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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Cosmic Spiritual Dreams.

 Anyhow, in these articles we want to look at religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfill that role beautifully. Anyhow, human history tells us that in the past religious beliefs have changed. So, we know that one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in these articles of, Prayers for Reconciliation, we are going to write about, how we believe our religious beliefs could change. We start by telling you the old religious beliefs, and by using our imagination we then will describe how religions could become in the future in a spiritual way. Anyhow, this article is about, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams

        I believe that dreams are linked to God spiritual world. 

Here we are going to talk about our dreams, the ancient people seem to believe that some dreams can come from the spiritual world of the dead. Because we dream many types of dreams, some dreams could be coming from the cosmic dimension surrounding us, this could include also angels and other spiritual beings.    

Cosmic Spiritual Dreams


Welcome to our article, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams

Talking about God, angels, personal and cosmic dreams.

May God guide and help to write this article?

Dear readers, in our previous articles we have talked about the dreams that we dream, which we believe are linked to our religious dreams of God, angels and spiritual dreams. Anyhow, we believe that what we are writings, can sound different from the ways that we hear religions being preached, so, we want to repeat this explanation.

So, we are saying, please read our Prayers for Reconciliation writings and Reconciliation of the Universe fully before you pass judgment and quit reading; you see Prayers for Reconciliation is only an idealistic theory, which through discussions with other fellow believer (and perhaps non-believers) is trying to find a way on how to link all existing religions together, in the hope that one day, religions will not fight each other anymore, Reconciliation of the Universe is going to be the theory that can achieve that, so, let me explain what we are doing. 


What we are doing and cosmic dreams. 

Now, in this article, after explaining what we are doing, we will talk about my spiritual dreams. I must say that I believe in a futuristic religious way, which can be built from existing religions, this is one of the reasons why I am writing these articles. Now, if what I say does not make sense to you, it is because those things that I am writing here are new.

Anyhow, I am going to publish some spiritual dreams that I have dreamt during my life, I believe, that these dreams are saying something to me, and therefore, I must do something about them. So, I am writing these spiritual dreams, because I believe that they have a spiritual meaning, since they have reinforced my beliefs that I must write about religions.

Anyhow, during the time that I have been writing my religious articles, I have had many deep soul-searching feelings going through my mind, therefore, I have written some of those feelings that I had during that time; because I believe that there is a link between; my religious beliefs, daydreaming and the dreams that we dream at night. Because they happen within our minds. Now, let me write about my thoughts, about love, about daydreams, and the mystery of life.  



And I feel that life is love, and love is life itself,

And one cannot exist without the other.

Therefore, if life cannot exist without love,

Then I better love, or I may as well be dead.

Dear readers, what I am writing here is one of my daydreams, I want to tell you this, since it has happened to me. I have to say that, during the younger part of my life, I have heard many times that people can fall in love deeply, and this deep feeling of love can change the way they believe and behave. 

Anyhow, I believe that God is love, and God can be described in a parallel way with our love feelings, since they can be the same thing. So, the description of God will go like this:

And I feel that God is life, and life is God Himself.

And therefore, one cannot exist without the other.

So, if we believe in life, we must believe in God.

And if we don't believe in God, we may as well be dead.


What I have written above is the way that most of us will feel when they fall in love.

So, let me talk about my love feelings, because the love for this woman became like religious beliefs, and I did feel within myself this incredible experience, because I felt that deep within my soul, that the love for this woman and the love for God runs in a parallel way. Therefore, I believe that God uses the natural forces that exist within us and the universe to guide us wherever he wants. So, today I can say that God has made me dream the impossible love dream, therefore, now I must try to reach the unreachable stars. The unreachable stars being these religious writing that I am writing here, because of this driving force within me that pushes me to do it. Since it has affected my way of life and my ways of thinking, especially when I think about my religious beliefs, and my spiritual dreams.

Now I can go back to talk about dream number 2, and then, continue with other spiritual religious dreams and my explanation of these dreams, about how I see these religious dreams and how they connect with my religious beliefs.  


