As we have said, we are going to describe only the shortest and the longest journey of our souls. 

So, from God central life force all spiritual forces begin, also our souls start from God spiritual force. Now, a simple soul journey starts from God, it goes through the major spiritual forces that we call gods as well, then it will go through the spiritual sit of government, move down through the angels’ circle and other circles, until it reaches the earth circle; where it will be born as a new human being. This human being lives on earth for many years and when it dies it return to the spiritual world, in the spiritual world it will take a place that the angels of God assign to it. Because there are positive souls and negative souls. The positive souls make the shortest journey, and can stay in the positive side, but the negative souls must make a different journey.  

Now, to make it easy and brief, we need to assume that the soul we are following, is a soul that has become negative, and therefore, it cannot stop near the life force of God of the universe the same way it has come, but it must continue to travel the full circle away from God, and then return to God in a different form of what is left of its positive energy, that is why this is the longest journey that a soul can take. But in the end, it will not be a soul anymore, because it will become small particles of life energies floating in the universe. 

So, this negative soul, in our imaginary journey has to go through all the negative circles, and past the boundary of no return, then fall jump or be thrown in the abyss, where it will disintegrate; so, this soul is dead now, except for those energies that are left from it.

This soul that is dead and has disintegrated has become now, the smallest existing spiritual energy that floats in the universe, these very small energies float around the universe and if they come close enough to the life force of God of the universe, God magnetic force will pull them in, and so, they can be recycled. This is one of the ways that the life energies of the universe can be recycled. Since we believe that the life forces energies of the universe form a never-ending cycle, it needs to be so, for life and spirituality to go on forever.

I hope I have explained myself enough to make sense to our readers; since this will form a complete cycle. Now, this new way of religious beliefs could be used in the future. 

To see more click on this link, God spiritual dimension

This is all folks, see you next time, where we are writing man needs and God.

 May God bless us all.   


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

God and our spiritual beliefs.

In this blog, we are going to talk about how we believe God is like in the spiritual world, the way we have been told to believe. We will discuss about the spiritual dimension, and then describe how we believe the spiritual world can be like.  

This photo could be our imaginary spiritual heaven, it is the way that we have been told to believe. But today some of us may have a modern view of the spiritual world. 

Our spiritual beliefs. 

Welcome to our article,  God and spiritual beliefs 

Dear readers, this is the continuation of our article, God exists for everybody; we are continuing with our spiritual beliefs, because we want to tell the atheists and the terrorist that they are wrong. We want also to explain our modified religious beliefs.  

Well, I have to say that, it is not just our religious beliefs that we want to explain here, because people do not care about what other people believe in; but, because we believe that our modified religious beliefs, can solve some religious problems that involve all humanity. We believe that it is helpful if people take notice of what we are writing, because it can help humanity, if it is applied the right way in the future. 

You see, we believe that people need religions, but religions need to be modified, to fall in line with today way of life. Now, even though we believe in most religious spiritual things, those beliefs are not stopping us from believing that, it is necessary to modify religions, in such a way that religions can become a single religion in the future. You see, we imagine that they can be connected to a super God of the universe, which represents all spiritual being in the universe, therefore, it is the life force energies of the entire universe.

Now, we are looking for a way that can unify existing religions, because we believe that humanity needs God and religions. You see, as far as we know, humanity has always had the need to believe in spirituality and God, all known civilizations have had their god, goddesses and spiritual entities, as we know from our human history. Therefore, we may say that it is the way our human brain works, because we need God and religions. You see, even the great neurologist and psychiatrist Sigmund Freud said that we need God. However here is one of his general beliefs about God and religions: (Sigmund Freud's views on religion, Freud regarded God as an illusion, based on the infantile need for a powerful father figure; religion, necessary to help us restrain violent impulses earlier in the development of civilization, can now be set aside in favor of reason and science.) But we believe that even a great man may sometime miss some descriptions, since somewhere else he says that Man needs God, and it would have been great, if a benevolent God existed the way we human want God to be.

