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Other web sites to look for: http://menfranco-re.blogspot.com

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

God and humanity main sins


People that wage war search for their own greatness, but they do not realize that they are committing the greatest sin against God, since they kill people, which are part of Gods' life. Or if you want to believe it, you can say a tiny part of God himself, since in everyone of us, there is a tiny part of God himself.   

People blow things up and blow themselves up, then they cry God is great, just because they have been able to do that. They must be nuts; because what they believe can exist only in their twisted minds. 

Humanity top main sins discussions

Welcome to our article, God and our sins

May God guide and help me say the right things? 

Dear readers, looks like that I am going to write a long blog here, just to cover all those things that I have written in my original article. Now, let us try to understand, what are the main sins in the eyes of God. We believe that killing another fellow man (woman or child) is the greatest sin that we can make. Anyhow, in this article, we are talking about the three main sins of humanity, which are: killing people, robbing people and sexual sins.

So, here we are talking about God and our sins. We know that there are many rules about what our sins are, but what and why they are sins we must work it out. So, let us start from the beginning, by trying to see what in the eyes of God our main sins would be.

We believe that the greatest sins of them all, are the sins committed against humanity, when people kill other people because they do not agree with them; anyhow, killing has always been a mortal sin, the sixth Commandment states; Thou shalt not kill, that is if we believe that God he has dictated these Commandments.

Anyhow, it is wise to accept that there is God, and God directly or indirectly has created or helped to create life on earth, and we humans have been placed at the highest spot of this existing life chain. So, we should assume, that all humans are equal in the eyes of God, because we are all God’s children.

Now, since we are all God’s children and we are equal in God’s eyes, all those people that think that God is with them, and not with the opposing party are stupid; because God being God must not take part in these stupid people arguments; if people think that God the life giver of every living thing, can take part and see his own life  destroyed is a complete fool, because whoever kills another human being has sinned the greatest sin in the eyes of God. Those people that kill and are proud of their killing another human being, must be the most horrible human being in the eyes of God; so, when they die, they will be sent to the most horrible place in the spiritual world, and then their souls will be destroyed forever; so that they cannot come back to live another life on earth.

So, killing another human being has got to be the greatest sin against God, since it is like killing a tine part of God himself, we must assume that it is so, because God is life, and we cannot see it in any other way. So, those people that believe that they are helping their God by killing their own enemies, will have a big surprise when they die, because if we have a soul, the souls of those murderous people can only end up in the most horrible place in the afterlife, so, they will find themselves on the highway to death, past the point of no return and down in the abyss of the universe, where they will be disintegrated to the smallest existing particle. These are our beliefs if you want to read all about this visit.   Lucifer domains circle Spiritual circle one negative.

So, our beliefs are that whoever kills anyone has done the most horrible sin in the eyes of God, and those people that kill in the name of God are even worse, especially if they kill innocent people for the joy of killing them. They will be severely punished in the afterlife; they will get what they deserve.

Now I must move on and talk about next sin, robbing with violence.


Robbing with violence

We believe that robbing and above all robing with violence, must be the second main sin. Because robbing other people of their belongings, is not right because you cannot go around taking other people things, just because you like to do so.

Every one of us has got the right to enjoy our own belongings, which we have worked hard to own them. So, robbing anything must be a sin, but here we are not going to call a sin, those small things that happen during our lives; you see, for example if you are hungry, and you have no food, and you happen to be near an orchard or a vine yard and you pick up some fruit and eat it, that might not be called a sin, because there is plenty more on the trees and vines and nobody is going to miss it anyhow. But anything else that can make the owner upset, because it is going to make some difference to his belongings should be called a sin. So, the greater is the value of the things one takes from somebody else, and the greater is the damage that the rightful owner feels, the greater should be the sin in the eyes of God.

But what about the real great sins of humanity, when would be robbers go out in search of taking away the belongings of somebody else, even when they have to use violence; they are so desperate in their own greedy ways that they don’t care the damage they do, they hurt or even maim whoever stands in their ways, in fact they even kill some people, if anything goes wrong; so, robbing with violence must be one of the greatest sins in the eyes of God.