Religious dream number 2

Dear readers, let me tell you my religious dream number 2

This dream is a special short dream. I have dreamed this dream near the end of a long and strange dream, which is not worth to write about it. Anyhow, this long dream towards the end changes and becomes more intense. So, in the dream there I was struggling with the adversity of life; for me struggling in my dreams happens often, but this time it has a special meaning. I have written this dream to record my religious dreams, it occurred about seven years after my first religious dream, The most important dream of my life. It is a special dream because; when I woke up, I felt that I had dreamed a deep dream, and that I had reached God’s spiritual life-force.

This dream is connected to the first dream because, during my dream I felt that I was invoking God to give me some strength or power, so, I could overcome the awkward situation that I was in, and in doing so, at the end of the dream I received that extra power.

Anyhow, in this dream, I seem to be standing somewhere, with people that I know in real life, but I was poorly dressed. I was so poorly dressed that my clothes were worn out rags, for that reason, I was feeling ashamed of myself. Therefore, I was praying God to help me, and although my prayer was a very strange and simple prayer, I was praying to God Almighty with great faith, since faith was-and-is the only way possible to reach out to God. And these are the phrases that I was praying God with, as they were stuck in my mind when I woke up:

Dress me as you like…….

Tell me what to do!.......

And I shall obey and do it!

And after praying thus, I seemed to have received some superpowers, even my clothes grew up from within themselves, and I became able to float through the air standing up, and while I was floating thus, here and there I would stop to talk and council people, and they would listen to me and accept my advice happily, because I was important and knowledgeable person to them. The dream then slowly fades away and I wake up, and I started reflecting about my dream. Because I thought that this was an important dream to remember.


Dream number 3 and 4 

Dreams number 3 and 4 are together, because they are connected.

Dream number 3: In this dream, I am going around in unknown places, some are good, and some are not so good. At one stage of my dream, I felt I was in danger, because some evil force or people are after me. So, while I am running away from this danger, I try to find some safety by knocking at a door, the door opens, and an old Lady lets me in, I felt safe in there, because there were many wise mature people inside, I wanted to thank the Lady for letting me in: But they all seem to smile back at me, as if I knew only half what was going on. So, I started looking around to find the reason, and there I see my mother beside me in company with the old Lady: So, I could not help to ask; (as I was aware in the dream that my mother had passed away a few months before) So, I asked my mother: (in my own native language, which translated in English is) Who sends you here to help me? Is it Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary?

This dream ends here, and I wake up.

Dream number 4: I had one more dream soon after this dream that I have written above, that is after a couple of nights or there about: and here again I feel that I am in danger from these evil people that are after me, it is because they think that I have in my possession something that’s important to them, I don’t know what this something is, but they are all after me anyhow. They are catching up with me, and I feel that I could not escape from them anymore, so, I knew that I was in grave danger, because they were the evil ones. So, in my despair I turned to heaven and prayed God to help me.

There was not a cloud in the sky when I started to pray, but soon two large eyes formed in the sky and they were looking down upon me, and winged at me benevolently, a large and well-defined head formed in the sky like a portrait, and this head seemed to fill up most of the sky. At the sight of this God send head figure the evil ones were frozen with fear and did not move a single step to grab me. So, they all stopped in a corner frightened by this head figure that had appeared in the sky.

(Today I believe that this head figure in my dream is our lord Jesus Christ, as we know in religions there is no one more powerful than Jesus Christ that protects people from the evil forces, so, it must be Jesus.)

At the same time, I became aware that what the evil ones wanted from me did not belong to them or to me, but it was something that had to be divided into three parts, and one part of this belonged to mother, but who was mother, I don’t know.  

After that, when I woke up in the morning, this dream became important to me, because in the morning I found a red spot on my forehead between my eyes, it was small, but it was like one of those religious people from India make on themselves, when they dress up for religious events.

So, my question is now: Did I in my dream really call on this heavenly force? And the heavenly force came to help me, and then left a sign on my forehead to let me know who that heavenly force was, and that I should remember the meaning of this dream that I had dreamed.


God drops a white robe over me. 