We need a God and religion that we believe can help us, we need a set of rules to follow, which religions provide and other explanation as well. For instance, we start thinking that there is something out there that we cannot see, but it exists in the form of spirits, angels, or demons, why we believe this it is hard to say, but this is the way that our brains work. We also want to believe that our souls are immortal, it is a good feeling to think that we can be immortal, so, for us it is better, if the spiritual world exists.

Therefore, let us talk about God and the spiritual dimension that we believe exist, and let us look at how these spiritual beliefs have come about, because they are beliefs, and they may or may not exist; since there is no real proof of their existence, except that there is a widespread belief of their existence. Now, because of this widespread belief, we may have to accept that the spiritual dimension exists. Once we have accepted that, we need to describe it in such a way, that all existing religions can be linked together in the spiritual dimension. So, let us discuss about it.

Discussions about the spiritual dimension.    

As we have said, we may have to accept that the spiritual dimension exists; but we are not sure. Therefore, we continue to question ourselves, whether the spiritual dimension is real, or it is an invention of our human minds. Of course, we may have to accept that the spiritual dimension exists, because it is helpful to humanity if it exists.

Now, since we have decided that this spiritual dimension exists, then, we must decide what is the best way for us humans to proceed; would it be better to believe in spirituality, God and religions the way they are now? Or what can be done to improve the present religious situation. Since there are times when spirituality and religious beliefs do not seem to do their job properly. So, let us see how we can set religious things, to work better in the future.

Because something needs to be done, to satisfy our human needs; you see, we have always believed in spirituality and gods, because we have not been able to escape the facts that whenever we cannot explain something, we start thinking that there exists something that we cannot see, so, we start imagining lots of things that may or may not exist; this ability of thinking abstract things that we could not even see soon started the beliefs of a spiritual world.

We started to believe in this spiritual world, even though it could not be seen from us humans, because they existed in another dimension, and they were invisible to us; but in our minds they existed and where more powerful than us, since we could not see them, but they could see us and if they wanted, they could help us or harm us; it was thus, that with these beliefs in our minds, we started our spirituality beliefs that later on became more complex, in the end we believed that there is a god or gods, and other spiritual beings as well.

In our own simple understanding, this is how and why religions started and continued to grow, as we can see from the many religions that exist today, and the religious books like The Bible, The Koran, The laws of Manu, and many other religious books. In our religious study, and religious articles that we have written, we discuss some of these issues; we have written an article in Hub Pages, Man needs God, about this spiritual need that we have.

Anyhow, these things that we are talking about belong to the spiritual world, or the spiritual dimension. The spiritual dimension, is where we believe all spiritual being are staying; so, since we want to use this spiritual dimension to describe, how God and these spiritual being exist; we will start with a description here-under; and then in our next article, we will describe it in full. 


The spiritual dimension. 

The spiritual dimension in a nutshell, is the place where all spiritual being are supposed to be, they are in a different dimension than our dimension, so, we are not able to see them; but with our human imagination, we can describe them how they are in this dimension, and the links that we may have with them.

So, let us start from the beginning and explain what in our view is a dimension. A dimension is one of those imaginary things that holds within it all those things that belong to that dimension. Now, we want to talk about God and other spiritual being, which we believe belong to the spiritual dimension, which is connected to our own dimension, because we believe that our souls can move from this world to the next, and therefore, from the living dimension to the dead dimension.

Now we need to describe how this dimension works. We believe that in the universe everything forms cycles, which go around and recycles what exists in that part of the universe; so, to describe this spiritual dimension, we need to describe how this spiritual system works. But we need to do it in a short and clear version, because it is easier to follow and understand.

In this description of our spiritual dimension, we are going to start with God being the central and most important part of the spiritual dimension, because God is the most important part, and then, we must go through everything else, and at the end come back to God again, so, a full circle or cycle is completed.

Because we want to keep the description as short as possible; at the same time, we need to talk about God the central life force of the universe, we need to talk about other spiritual entities, like other gods that the people believe in, the angels whether they are on God side or at the opposite side, the saints, the souls of people and what we believe happens in the spiritual dimension; but above all, we need to do this in a way that people can accept. 