Anyhow, I am inclined to think that robbers do not want to work and to know how to live an honest life. You see, to own anything you must work hard first, some of us are born in a family that already owns several things, and this is because, his forbears have worked hard to produce and retain those belongings, so, all depends on how much work we do or have done in the past. Therefore, we can say that we must produce things to own things. So, the world can be a better place to live in, if everybody works his way up, instead or trying to grab other people belongings.

So, we conclude that robbing with violence, is one of the main sins of humanity in the eyes of God, but there is more, because we must consider when people go to war to dispossess other people of their belongings, because in their violent ways they do a lot of damage, not only to the people involved, but also to the entire world, so, wars must be a sin against God.


 Wars are sins against God 

Wars of possession must be the greatest sins against God and humanity because many people get killed, and that is the main sins that we can commit, we also dispossess the losers of their belongings. Just look in the past, a group of warriors surround a castle take the castle kill the people and the castle becomes theirs including anything that belongs to the castle.

Here we can ask, is there a god? And why does God let these people kill other people? Perhaps there is no God that is looking after us; because if there was a god these violent things should not happen, so, the omnipotent God that we want to believe in may not exist.

Now while I am writing this spiritual or religious explanation here, I cannot help thinking about what is happening in the world today, some religious fanatics or terrorists, they believe that they would sacrifice their lives, because that is what their God wants them to do; they believe that when they die they are going to be given a better place in the world of the dead. Here I would like to strongly point out that they are killing themselves and other people as well, so, it would be impossible for their God to like them.

So, if there is a God and there is an afterlife, it is most likely that because what they have done, they will end up in the most terrible place in the afterlife world of the dead. It has got to be so, because these fanatics kill other people and at the same time want their possessions; so, this is another one of the great sins against God and humanity.

We can say more, but it is better that I change to another great sin of humanity; where we will be talking about sexuality and their sins in the eyes of God.


The third main sin

When we think about it, the third main sin in the eyes of God must be sexual violence, to rape a person against their will is a sin, there are too many sexual sins to name them, and some of them are even disgusting to talk about; but why people are sex driven.

People are sex driven because that is the way Mother Nature made us, you see, it is through our sex drive in us, that life on earth continues indefinitely, if there was no sex drive in us, we would not exist; so, sex desires are there because that is the way for humanity to reproduce and continue forever. Now, when sex is controlled in such a way that we reproduce without hurting anyone, the sex drive that we have is the greatest gift that God and Mother Nature has given us to enjoy, so, let’s enjoy it if we can, if we can control it at the right level, and do it with the right people that enjoy it at the same time.

But people are not always able to control their sexual desire; their sexual drive makes them do stupid and violent things, history is full of story after story of sexual desires that have led to violence and murders, even in the Bible, there are description of sexual desires that have affected many people; here one can start with Abraham and Sarai; the story goes like this, Abraham and Sarai his wife went to Egypt, because there was a famine in the land where they were. Before they reached Egypt, Abraham said to Sarai, you are a beautiful woman and when the Egyptian will see you, they will kill me so that they can have you; so, instead of saying to them that you are my wife, we will say that you are my sister, so, they will spare me, and that is what they did.

In Egypt, what Abraham foresaw became true, and the men over there would have liked to have Sarai, even the Pharaoh saw her and wanted her, but Yahweh punished him for his desires by sending plagues and other bad things, in the end the Pharaoh understood the reason and he let Abraham and Sarai go with lots of cattle and sheep.

The bible also states that this is how Abraham started to become rich, because Yahweh influenced the Pharaoh to give Abraham many sheep and cattle and other thing, for atonement of his sins for desiring Sarai. Well, this is what is written in the Bible.


The war of Troy

Sexual desire could bring destruction

Believe it or not, but sexual desires can bring destruction; Here we want to mention, one of the oldest stories; the war of Troy.

The war of Troy was started because of this beautiful woman, now historically known as Helen of Troy. The story goes thus, Paris the most beautiful man and prince of Troy, went to Sparta and fell in love with Helen, and ran away with Helen the most beautiful woman in the world, But Helen was already married to Menelaus. After that Menelaus with the support of other Greek royalties made an army and went to war against Troy; so, the war of Troy happened because of this beautiful woman called Helen, and the sexual drives of humanity.