Spiritual dream number 5

This is another God sent dream, which comes on a date that for me is easy to remember. Since this dream is like “The most important dream of my life” that I dreamed on my daughter birthday, this dream comes on my son’s birthday. Because of this coincidence I believe that there is a spiritual force that can target us at will. Anyhow, let us talk about this God send dream, where God drops a white robe over me.

After dreaming a long dream about a strange place and strange happenings, at a certain stage of my dream, I start feeling that I am in danger. What happened next is strange, but then all dreams are strange, because while I am running away from this danger, I start jumping things, I start jumping small things first, and then bigger and bigger ones, in fact, I start jumping on roofs of small buildings, and then from one small building to another, but the danger seemed to be following me all the time. I start feeling that I may not be able to jump from roof to roof, as the roofs got higher and farther apart: But I had to keep going because on the ground below me things were very hot, so hot that everything was frying, looking from the top of the roofs where I was, I could see dogs’ bodies that looked like roasted pork on the pavement, as all the ground seemed to burn but there was no flame. So, I kept jumping from roof to roof, until I reached a very large building much larger than all the others, and I knew that this building was safe. But I had to get into this building fast, before the heat would reach me, and as I am on the roof of the building next to it, and there was a large window at my level, I had to try to get in through the window, but the window was closed and I was worried that I could not get in; somehow I approach the window, and while I am looking for a way to open the window, and worrying that I might not be able to open the window, I touched the large window pane while I was saying to myself; O my God I will never be able to open this window: But no sooner the window felt my touch it recognized that I was a person that should be let in, and it opened inward immediately, I got in and falling on my knees I started to pray to God who had just saved me, as in my mind there was no other way, but it had to be God who had made the window open for me.

So, while I am praying God on my knees thus, I looked around and saw a very large man, and I knew that this man was God; He looked at me with a benevolent smile and dropped a white robe over me. I felt very pleased that God had dropped this white robe over me, even though, I don’t know what it might mean.

Here my dream starts to fade away.

Religious dream number 6. 

Dream number 6

Another dream that could mean something in the future. Again here I am running away from danger, but I don’t know from whom, in the end I am standing on a boundary wall, and by looking down I can see a group of soldiers standing within the precinct, I believe that these soldiers want to capture me, one of these soldiers that I see is a friend of mine, so, I try to catch his attention, and when I did, I tried to talk to him by just looking at him and not saying a word, but just thinking what I wanted to say to him, he seemed to understand everything that I wanted to communicate. So, he communicated it to his commander, who then looks at me, and we communicate in the same manner. And all is solved by this strange way of communication.

Now, I have been asking myself, is this dream a futuristic dream and if this dream is futuristic: Does this dream mean that one day some people will be able to communicate in a telepathic manner.

Here I will stop talking about my spiritual dreams and go back to talk about the first dream.

Since the day that I dreamed, the most important dream of my life, I have been thinking what my religious dreams mean to me, and I have concluded that these dreams have many meanings, some of these meanings I am trying to explain here-under.


Meaning of my spiritual dreams. 

(1) My dream “The most important dream of my life” can mean that I am a lucky fellow, because I have seen God in my dreams, and to dream about God, is the greatest dream that we can have.

(2) My dream may mean that my subconscious was worried at that time, and led me to dream about God, because I had to find a way, how to stop my fear of dying suffocated at night. Because when I got sick, I felt as if there was an evil spirit that wanted to suffocate me. So, to find my courage and fight back, with my scared inner thoughts, my subconscious had to find a way out, and dreaming about God touching me, this would give me protection from God.

(3) My dream may mean that; really there was an evil spirit that wanted to harm me that night, and because in God’s straight ways it should not have happened; God came into my dream and touched me to set things running the way that they should have been running.

(4) My dream may mean that I had to go through extreme pains in the future, and to survive extreme pains we need to believe in the highest hope, and God being the highest hope possible came into my dream, as if He wanted to say, believe in me and I will help you overcome your pains, because I am your Father and I am your friend.