Anyhow, we believe that this article is becoming too long. At this point of time, we aim to write three articles that can link to our best religious articles, by pasting their links in them. So, we are going to stop writing this article, and we are going to explain the rest of the spiritual dimension, in our next post that we are calling, God spiritual dimension. 

Now, what we are writing here, is an imaginary way that can be used to solve some religious problems, but at the same time, we need to continue to believe the ways we have always believed.  

May God bless us all.


Friday, April 2, 2021

Some religious signs, and God exists

In this blog, let us look at what has happened in the world of religion, in the last few decades, and then comment on it. We see some religious signs that may have happened for a reason. 
Anyhow, I believe that somebody wants to disable this blog.  

This must be the most strange event of this century, we call this strange because there are a lot of other things that might follow,because of this unforeseen event. You see, how come that a crane topples on the Grand Mosque in Mecca's Saudi Arabia, on the 11th of September 2015. Are there any religious signs that we can see from this event? Because this is a reminder of  11 September 2001. 

Welcome to our article,  Religious signs 

Dear readers, let me explain, this is a sort of diary that I have written and today I am publishing in blogger. This event has happened a few years ago, and this was my reaction.  

After learning what has happened today, we must ask ourselves; Are these happenings religious signs, because I am sure that in the world today, many people that follow religions are asking themselves; could this be a religious sign that God Allah sends to the Muslim? For what they have done and are doing in the world. Because it seems to me that if there is a God Allah, he must be upset about what his followers have done and are doing, look at this report that I found on the net.

This is the report on the net

It was reported and I quote the following:

This is the report on the net.

At least 107 people are reportedly dead and over 230 left injured as a severe storm toppled a construction crane at Masjid al-Haram, or the Grand Mosque, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on Sept. 11, 2015. The huge crane fell over the roof of the mosque, which was being prepped up for this year’s Hajj pilgrims who are expected to arrive in the city soon.

Our report and discussions

We are saying this because of the date that this violent natural event has happened: September 11th, 2015, just 14 years after the most violent terrorists attack on American soil. One needs really to reflect on this event, because if you believe in God and the spiritual forces in heavens, you cannot escape thinking about it.

Now that I have said what I think, I am going to wait and see, if and how this event could change the Muslim ways of thinking, I am sure that some religious leaders will offer an explanation about what has happened, whether this explanation will favor anybody we don’t know yet, so, we must wait and see.

A reminder of 11 September 2001

Today I would like to say just a bit more, since something else that involves religion has happened; but before we do that let us remind the world at large, the fact that the crane incident at Mecca has happened the 11th of September 2015, this is just 14 years after the terrorist attack on American soil. Now, whether the Muslims see this as a religious sign is up to them and their God Allah. 

Our views is that today event may be signs from above. Anyhow, it started with this event that has destroyed world peace and changed the world. Look, this photo was taken, when a second plane driven from terrorists, is just about to crash on the second tower, in New York. 

Anyhow, for us that live in the western world and believe and call our God Yahweh, whether this God is the same God or not; we hope and wish that this is a sign from their God Allah saying to them; watch what you are doing? I never told you to go around killing people. Anyhow, that is what we hope it means at least to us, and if this is what it means to the Muslim also; then they might stop going around killing people, like they are doing even now; they want to kill everybody that is not like them; so, when their God sends them signs, to make them see that they must stop what they are doing, it would be a good thing if they do. Anyhow, this is how I see this religious situation, which is affecting millions of people, as we can see from the news every day, since there are refugees running away from their homeland, just because they are being driven away form their own Muslim brothers. 

There are always very large crowds at Mecca every year in this photo see this Muslim crowd at Mecca, this event in Mecca we believe happens once a year, the Muslim believe that it is their duty to visit Mecca at least one time in their life. Source

Today stampede

Just as I said, let us wait and see what the people involved say, somebody commented that it is okay to die in Mecca, because it is the holiest place in Islam. So, the Muslims do not think that this incident of the crane falling and killing worshipers, has anything to do with the killing that the Muslims are doing in the world. But from this side of the world looks different, and I tell you why. Today after two weeks of the crane incident, over seven hundred Muslim have died in a stampede. The question here is; does their God Allah like to kill people just like the people themselves; or is this a message to tell them to stop killing the innocent, I just wonder.