There have been many stories of things that men did in the past, for their personal sexual desires. There is a story in the book, one thousand and one night, where this lady tells many stories to her husband, as a very long story, knowing that she is going to be put to death when she finishes the story, and then, her husband will take another woman for a wife, but she keeps the story going for a very long time, she has children from this strange relationship, the day she finishes the story, her husband gave away the idea of killing her for another woman, because then he would have killed the mother of his children. And then what about Henry the Eighth with his many wives, it seems just the same as The Arabian Nights all over again.

I believe that I have said enough about these natural sexual sins; where man finds hard to control his sexual desires, when his desire need to be controlled. Anyhow, religions like Christianity, and the Roman Catholic doctrine teaches us, that man needs only one wife, and that works perfectly fine since everybody get their share. But they have gone too far in this denial of sex drive, because their priests do not get married, but this denial of sex against Mother Nature designs, is having problems, as we know about the pedophilia, therefore, it is better if they change, and make it easier for everybody.

But what about the Muslim religion, where man plays a very dominant part, so, everything has been set per mans’ desires. If we look at this difference in the two main religions of the world, it becomes obvious that the Muslims are driven from sexual desires, and therefore, their religion has been set in such a way that their desire can be satisfied; here man can take several wives.

Anyhow, whenever we have sex outside the approved ways, we are committing a sin, and sex that leads to violence and killing, must be one of the main sins in the eyes of God. 

The Muslims say that Allah their God allows for their sexual enjoyment, as it is written in their Koran, which is a religious book written for the ways of life that the Muslim men like to have, so, this religious book has been written to satisfy their sexual wants.

Now, religious books are written to guide people, the right way, and even though we say that religious books have been inspired from God. There are doubts about it. 

Anyhow, most religious books have been written and set to satisfy our own desires. But when we use our sexual desire, outside the normal ways, and we hurt somebody, then our sexual desires are a sin.  

I believe that this blog is becoming too long, and we have said enough about our sins. So, see you in our next blog called, compare God possibilities.

See you soon.

May God bless us all.


This blog site is, If you believe in god 

Post,  God and humanity main sins

Next with another blog, Compare God possibilities.
Some of my personal links; because I believe that all my articles need to be connected 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

God might not exist


Most people want to see God as a powerful man that can do anything, just by saying or wishing that those things are done. But the reality is that God might not exist, and God exists only our wishful thinking, Or God can be explained in a different way. 

Now, while we say that God might not exist, we also believe that God can be explained in a different way, like the photo above, where God is the positive energies of the universe. 

God might not exist, post number 2, from, God may not exist

 Dear readers, this is the continuation of our last blog, God may not exist. since we believe that posts in blogger need to be kept short, but let us continue to talk about God. 

I should say that I believe in the existence of God, in my own ways. So, for a believer like me, it is hard to say that God does not exist, because, if I really believed that God did not exist, I would not be writing these articles. So, I would say that I believe that God exists, but this existing God, is not the God that most of us would like to have, since we want to have a benevolent God, that hears and answer our prayers constantly, and this is one of the reasons that man needs God. But this benevolent God does not exist, because most times our prayers are not heard and answered, so, it stands to reason, when we have doubts and say that God does not exist.

Now, I want to say a few things about my life experience, so, I can prove my point about my own beliefs about the existence of God, and how God could exist if he does exist, here I would like to do that because I don’t have to rely on anybody else, to prove my point but to myself.

Sometimes, I have reasons to believe that God does not exist, because of what is happening around me. You see, I believe that if there was a God as most of us believe, then God should have treated me better, and God should have heard and answered my prayers, because I pray often for my own needs. You see, here I may add that at this very moment I feel as if I am praying God, you see, I believe that all my religious writings are a prayer to God, so, I wish that God would hear my prayers and help me. I also believe that I don’t deserve all these drawback and pains in my life, which I am having and I have had during my entire life, it is not fair as I am a believer, so, I am praying and doing my best.

Now, let me say a few things about my hard life that I have been living, but let me inform you that I believe that I am not a saint, but at the same time I am not a sinner ether, I might have sinned of course, because nobody can be perfect, but I believe that my sins are only minor sins, so, they should not make much difference.

