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Other web sites to look for: http://menfranco-re.blogspot.com

Thursday, December 8, 2016

There is a time for everything

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, there is a time for everything
There are times when I feel that I have to write these religious article. One could say as if I have been called by God to write them.


Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, wisdom and knowledge, where we were saying that there is a time for everything. Anyhow, we could say that from our own life experiences and observations, we may have reasons to believe, that today we are approaching a time in our lives, when religious beliefs and other ways of life in general might need to be reviewed and perhaps changed somehow, they need to be changed, because there are so many problems that arises from them and they need to be fixed if it is possible, at least this is the way we see it, so we believe that this is the right time to start doing it. 

So, let us say just a few more words about this present time, first of all, I and my present friends here believe, and for sure we believe that most people would agree with us here, that there is a time for everything, and soon or later this time will come. In our case today we would be talking about our religious views and that most things would continually change and what today seems just perfect as everything is, tomorrow those same things might seem completely out of place, therefore, some adjustment would be required to make it good again and be able to fulfil those things which were supposed to be fulfilled in the first place; now, since here we are talking about religions and religions are made to serve mankind, any changes that we would like to make should be made for the future benefit of mankind, so that religions may continue to serve humanity.

Now that I have started to talk about there is a time for everything and I believe that there is a time for everything, let us go back to the facts that I was telling you in the beginning, because this may be the real reason why I have felt strongly that there is a time for everything, since just now I feel that there are things that need to be done now, perhaps this was also the reason why that supernatural event happened to me and set in motion my spiritual circumstances, so let me say a few more things about that happening.

Even before the supernatural encounter that I have mentioned before in our hub called, Prayers for reconciliation, I was aware that the world’s religions clashed with each other’s in many ways, and that it was indeed time for somebody somehow to come up with some new ideas on how to fix those differences, in order to make the world a better place to live in, or at least keep it going the best way we could.

So, I was thinking and asking myself, what anyone could possibly do to improve this unrealistic damaging religious situation that exist today. Sometimes I ask myself how much of these beliefs contributed to my religious vision.

Because I did find myself in this religious dilemma as I have been saying above, I made an effort in order to understand these religious situations better and also for my own good, so, I did some research and read a few religious books, and after reading and thinking a lot about what I had read, by pure logic of reasoning I came to my own conclusion of the existing religious situation, therefore you see I have formed my own religious beliefs.

Here I want to point out to you that I have reached my own conclusion by pure logic human reasoning, and I want also to say this, I believe that we (the human race) are now ready and able to understand our own religious situation better than before, and therefore, we are able to do something about it these days, you see before it was a lot harder to do anything religious and otherwise; but today it is a lot easier, because today we are advancing rapidly in all fields of knowledge and learning, thanks to the computer and other electronic devices that bring knowledge to the people at large. So the people in general are now entering the age of knowledge and REASON, and everything that in the future will not be able to stand to our logic and benevolent human REASON or reasons, which are the scrutiny of all aspect of life and beliefs, will be rejected by humanity.

Now, having reached this stage of understanding about the progress we humans are achieving today, I was looking for some positive signs or news that humanity was doing something about it, in order to rectify this religious problem that exist today; but I was shocked to see that nobody was doing anything worthwhile which could be able to improve the situation, here I would like to say that the tragic event of 9-11 was one of the triggers that got me thinking even harder.

It was for this reason that I came to the conclusion that perhaps I should be doing something myself, and having started this thinking in mind I started to write a few articles just for myself to see if I could come up with any good ideas on how to achieve something useful, therefore I had already writing some of my own religious beliefs when that supernatural encounter happened. Therefore, in a way I have reasons to believe that perhaps it was just because I had written those religious articles that supernatural encounter happened to me.

You may ask why I started writing anyhow. And I will tell you that deep within my heart my soul and my mind I was feeling that I had to do something about these existing religious beliefs, because in my mind eyes I felt as if I was called to write what I was writing then.