Here-under is a link of a video if you want to see it;

Hajj stampede: At least 717 killed in Saudi Arabia - BBC News

Here-under is how it was reported on the internet news, and I quote;

People were going towards the direction of throwing the stones while others were coming from the opposite direction. Then it became chaotic and suddenly people started going down.

There were people from Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Senegal among other nationalities. People were just climbing on top of others in order to move to a safer place and that's how some people died.

People were chanting Allah's name while others were crying, including children and infants. People fell on the ground seeking help but there was no-one to give them a helping hand. Everybody seemed to be on their own.

It affected some members of our group. I lost my aunt as a result of the stampede and at the moment, two women from our entourage - a mother and her daughter - are still missing.

End of the quote.

Under below is a photo of the chaos that followed the stampede, so many ambulances rushing to help.

Comments on the stampede

Comments reported on the news

More than 700 people were killed and nearly 900 were left injured in a stampede on the outskirts of Mecca on Sept. 24, 2015. The latest casualty is the second incident at the pilgrimage this year. The stampede took place as the number of pilgrims heading towards the pillars suddenly increased. Following the accident, 4,000 personnel were rushed to the accident site, along with 220 emergency and rescue units, according to Saudi civil defense directorate. Earlier this month, 109 people were killed, and hundreds of pilgrims were left injured after a crane collapsed at Mecca’s Grand Mosque. Here is a look at the images from the site of the accident.

End of comments.

My short comment

Now, what I can understand from some comments I have received, it is just the usual religious ways, somehow religious people find a way to explain, what cannot be explained. For them to see the truth as non-religious people see it is impossible, because first they must overcome their religious beliefs, which is impossible, since this is how they base their entire life beliefs, so, there is no way to make them believe otherwise. That is all I want to say about this article of ,  Religious signs. However, we will continue this blog with another article called, God exists for everybody, where we can explain our views.


We need a God for everybody

Welcome to our article,  God exists for everybody  

To describe God that exists for everybody or our God of the future is not easy, since God is a spiritual being and therefore invisible, so, we can only imagine God that exists within the universe. so, the universe could represent God for everybody | Source


Dear readers, let us imagine a way that can link all the world religions. To do that we must believe in a spiritual universe and that God exists for everybody. Therefore, God is not just for you and me, or for a group of people that want God to be their exclusive God, and use their God in their twisted ways, and even can kill in the name of their God, and then they shout; God is great!!!!! Or Allah is great!!!!!!, since this is the name of their God that lets them kill other people.

Therefore, we must ask ourselves; are these extremist nuts, to believe that their God wants them to kill other people? Or there must be something wrong in their religious teaching because it is not possible, that a true God wants to kill people. Because God represents the spiritual life of everybody.   

Anyhow, we want to believe that there must be a God of love and justice, which is above other spiritual entities, because this God has no negatives. Therefore, this God loves everybody, and everybody is equal in his eyes. Now, this God does not kill anyone, because all existing life is part of God spiritual life; therefore, if there is a spiritual entity that allows killing in its name, it cannot be called a God, it should be called the devil himself.   

Now, we believe that the role of religions, it is to guide people peacefully; therefore, we are going to suggest here, how people should view God. For a start, God needs to be a pantheistic God, so, God is everything and in everybody; God needs to be a loving God, and more like Mother Nature that helps everything to survive and thrive. Now, to describe a God like that is going to be difficult; but we believe that part of this God that we are describing, is like the existing God that we believe in, so, people can link God and all existing religions.     

Therefore, we are describing God of the future and for everybody in a Spiritual way; it is absurd to believe that God exists only for those that believe in God. Because there is life on earth and whatever has made life possible on earth can be said to be part of God, so, we believe that God exists because life exists; for these reasons, we are going to describe this God of the universe for everybody hereunder.