(5) My dream may mean the forecast of the hard life ahead of me, since there is a saying that says; only him and God knows how hard his life is! And this saying applies to me perfectly.

(6) My dream may mean any one of these suppositions above. But I must stop thinking about what my dreams mean, and I must think about what this dream has done to me.

I want to tell you that to dream about God is a very important dream, and such a dream has the capacity to even change many things in the life of the dreamer.  

For a start, I am a believer, and the more I think about my dream the more I believe in God, even if this God that I am believing in, is different from the God that we are supposed to believe in. Therefore, because of my dream I believe in God, and I believe in the Afterlife. This is the reason why this dream is changing my life, and I am writing these religious writings.

Therefore, now because of my dreams about God, I am a real believer, so, I am praying God and I have written a list of prayers, which I pray to God at least one of these prayers every day. There are lots of prayers in my articles, which may change a bit from time to time according to the needs of the day.

There are a few more spiritual dreams that I could tell you, but I am not going to. But I am asking myself, after all these God sent dreams that I have dreamed and written; do I have gained enough insights to write God's religious things? I hope I have because I am writing them.

I must stop now, because this article is too long. So, see you in my next article, God exists because life exists

To see more click on this link, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams

May God bless us all.


Monday, June 3, 2024

Our dreams and spiritual beliefs

 Anyhow, in these articles we want to look at religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfill that role beautifully. Anyhow, human history tells us that in the past religious beliefs have changed. So, we know that one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in these articles of, Prayers for Reconciliation, we are going to write about, how we believe our religious beliefs could change. We start by telling you the old religious beliefs, and by using our imagination we then will describe how religions could become in the future in a spiritual way. Anyhow, this article is about, Dreams and spiritual beliefs

        Dreams could be linked to God spiritual world.

We would like to believe that the angels of God are the links that can link us to God spiritual force, since we cannot see God and the angels, we would like to believe that angels are spiritual people like us, and they announce God and God's will. Perhaps what we believe can turn out to be the reality. 

Welcome to our article, Dreams and spiritual beliefs (8). 

May God guide and help me to write the right things. 

Dear readers, in these articles, of dreams and spiritual beliefs, we are continuing to explain dreams type two and three. Now to understand this issue better, we must look at the history of mankind, to see what our forebears believed in the world of dreams. You see, they believed that the spirit of the dead can visit us in a dream and give us messages, to warn us about what can happen in the future. Of course, this explanation covers only part of our question; while we want to know, where are the spiritual dreams that we dream come from?

Anyhow, first let us talk about dreams type 2 and 3, where we admit that they can be trigged from long past experience that surface in our mind while we are sleeping; or they are of psychological nature; so, while our mind is at rest, our brain tries to sort things out, to make sense in its own way while we are asleep. Some of these dreams may remind us of long past events, or they may be strange in nature and make no sense at all. They are a bit like the dream in type-one, but they are not because we can’t find the connection to our daily activities or present body needs; but there can be a connection, if we look for it in our life overall, and this connection is more mental than physical, because there are those things that our body requires but we are not aware, and then, there are our own religious beliefs that play a part in modifying our dreams.

When we think about it, all these things put together may create a problem for our mind, and this problem must be solved; so, our mind solves these problems by dreaming strange dreams. In my own personal experience, I always feel more relaxed after dreaming something no matter what, sometimes I feel as if some chemicals have been released in my brain; so, dreaming for us is beneficial overall, even when we don’t understand why we have dreamed such strange dreams.


Wanting to understand our dreams.   

We want to understand the dreams that we dream, you see, mankind has been interested about the meaning of dreams; because these dreams 2 and 3 are detached from our bodily needs, so, they are different, therefore, we ask ourselves whether our minds can tune-in another dimension, which can exist and it is believed to be the cosmic life-force of the universe, including the afterlife and world of the dead. after all, if we have souls and they are floating in the cosmos, they may as well have a role to play.  

Anyhow, some people believe that the dead people know everything before it happens, so, they want to warn us about these things, and they try to communicate with dreams, where they can give us coded messages, since they are not allowed to tell us in a straightforward way, at least this is what many people believe.