Here I am not going to be able to write all the reasons why I am writing this last paragraph but what I would like to say is that in a way the human race has left it become overdue, even though at the same time one may say that humanity is advanced so much and we have reached the age of reason, but even though some of us might have reached the age of reason, we are not really using all our mental capacity so to speak.

Now let me go back to my dear friends and say that I have been talking a lot myself, so I have not yet given you the chance to have your say, so now let me only ask you this:

Do you think that by pulling our knowledge together and working together we would be able to suggest to the world how to improve the present religious situation, so that violent things that happen in the name of God and religions may be avoided in the future?

Since what we would like to achieve are these things written below:


This could be the right time to start with, therefore;

We would like to set the stage for the entire world to see

When you read these pages we hope that you would agree

That here we are trying hard to find a way to save all humanity

While we are praying God who may be willing to save us for eternity

For this reason, I am going to pray God to help me.


Anyhow, this post is becoming too long, so, we are going to write our friends answer in our next post. See you soon.
If you believe in God.  
There is a time for everything

Next time with; My friends answers 
Some personal and religious links: 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wisdom and knowledge

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, wisdom and knowledge
Wisdom and knowledge
By reading good books, one might acquire some wisdom and knowledge.

Our human views about wisdom and knowledge

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, first religious meeting, where we ended up by saying that we would talk about wisdom and knowledge, so, let us talk about it. During our lives, many issues arise and some of them are easy to solve, some others issues are not that easy to solve; for instance, today we would like to solve these religious problems that exist in the world, just because we see and believe that there are religious problems; so, how do we go about to solve them? First of all, we look at these religious issues and try to work out a solution, we see that these religious issues are also spiritual circumstances for all the people involved in them, therefore we have to be very careful here as they are not easy to solve; the only thing that we can do here is use our wisdom to sort these things out, if we happen to have any wisdom. Now let us explain wisdom: Wisdom is the mental capacity of a wise person, whom when confronted with a problem is able to solve it better than the average person.

Now, let us explain wisdom the way we see it; wisdom of a single person is usually an accumulated knowledge of all those events that this person has lived during his/her life; therefore, this wise person is capable somehow of using this accumulated knowledge for his own advantage, or for helping other people; therefore, when a problem arises this wise person would be able to solve the problems better than the other people around him/her.

It is not known why one wise person becomes wiser than somebody else, even though they might have lived most of the same events together, so, we may have to guess at the reasons why, so, let us say that some people are better able to assimilate their accumulated knowledge, perhaps by storing it at the highest level in their own mind and when the need arises they would be able to use this accumulated knowledge to their advantage.

Since wisdom (accumulated knowledge) may be stored at one level higher that just logic reasoning, so, it may seem and feel like a sixth sense to the wise man that has it. The wise man knowing what he should do by this intuition of his sixth sense, he also uses logic reasoning just to make sure that everything is all right, this way he is able to back up his wisdom.

Of course there are other possibilities also, so we better mention something about this, some people believe that there is also a small possibility that the wise person may be able to tune into the cosmos, or the spiritual life force of the universe which is thought that it may be able to store the entire accumulated knowledge of everything in the entire universe just like God, this thought of course gives rise to this question.

Is the cosmos an integral part of God of the universe? Well it may be part of God.

But here we are talking about wisdom and not God. So the definition of wisdom and where it comes from might still remain a mystery to most of us, but that does not matter because we can use wisdom our accumulated knowledge to achieve our goals. Therefore, we are going to use our accumulated knowledge, which together with our logic reasoning may be able to come close to achieve what we want to achieve today. And as I have said before, it seems to me that now the time has come for us to do something about it, I see it is about time and you may see it also that there is a time for everything and now is the right time, so let us try and see what needs to be done, and let us study what is around us first, so that we may understand better the situation, we are in, before we do unnecessary things that could make the situation even worse, but anyhow it seems to me that the time has come for us to do something about these religious beliefs that seem to lead the people into a harmful situation these days.