God of the Universe

We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the spiritual life force energies of the entire universe, it must be so, because there is no other way to explain how life came about on earth, therefore, we believe that there must be a God, which represents all those positive life energies that make life possible on earth, and perhaps the entire universe; you see, these positive life energies can only be called God, because there is no other name to describe them with, so, God exists at least in the form of these positive life energies, which make life possible on earth. But at the same time, we believe that God exist also as described in the Bible, the Koran and other world religions as well, since God represents the positive life energies, and therefore the souls of the people that have believed in God; so, we are going to describe this God in more details as we go on writing these articles.


Now that we have described this future God of the universe, it does not mean, that those gods that have been described in the Bible and other religious books do not exist, because we believe that they exist within the spiritual life forces of the universe, like we have described above.

Anyhow, the reason why we are writing this article, God exists for everybody, it is because we believe that humanity is using God existence to the advantage. Today, the main groups that is using God to their advantage, are Muslims groups, some of these extremist groups even kill in the name of their God. They are living a lie, because God is the creator of life and life itself, therefore, God could never want to kill a part of himself.

So, we have described our idealistic God above, the way we believe God must be, to be God for everybody. But we would like to point out that there are other ways to describe God, and this photo here under shows one of those ways.

Because there are many religions, there are also many religious beliefs of how God could be like. This photo above shows you how some people view their God. This is not a real God, as described in the Bible, but it is described as positive energies. Source


Our other religious points of view

We have been studying religions and found that there are too many religions in the world, because humanity needs religions and a God, if they didn’t need them, they would not have invented God, and religions, since the beginning of recorded times.

But God can exist in many forms since people believe in different gods. Anyhow, humanity has described God in such a way, that their God would help them; so, their God was modified to a certain degree to serve themselves only. 

Therefore, today religions are set up, in a way that they can fight each other. So, we have been thinking what can be done to stop this negative issue. We have said negative issue, because religions bring also positive things in everyday life, therefore, it is worth to find a way how to stop these negative issues and try to keep those positive issues that help humanity.

So, what can be done? To answer that question is not easy, if it were easy, it would have been done from the previous generations. Having said that, now we can say that, the most important thing that we can do, is that humanity should describe a God that exists for everybody, since God needs only to be described in such a way. 

Therefore, how God for everybody needs to be like, to fulfill those requirements that need to be fulfilled, so that humanity may believe in a single God, that can link all existing religions and Gods, without upsetting religious believers, if this can be achieved, then, this God is the God that exists for everybody, so, let us talk about God and the spiritual universe.

God and the spiritual Universe

Dear readers, what we are going to say next, is only our vision, of how God could really be like, but has we have said at the beginning of this article; we believe that most civilizations needed a God and they made up their own God, so, their God was made up per what they needed most. In a parallel way, today the world needs a God, that can serve the entire planet and not just a group of people, so, we need to believe in a God for everybody that can do that.

As we have explained that religions are man-made, and they have been made to serve the needs of a group of people that follows them, this would automatically exclude those people that belonged to another group. Now this old set-up of separatism is bringing trouble to the religious world today, as some extremist groups use religions for their personal advantages. So, we need to change to a different religious set-up, where the entire world, can believe in the same God and religions together.

Now, when we are writing religious issues, we have two ways that we can use, because in religious matters we have the physical side and the spiritual side, we can use any of them, to convince the people about the religious issue we are talking about. In this version we are using mostly the spiritual side, we are doing this in the hope that we can make our religious articles shorter. Anyhow, we want to bring to your attention that in the future, it would be helpful, if all serious religious books would state in the first page, or in the first paragraph this phrase:

There is only one God throughout the universe, and God is the life essence of the entire universe.

This phrase alone, is going to be the most important statement in our religious articles, therefore, all our religious articles, have been written to show how our God of the universe can fulfill this part, and why it has to be like this. We have already published this in our hub, Reconciliation of the Universe. Anyhow, I believe that we have said enough in this article, so, we will see you in our next article, where we are writing about God and spiritual beliefs.

May God bless us all.  