Because of these beliefs that exist in people minds, there are groups of people that are putting special meanings in these dreams, and they think that it is possible to foretell future events from the dreams that we dream.

In fact, there are people that believe in their dreams, and they want to know their meanings; these believers will tell their dreams to their partners, relative or friends that believe in dreams the same way they do; and by telling them their dreams, they hope that their friends can help them find what those dreams mean, but in the end, everything remains as confuse as before.

Anyhow, we don’t think that there is anybody that can answer what that dream means, because the same dream may have a different meaning to a different person. Because the person that is telling the dream must take into consideration his own feelings while he is dreaming.

I believe that those feelings are the most important part to consider for understanding dreams. But the feelings of a dreamer can’t be passed on easily, and for this reason it is hard to understand other people’s dreams. Because everyone has his own way of dreaming, and understanding dreams, therefore, the dreamer will dream his dreams according to his own beliefs and imagination, and it is for this reason, that only the dreamer himself is the person that is most capable of understanding his own dreams.

However, I believe that there are meanings in dreams, because if at night I dream something, and the day after something happens that is similar to my dream, I must accept that my dream has foretold me the happening; What else can I do?

I know that it is only afterward when something has taken place, that we can say that what has taken place is the same as our dream, and therefore we believe that, that dream was meant to foretell us the oncoming event.

So, it is events like these that will make us wonder, whether the dreams that we dream are there to foretell us the future. And if they are: Can we find an advantage by knowing the meanings of our dreams? Perhaps we can, if we remember our dreams and what happens afterward, so, let us try to understand dreams for ourselves.


Understanding our dreams.   

To understand our dreams, we must ask ourselves many questions and do the following.

(1) Let us keep a record about the dreams that we dream.

(2) Let us ask ourselves why we do dream such dreams, and what sort of dreams they are.


Are my dreams happy dreams, or sad dreams?

Do I feel secure while I dream, or do I feel threatened?

Are there friendly people with me, or are they hostile?

Can I move freely in my dreams, or I must struggle to move?

Am I alone in a large open space, or am I in a maze wanting to find my way out?

When a dreadful dream ends, does it end because I wake up from fear? Or does it end because I have overcome the dangerous obstacles and the dream finishes, and I wake up because it is time to wake up.

So, we can keep asking ourselves many questions: But in the end we will have only a confused idea about what our dreams can mean. Perhaps there is more meaning, if we look that the degree that the dreamer feels in the dreams; of happiness or sadness; of security or threat; of friendliness or hostility, and whatever else we can feel, that can be the way that we feel within ourselves in real life.

Therefore, these dreams can be of psychological nature, because they deal about our thinking and what we feel within our own mind, whether we are aware of it or not, it makes no difference.

So, all these dreams suggest that while we are sleeping our mind is not completely resting, but it is reviewing our life and our past, so that it can adjust our thoughts in such a way that they would make sense to our own mind, then our mind files them in its own way and be in peace with itself.

But there are dreams that cannot be explained like that; because they don’t belong neither to the body nor to the mind of the dreamer: But they seem to come from an outside source, which can influence our minds while we are sleeping. Perhaps our minds can listen to messages from the cosmos when we are sleeping, through our own sixth sense; or our subconscious mind can tune-in in a different dimension of the cosmos, since this is the only time when our mind is free and capable of doing this tune in, or could it be our ancestors’ souls that try to communicate with us.

We will try to explain this, in Dreams from the other side, where we are using one of my personal dreams, as an example.


Dreams from the other side. 

Now, I believe that dreams can come from the other side; so, here I am going to tell you one of my dreams, that I believe has come from the other side. I have dreamed this dream a long time ago. This dream is kept within my mind because of its special message it has conveyed to me, and because it has almost proved to me that there is an Afterlife, and that the spirits of our ancestors can come to us in our dreams and give us messages.

This dream can seem strange, because it seems to be a teaching dream from an ancient spirit, who wants to teach me how to wash dishes in a necessary and special way.