Now let us go back to tell you about my life in a nutshell: as a boy I ended up working in our family farm early in life, this life in the farm made me a rather dull person, just like anybody else in those times that had to live this hard and dull life; now this dull life has many consequences, one of these consequences will show up if you compare the lack of our communication skills of us people living in the farms, and then compare that, with the communication skills of the rest of the community, who are living in town. You see, those communication skills are important during our lives, because, if we don’t have those skills life is going to be harder, I know that we can learn how to overcome that, but it takes time, and while we are doing that we lose opportunities. I have said this because I want you to compare and understand, why I have lived the rest of my life the way I have lived it, and because, I am going to use my life experiences to show you that God does not answer our prayers.

This article is about God existence, and our beliefs and prayers that we pray to God during our lives, most of us believers pray to God constantly, even when God does not answer our prayers; when we pray to God one of the first things that comes to our mind is that we wish we were worthy and that we were free of sins, but nobody can really be free of sins, because it is impossible.

We know that the worst sins in the eyes of God, is that we should believe in God and respect God’s commandment, but apart from that the worst sins are when people kill other people, because God is life and we are killing his life; the second could be robbing other people things, perhaps other sins could well be our sexual desires, and activities during our lives; but these sexual desire cannot be classed as mortal sins, because most times they can also be God’s blessing, since this is the way of how Mother Nature reproduces life indefinitely. Therefore, it is only when we go out of our way, and overuse our sexual desires for our enjoyment, and while we are doing that we hurt other people feelings, or ruin them for life, sexual sins then are major sins.

Now I believe that this article is becoming too long again, you see, most readers like to read short articles, because they do not seem to have time for long articles. So, let us talk about my own personal sins in our next article; where we are going to look at the three main sins that I believe a man could incur during his life. We may be calling next article, Sins in the eyes of God, or God and our sins.

See you there.

May God bless us all.


This blog site is, If you believe in god 

and this post is,  God might not exist

Next with another blog, Sins in the eyes of God
Some of my personal links; because I believe that all my articles need to be connected 

See you next time with our article, Sins in the eyes of God. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

God may not exist

Meanwhile let us discuss our religious needs 

The Jerusalem temple is the most important religious place of worship in the entire world, since it is the temple that was built according to God's descriptions, according to the Bible writers. It is important for religions that derive from the Bible

We have built many churches, basilicas, mosques, temples and many other things to worship God and other spiritual entities. This church I believe is the church of Saint Nicolas in Russia. But God might not exist.

Welcome to our blog, God may not exist 

May God guide and help me to say the right things.

Dear readers, looking at the evidence that we have today, I believe that God may not exist, or we may have to say that here is no God because, there is no evidence of a benevolent God that hears our prayers, and then, answers them by helping us achieve what we are asking in our prayers. So, God can be just an invention of our mind, because we like to believe in God. 

Anyhow, we believe that there is no God; because, when people do nasty things and there are no signs that God punishes them, then we believe that there is no God.

We believe there is no God, because God never shows up these days, just to let the people know that he exists. But not withstanding these negative beliefs, we still pray God; we pray to God, because we need to believe in a superpower that can help us, in our hours of need.

Therefore, we can say, that God is hope for those that need hope most. So, in one way or another we pray to God, even when we know, that it is very likely that God does not exist, so, he will not answer our prayers, but our reaction to this, is that we keep praying, in the hope that there is a God that hears our prayers and grants our earthly requests.

Anyhow, I am saying that we should not count that God is a certainty, but a God must be there, because I am certain that there is a God, so, either God created life or God is life. But because we are not sure about God existence, we must moderate our beliefs. So, it is foolish to do extreme acts, just because we believe in God in our own ways.

What we have said above is not enough, because when we say that there is no God, it is because there is no physical evidence these days that God exists; God nonexistence becomes worse when we check it out with our own logic reasoning, and then compare it with what we have been told to believe about God, here we are bound to see that it does not add up correctly, and therefore, we feel that something is missing, therefore, we have many doubts in our minds; we see that it is more likely that what we have been told to believe in, and what is written in the Bible cannot be correct; now apart that there are things in the Bible that are not correct, there is also the way that God has been described, our beliefs are that in the Bible God has been described as being so powerful beyond beliefs. So, we wander why. 