I believe that we have already said enough in this post, so we will continue to talk about there is a time for everything in our next post.

See you soon.


Monday, November 14, 2016

First religious meeting

Welcome to our blog, If you believe in God
and this post, first religious meeting
First religious meeting
When people want to discuss important issues, they usually talk to their friends, or they may call a meeting, just to discuss what they have in mind.


First religious meeting
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, personal spiritual circumstance, where we were about to call a meeting, with our religious friends to talk about some religious issues. I know that now you are saying, why bring in your friends to talk about these religious issues, when you already know most of the answers about what you want to write and discuss? But you see even I need reassurance, and since my friends were willing to help me, when we had this meeting, I feel that I could use their help. Anyhow, at this first religious meeting Mark, Gino and three other friends came as they had promised.
At the beginning of this meeting we were all behaving just like children, as we all wanted to push above all our own views without listening to each other, what we were saying. So, I thought that the meeting was going to be just a waste of time, and we would be talking about the same old stuff that blokes talk about when they are together; that is the way that it was going on, what else could it be but a waste of time, as we had never had a meeting before with an agenda in mind to discuss. But then, my friend Mark soon became aware of my feelings and he said; Look the way we are going about is not going to get us anywhere, if we want to help Frank, and since we are here to help Frank, then, let Frank be the one who talks first. After he states his views we will have plenty of time to state our own views.
So, there and then, I had to put my very mixed thoughts into words, and I didn’t even know how to start in front of my friends, as confusion was on my mind, not because I was really confused, but because what I wanted to say was so complex, just because what I was aiming to achieve at this meeting was not easy, since we had a decision to make about these future religious writings that I wanted to write, therefore everything that I had in mind was complex, but in the end I tried to concentrate and said, something like this:
My dear friends, I can feel within my heart that you are my friends indeed, because you have come forward to help me on this very difficult decision that I am facing today, and you have come of your own free will. Now let it be understood before we start that this task of mine is not going to be easy for anyone of us to achieve, so, if you still want to help me to succeed in writing my religious theory, which I would like to write, because of my personal spiritual circumstances, then, first of all I will have to tell you that it is going to be hard; because, what I have in mind to write is going to be a very controversial religious subject, so, there will be lots of people that are not going to agree with our religious views, but then because of my spiritual circumstances, I feel that I want to do it anyhow, and because I believe that there is a time for everything, and this might be the right time for me to start writing it. Now this religious changing time that I am talking about I believe is very close, so, I feel that even now is time to start. Having said that I have also to say to you this, if you are my helper, because people may not like what I am going to write, they could also not like you for helping me. So, you better consider that for yourself right now, I hope that I have been able to express myself clear enough, for you to understand the situation that I am in and could be in the future.
Having warned you of what might happen to us all, now I feel free to say how I see this unusual situation and try to reason what can be done. I believe that it really takes more than a few very wise people to be able to begin solving this problematic religious situation that exists in the world today, and whether the existing religious situation could and would be solved nobody knows. So this question arises; in theory, are we going to be wise enough to solve it or suggest a solution? Or at least to get it started in the right direction? So that one-day humanity would be able to solve these religious problems that we see today, as we all know about the atheists and above all the religious extremists that they seem to put the entire world in danger, by using their extreme religious views and beliefs.
I need to say that I have reasons to believe that it all depends on our wisdom and our beliefs, here I am not talking only about myself, but I am also talking about how the rest of the wise people of the world are going to see this religious situation and try to help. As for ourselves let us make it simple to start with, So, let us believe that there is a god; because if we believe that there is a god, then it follows that if we believe in God and religions and pray God, then God will help us achieve what we are willing to achieve for the people sake, but we need to be wise ourselves and at the same time search also for some wise people help.  
So, we need to be wise and employ also some wise people, we need wisdom, so, let us talk about Wisdom, which is something that we are going to need so much, if we are going to solve anything at all, so, here under are written our views about wisdom since we are going to need it, some of you might say, why talk about wisdom now, when we are supposed to be talking about religions, but we need wisdom because wisdom is the link that links things together, so, even if wisdom is not our main issue that we are talking about here, we are going to need wisdom and wise people, in order to solve today religious issues.
We are going to talk about wisdom and knowledge in our next post, since this post is becoming too long, see you soon.