Anyhow, when I dreamed this dream I was in my late forties: but in my dream I was a young lad about twelve, and there was with me this old and wise lady in her sixties, (This difference in age between me and the old lady was there in the dream, to show that I was a newcomer to the world, compared to the old lady that must have been ancient, and that had lived her life longlife long before my time, as she seemed to me very wise.) anyhow, we were at an ancient fountain called La Cavallina, which is a fountain that I have written about in our article, The town I came from.

Anyhow, in my dream, while we were at this fountain, I had with me half a dozen dishes and some cutlery that I had to wash, and then I had to take them back home, which would have been the house of my grandma in the old part of the town; the old lady that I was with was instructing me to wash the dishes only under the first spout of the fountain, which is the most upstream spout, and to keep the dishes and everything else only in the small bay under the first spout, because that was the only way to have the dishes hygienically clean. So, I sure followed her instructions and washed the dishes how and where she said, but in the end a few of my dishes ended up in the second bay of the fountain, and I was worried, but the old lady said don’t worry: I protested to her and said; but you said to me, that to keep the dishes hygienically clean they must be kept only in the first bay, and now some of my dishes are in the second bay, and they have been contaminated; what can I do? And the old wise lady replayed to me again. Don’t worry just for this time, because when you wake up, you’ll know why it is all right just for this time.

The dream ends there, and when I woke up, I realized that it was only a dream: Therefore, if the dishes were contaminated it didn’t matter, because it was only a dream and it wasn’t real life. But the teaching of how to wash the dishes, in case there was an outbreak of infectious disease that could infect people using contaminated food or utensils was to be learned from this dream.

I believe that the old lady in my dream is the spirit of one of my forbears, and she must have lived during an epidemic of infectious disease, where she had learned that to survive one has to wash dishes and other utensils properly under running spring water. So, in my dream she wanted to pass her knowledge to me.

I suppose that my dream above is enough to make me believe about the afterlife, and that dreams can come from the other side. And that it is possible to get in touch with our ancestors through the cosmos, or whatever there is that can get us in touch with the souls of our ancestors.

But we don’t have the power to make it happen. For us it is like coming across something that we have never seen or done before, so, we have no control over it. So, we can say that it is like tuning in something new, and while we are sleeping, we have accidentally tuned in. Now, let us look at this possibility of dreaming and tuning in.


Dreaming and tuning in the cosmos. 

I believe that it is possible that we can tune-in the cosmos of the universe when we are asleep, or to spiritual forces that happen to be around us when we are dreaming. You see, we may dream of something, and when we wake up and talk to a family member or a friend, they start taking about the same thing that we have dreamed, even before we start talking about it ourselves. Or we find that they have dreamed a dream like ours. Can it be coincidence? Is it possible that there is an external force that has made this possible? Or, is it possible that our minds can communicate our thoughts while we are asleep?

These happenings suggest that, there are records available around us when we are dreaming, so, it is easy for us to tune in the same stuff at about the same time; or, our minds may have a sixth sense about communication without words when we are asleep, but our minds have no control about these communications, and they happen only if they happen, perhaps when two minds by chance tune on the same wavelengthwavelength.

This sixth sense that we have, in theory can tune in the cosmos, including the afterlife world, therefore, through this sixth sense, it is possible for passed-away people to give us coded messages in our dreams, as the ancient people believed. You see, people dream about their deceased relatives and friends, and believe that they want to tell them something in their dreams.

Here I’d like to say what I have been thought dreams could mean, if we want to understand them.

When we dream of passed away relatives or friends, are they males or females? Do we feel that they want to convey something to us? Do they seem concerned about us, or they seem normal? 

Here I want to say that most people believe that, to dream about a passed away man is a good omen, but a passed away woman is a warning, and the degree of the dream being easy or complex, is the degree that the dreamer may feel if anything happens like the dream.

It is helpful to remember what dreams we dream, and the people that are in our dreams, whether they bring you happy tidings or warnings. And then keeping them in mind which people bring happy tidings, and which may bring warnings.

During my life I have had lots of dreams of all shapes and forms, and within these dreams there is a very special dream, and I believe that it is a very special dream for me.