The powerful Israelite God

Now, let us see, why we do not believe, that Yahweh God of the Israelite, (also known as Jehovah and for the Muslims Allah) is so powerful beyond beliefs, like it is written in the Bible. You see, the Jews needed a God so powerful, so, they described their God, as they wanted their God to be. But we cannot see that God Yahweh is that powerful, and God has been the creator of everything. Because our logic reasoning says that it cannot be right, no one can create something from nothing, and this should include our gods. Now, this might be one of the main reasons, why the atheists say that there is no God, because the God we portray in the Bible cannot exist, for the simple reason that he is too powerful to exist, since the things that he does cannot be done, just by willing them to be done.

However, the possibility exists, that there are spiritual beings that can do some of those things that have been described in the Bible, but those things are hard for us to do. So, we have to give the benefit of the doubt, and we may have to accept that there is God, but this God plays a less important role than what people believe; so, God cannot be omnipotent to the extent that God can do anything at all, even like the creation of the universe, because if God can create the universe, then by simple reasoning God is the universe, so, God and the universe can be the same thing and have always existed together; anyhow, our beliefs are that God cannot create the universe, but he is able to do most other things, that have been written in the Bible.

Here again we have to say that it is our nature that we need God, therefore, we must accept God’s existence, even if there is not a lot of proof of God’s existence. This simple reasoning is based on the proof that there is life, So, there are good reasons to believe that all existing life represents God, so, God exists because life exists.

We know that what we are saying does not prove or disprove the existence of God, for this reason, we are going to say more, where we will compare the possibilities of God’s existence, before we conclude this article, but first let us talk about my own personal view about the existence of God, and why sometimes I believe that God might not exist. Anyhow, we will do this in our next blog called, God might not exist. See you soon. 

May God bless us all. 


This blog site is, If you believe in god 

and this post is,  God may not exist

Next with another blog, God might not exist 
Some of my personal links; because I believe that all my articles need to be connected 

See you next time with our article, God might not exist.  

Friday, January 8, 2021

God exist possibilities

In this blog we are asking ourselves, how we can describe God that the entire world can accept, so, we are writing how we believe God could exist, and other things.  

In the future we may have to accept that God could be the positive life energies that exist in the universe, and those energies have the power to generate spiritual life in the universe, and even physical life, if they come in contact with the right ingredients. 

Welcome to our post, God exist, possibilities 

Dear readers, we have written several religious articles. But there is always something else to say. So, we are writing new articles, where we are discussing, whether there is a god or not in a philosophical way. We are also talking about, whether it is useful to believe in God, and what advantages we have by believing in God; but we want to point out, that there are also disadvantages in believing everything religions say, so, we are going to talk about God’s existence and some affect that it brings with it; which in a nut shell, most of them are good, but there are times when they can become a disadvantage.

Now, what we are writing here, is what we have learned from life, and studying religious books. We must keep in mind that every day we learn something new, this influences our religious beliefs; therefore, what we knew becomes modified from our learning.

Now, what we are writing here are our religious beliefs, which we have formed during our life. Because we are going to cover a lot of religious ground and possibilities; we are going to write a few articles instead of a long article. For a start, we are trying to answer the eternal question that humanity has asked for thousands of years, whether God exists or does not exist; this is not easy to prove but will try our best.

While we are doing that, we should look whether it is possible to continue to believe in God and religions the way they are today, or, it is better if religions are modified, so that, all existing religions can become a single religion. Well, not really one single religion, but they should have a common link, at the highest spiritual meeting point. But let us see what we already know, keeping in mind that we want to find a way how to improve religions.


How we see God

Let us talk about how we are supposed to see God; per what we have learned from religious scripture, from our parents, from our teachers, from our priests and what is written in the Bible. They all say that God is the creator of everything, God is omnipotent and cannot be challenged in any way.

But today people start to believe, that God is not the creator of everything, but God can be the creator of life, or helped to make life possible with his spiritual life energies. However, most people believe that there is God, even if this God is not as powerful as God Yahweh in the Bible. We would like to believe, that God is a strong benevolent spiritual force, that can do many things. But not beyond the natural forces; in the Bible God is supposed to be so strong and capable of doing anything by saying or willing that things were done.  