If you believe in God.  
First religious meeting 
Next time with; Wisdom and knowledge 
Some personal and religious links: 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Personal spiritual circumstance

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, personal spiritual circumstance
Personal spiritual circumstance
With these different photos in this post, I would like to point out, that everything religious, brings us some religious circumstance.

Praying God is just another need that we feel; so, it is another of our spiritual circumstance.

The Holy Spirit, I believe that is the power that brings everything together, and therefore links us to all spiritual things. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can feel our own personal spiritual circumstance.

 Personal spiritual circumstance
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post called, About the existing religions. As you know these religious posts are about our religious theory of ‘reconciliation of the universe’ that we are writing. Anyhow, after talking about spiritual dreamland, our dreams and about God existence, in our previous posts, in this post we would like to talk about some spiritual circumstances in general in this chapter, and also about our spiritual circumstances in this article, because everybody is not the same and we live our lives the best way we can, so let us compare if we could what we have done so far for a start, as this article is also part of Prayers for Reconciliation religious writings.
You see, when or if we look at our own religious life observations, some of which we have already written here and many other religious things that the people believe, we might have to agree that during our lives some sorts of spiritual circumstances really do exist, since these are the circumstances that we happen to live during our own lives and they should all be viewed together with our other lives’ observations.
Now this article is being written to explain some of these spiritual circumstances including my own; but it is also being written to link with the other religious articles that we have already written. As we have already said in our other articles, these religious writings are an idealistic theory and is being written in good faith for the future benefit of mankind. In these writings we are in search of ourselves in a religious way, so, while we are discussing what our main spiritual circumstance would be, we would also be looking for religious options that could improve links between religions, since existing religions seem to be made to stay isolated, but today being isolated may not be the best thing to do, so, it would be better if they start changing. 
Anyhow, in our last article we have talked about, the existence of God. In this article we will be writing about: my own spiritual circumstances, as spiritual circumstances exist; first meeting discussions; there is a time for everything; my friends reply to our religious talks and thinking about a prayer for this new ways of seeing God and religions. We may not be able to talk about all these issues in this post, so, some of them will be written in our following posts. 
Now, I believe that here we should have been saying something for our reader’s peace of mind, because what we are saying is different from normal religious talks; but because we do not want to repeat the same article many times, we advise our readers that they can find this explanation in full in our next hub, Prayers of reconciliation; now, let us look at spiritual circumstances. 
Spiritual circumstances exist
Dear readers we would like to bring to your attention that spiritual circumstances exist, because everything that is religious, by default is also spiritual; this also applies to what we have already said before, where we have somehow come to the conclusion in the article called ‘God exists because life exists’, first we have assumed that God exists at least by definition, and then we have also assumed that God exists even if God is different from the God how it is written in the Bible, and we have been taught to believe in; we have also talked about spiritual dreams; this is the link to check it out; Cosmic Spiritual Dreams, 7 , and we also have published Prayers for reconciliation, 5; this is the link to check it out Prayers for Reconciliation, 5,
Now, what follows here-under has been born from the need of circumstances, because spiritual circumstances exist as we have explained above, and also as you can see for yourself. You see, here we are talking about everything put together; but then we have also to say that what we have written in Prayers for Reconciliation, and my spiritual dreams and other religious things, they are all driving me to write these religious writings that I am writing here, in the hope that I would be able to link them better; I hope that you can see the link more clearly now that spiritual circumstances exist, is being written.
You see after that supernatural experience that I had then, as written in “prayers for reconciliation article”, and I need to say here that for a long time I kept that supernatural happening to myself, as I felt that I had to keep it to myself somehow, because when these unusual things happen and you tell someone they think you are going crazy.
Therefore, before I told anyone, I had to think it over many times whether I should tell at least my most trusted friends about this supernatural and unbelievable happening, because what I saw and heard at that time could only make sense to myself and nobody else. Anyhow, in the end I came to the conclusion that I had to tell at least my most trusted friends, even if they might think that I was crazy, after all they were my friends, and if they think that I am crazy they will try to help me anyhow, and so I did tell them.
And just as I thought, the very first time that I told my friends about the supernatural event they seemed worried about what I had just told them, and after consulting among themselves for a while they came back to me and said;
If you really believe in what you have seen and heard to be true, and you have not dreamed it or invented it, but really it has happened to you, then, we have to believe you no more questions about that. And then later on they went on saying, if what you are saying is true, then the question arises what can one do about it? And also what are you going to do about it?
So I replied to them, that although I felt within myself that I wanted to do something about it, for me it would not be easy to tell the world of this supernatural happening, because very likely they would think that I was crazy, and then, how could I make the world believe that it had really happened to me? So I said that I had to think it over.
Now, I do not know why my friends came to my rescue, whether they wanted to know more about my mental state, or just for friendship sake, my fried Mark said: because you don’t seem to feel sure about yourself, we, (that is me and Gino here) are ready to help you in any way possible, as we feel within our hearts that you need some help to encourage you to do something about it, or at least talk about it, if you so wish, so that we would understand you better and also your mind would become clear.
Then my lifelong friend Mark said to Gino: Would you be ready to help Frank, Gino with this somehow strange religious matter that is on his mind?
And Gino said yes.
This is how I accepted to write some of these religious writings with the help of my friends Mark and Gino.
So now, I am going to call on my friends to have a good talk about these religious writings, since they believe me when I talk to them about my spiritual circumstances.
Before I call this meeting with Mark and Gino, let me say a prayer of reconciliation to God Most-High our Heavenly Father, so that I would become inspired and worthy to write these religious writings, that I am hoping to write with the help of God and my friends of course.
My Lord God, Almighty and merciful Father, to you I turn Father-Most-High praying with all my heart, my soul and my mind earnestly; I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; so that, I would become worthy to pray to you and be heard and worthy in your eyes to be your humble servant, and then be able to write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to your will. Father, hear my prayer and bless me! Amen.
I believe that this post is already too long for the average reader of today. So, see you in our next post called, First religious meeting.
May God bless us all? 