Because in this dream, I have been mentally in touch with the cosmos, whether I have been in touch with the cosmos or not, it is not possible to prove, and it could turn out to be only all my mind work. But I like to believe that in my dream I got really in touch with the cosmos, and I did reach the highest active life-force of the universe, God. Now I would have liked to talk about the most important dream of my life here, but I cannot because it has been published already.

Anyhow, I believe that we have said enough in this article, but we will continue to talk about our dreams, since there are more spiritual dreams that we want to talk about, in our next chapter that we are calling, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams

 This is all for this article, to see more click on this link, Dreams and spiritual beliefs

May God bless us all.


Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Bible is The Hebrew History

 Anyhow, in these articles we want to look at religions. You see, we use religions because we have a common interest. Life feels better when people believe in the same God, and the same things, religions fulfill that role beautifully. Anyhow, human history tells us that in the past religious beliefs have changed. So, we know that one day they might change again, but religions are going to survive. So, in these articles of, Prayers for Reconciliation, we are going to write about, how we believe our religious beliefs could change. We start by telling you the old religious beliefs, and by using our imagination we then will describe how religions could become in the future in a spiritual way. Anyhow, this article is about, The Bible is The Hebrew History

We believe that the Bible is the Hebrew history. Today we can say that this religion has changed, and new religions that derive from the Bible have taken its place, like Christianity. Now beside Christianity and other religions that derive from the Bible, there are many other religions in the world, and every one of them insists that it is the true religion. So, to go around and suggest that religions could change in the future, is not a great deal, since there are already all these different religions. 

The Hebrew history  

Welcome to our article, The Bible is The Hebrew History   

May God guide and help me say the right things.

Dear readers, there are reasons to believe that in the ancient world people history and religions were written together, they were not separated and what happened was written mostly as religion, because it was the religious leaders that most times were also the leaders of the country, they also knew how to write and what to say, and then, what to do to control the people. For this reason, the Hebrew history and their religious beliefs were written in the Bible, according to the times when they were written. They were a record of what was happening then mixed up with their religious beliefs, and from these records the Bible was written later.

Anyhow, today we use the Bible as a religious book, but if we read the Old Testament of Bible and forget that the Bible is a religious book, then, we can see that it is more Hebrew history than religious writings.

We could also see that those religious writings in the Bible, have been written to control the Hebrew people, which are hard to control and in those times religions were used to control the people, since religions and government were the same people using the same rules, they had to be like that to survive what happened around them. Here I want to make this observation, today there are still religions that control the people, the Islamic religions are an example, in some cases religions are more powerful than the government of the day.

Anyhow, the history of the Israelite is that they were strong headed people, so, a strong God was needed to control them and tell them what to do. This is the reason, the Hebrew God Yahweh had to be powerful. Can you imagine a powerful god that created everything and created man from plain dirt? This God was powerful indeed.

The Hebrew were indeed headstrong and selfish people. Try to imagine the Israelite when they were in the desert and what they did, even after seeing all those things that Yahweh their God had done for them. Since they were delivered from the Pharaoh slavery, because of the seven plagues and other things that Yahweh did for them, and then, the crossing of the Red Sea; but even though they had witnessed all these supernatural things, they had still their rebellious ideas that they wanted to follow, instead of following their God Yahweh.

Now, we need to say that this article is being written to discuss about what is written in the Bible. So, looking at what we have said, it seems to me that there must be another explanation, why the Israelite did not follow their God. Therefore, there must be another explanation, which is that ether the Israelites were really headstrong and wanted to see only their own ways, but this means that God made a mistake to choose them as his people, or perhaps God did not do all those things that the Bible says God did?

So, we believe that the Hebrew God Yahweh is less powerful than the way he has been described in the Bible from the Hebrews. So, let us look at the Israelite in the Sinai desert.


The Israelite in the Sinai desert. 