Religious books are full of examples of things that have happened in the past; but today nothing similar happens, so, we wonder why, or worse we wonder whether these things have happened in the past, because they seem impossible to have happened, at least to the extent that they claim to have happened; so, there are doubts in our minds, when we use our logic reasoning mind, therefore, if we want to believe in them, we can; but we have to try hard to explain them to ourselves first.

These doubts that we are talking about, are not easy to set aside, because we are constantly forced to think about them, it is our nature that we want to believe that there is a benevolent God, that can help us when we need help. We have written and published an article about it called, Man needs God, but these days it seems to me that God plays a passive part: (that is provided that there is a God,) because it can be possible that there is no God altogether. So, we are going to talk about this issue in this article, to compare with what we know and our beliefs, but we can say that God likes to be passive these days in his activities.


God is passive

We must say that if there is a God, then God is passive these days, for these reasons, we are trying to believe in God; because we know that we need to believe in God, since the belief itself helps us during our lives. But at the same time, we are looking if we can see any real signs of God. So, here we are bound to observe that God is becoming passive these days, because, if we compare the activities that God did in the past, as written in the Bible and other religious books that derive from the Bible, and then we compare that with what God does these days, then we have to say that God is passive, because whatever happens in the world today, God does not do anything not even a sign of his existence shows up; even when there are horrible things happening, and people wish and pray that God would show up and do something about it urgently, so, that the rest of the world knows that God is there and God protect the innocent people.

You see, if we use our logic reasoning mind, we can see clearly that these horrible things should not happen at all, as they are inhumane but they do; and worse of all is that these horrible things are claimed to be done in God’s name; how these fiendish people work it out that these cruel things can be done in God’s name I do not know, neither does the rest of the world know how this could be done in God’s name, but they do: perhaps the God they believe in is a very cruel God, and if it is so, then this God does not deserve to be a God at all, in fact he might be the devil: But it is more likely that these morons in their twisted minds, they have twisted their religious beliefs, and want to believe that they are right.

Whatever is the reason for these horrible happenings, we can only say that this is shocking to all Christian believers, and all those religions that believe in the existence a benevolent God, or spiritual life force of the universe that looks after all existing life on earth. Therefore, when we see these horrible things happen and people are slaughtering their own innocent brothers, and our benevolent God that we believe in does not intervene; then we may believe that God does not exist, because that can even be the truth.

Therefore, we want to ask, if God exists and can do everything, why God does not do anything that would solve these serious human problems? But there is no activity at all from God. Therefore, in the absence of any God activities, we must be forgiven if we say that God does not exist, or he does not care about humanity, so, it would be better if there was no God.


Believe in God or not

So, should we believe in God or not? Because there are reasons to believe, that it would be better if there was no God, and we could believe in ourselves. But then we know that we need God, as we have said in our article man needs God, for this reason we must accept that God exists, even if this God that we accept is not like the God we want, or the God written in the Bible that we have been taught to exist, which according to his own descriptions he is a jealous God; therefore his follower should follow only him and no other God.

The other choice we have, is to believe in a benevolent God that we wish would look after us all the time; anyhow, whichever god we accept that exists this god has elected to be passive for the time being, what else can we do, we have to accept God’s behaviour, if we want to believe in God, and then try to live our lives the best way we can; but at the same time, we have to look around us and see what is happening, so that, we are ready to do the right things according to our own judgment, you see, we must defend ourselves against these violent people, that use the name of God to fulfil their own violent desires, because they want to rule the entire world using God’s name, but by doing that they are reducing God Allah to be their servant or even worse. I hope that their God Allah will not put up with this behaviour. 

When these horrible things happen in the name of God, then it would have been better if God does not exist, so this question arises, should we believe in God, or it would be better if we don’t believe in God at all. 

These questions cannot be answered because nobody can answer them. So, the only thing that we can do is to follow God’s religious rules, as written in religious books, or follow our spiritual instinct.

Anyhow, at this point of time, it seems to me that this article is becoming too long, so, we will be talking about the possibilities of God existence, in our next articles, which we can call God may not exist. See you there.

May God bless us all.       


This site is, If you believe in god 

This post is, God exist possibilities 

Next with another blog, God may not exist 
Some of my personal links; because I believe that all my articles need to be connected 

See you next time with our article, God may not exist.