The Bible says that the Israelite stayed a long time in the Sinai desert, at the beginning the Israelites were given laws from Yahweh their God through Moses: they were counted and assigned their place around the tabernacle, they were given their tasks as Yahweh God told Moses. This is written in the first five books of the Bible. Anyhow, what is hard to believe here is that Yahweh God dictated just about everything through Moses. Therefore, here we may ask, did everything happen as it is written in the Bible and Yahweh God did all this programming?

Or it is more likely that because Moses and Aaron were in charge of this fastidious group of Israelite, who were never happy about anything, so, they had to be guided with whatever means possible, so, they exaggerated what Yahweh was telling Moses to control them. Anyhow, what was written in the beginning might have changed, because it was written and re-written later many times. Anyhow, these religious laws were written is such a way that the Israelites were bound to follow them. We believe that the people then were guided by religions more than today.

If we want to compare the old religions with today religions, we must look at those religions that have not changed much, and they retain still that religious control of the people, one of these religions is the Muslim religion, which does not seem to have changed at all.

You see, today no matter what we do or say about religions, we have doubts in our minds, in fact, we are not even sure if God exists; anyhow, this is how we see religious things today, but here we are talking about ancient religions.

Anyhow, in the ancient times, if Yahweh God really came down to earth and helped the Israelites that much, how come that every now and again the Israelite people had doubts about their God; we believe that it may be that God did not do as much as the Bible said he did?

You see, if today anything happens the way that the Bible claims they happened, I am sure that everybody would follow religion and their God blindly. But there are things and happenings that don’t add up the way they should; one of these happenings is this: Yahweh had promised the Israelites the Promised Land, but as we know the Israelites of those times did not follow God blindly, in fact, they did not believe that they could take over the Promised Land from the people that were there, as God had promised them, and for this reason Yahweh punished them by making them stay in the dessert for forty years, that is until all those people that had doubts died and a new generation took over.

This happening makes us ask many questions, so: what was the reason why the Israelites did not believe in God Yahweh? Was it because God did not do those things that the Bible claims he has done? Or is this an invented religious story written to control the Israelites? We do not know.

As you can see from what we have written above, we end up questioning the questionable, above all whether these religious things really happened as the Bible claims, or they were written from religious leaders, so, they could control the people better in those old times. Anyhow, those were the old times and religions were used to control the people.

Now let us see what happens in the religious circles today, because we believe that religions and everything else changes with time. You see, if we look at the world religious history, there have been many changes; so, let us talk about it.


From old to modern religions. 

As we have seen, there are things that may not be right, when we talk about the Old Testament of the Bible; but we will have to come back to continue talking about it another time, you see, our task today is to find a way how to explain to our readers those religious doubts, that we have when we are reading the Bible, and what can be done about it, in other words what we should do about them.

What we are saying is not that we should change that is written in the Bible, to the contrary, we should keep what is written in the Bible the way it is, because the Bible belongs to the past and the past cannot be changed; but we should learn from it and together with other things that we have learned we should plan for the future, because religious changes can happen in the future. Of course, this is not the first time that humanity has done that, if we look back at history we will see that many religions have given way to new religions, the way that we see this is that religions have got to agree with the times they are in, if they don’t the public will move away from them.

So, we believe that today, we need to move from the old religions to modern religions, it is the sign of the time, since everything else is changing; so, we should get ready for the religions of the future.

Anyhow, let us go back to talk about the Bible religions and Christianity, today as you know the Old Testament is no longer the most important part of our religious beliefs, since The New Testament is what western religions are following, therefore, religions are like everything else, they have their life span, so, soon or later they become too old and they have to be modified.

Now we believe that there must be a way for a modern religious system, so, this is what we are suggesting in these articles. Here I have to say that I am writing these religious writings, because I feel that something is going to happen soon, so, I want to talk about it.

Of course, we have a theory in mind that we are writing and publishing, in our next group of articles in part three, where God is the life giver of every living thing. But before we do that, we need to say a few other things, starting by looking briefly at the New Testament in our next article, since this is another link of the chain that binds every religious thing together. So, see you next time in our article, the New Testament discussions

This is all in this article; to see more click on this link, The Bible is The Hebrew History

May God bless us all.