If you believe in God.  
Personal spiritual circumstance 
Next time with; First religious meeting
Some personal and religious links: 

Sunday, July 31, 2016

About the existing religions

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, about the existing religions
About the existing religions
There are many religions in the world of today. They also create many religious problems. So, we are looking for ways that would help us eliminate these religious problems that exist in the world today, we hope it is possible to achieve that, if we are able to modify some of the religions somehow, and that is what we are trying to do here.

 About the existing religions
What about the existing religions?
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, God at least exists by definition, where we have reached the point of accepting those definitions. So, now that we have accepted that God exists at least by definition, and that God is life, just the way we know life is, and it cannot be any other way. If we have accepted that definition, then one may start thinking and asking these questions; what about the existing gods and religions? Are all these existing religions that we have today all lies you would like to ask? The answer to that is; No they are not lies at all, as there is a fair amount of truth about them. The truth may well be that in the past whenever some unexplainable event took place that could prove that it was a god sent event, people took notice of that event, but then slowly became distorted and exaggerated.
For instance; Yahweh God of the Israelite appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai as a burning shrub and said to Moses that He was (Yahweh) God. We have to believe that this is all true and perhaps some of the other events after that were also true; but then a lot of things became exaggerated as the time went by and every writer that wrote or re-wrote this event said what he thought was right; you see those writers that wrote those events could only express those events, as good as their knowledge was then, and perhaps they had to make it as simple as they could, so that the people of those times would understand what they were talking about, they had also to write those events in such a way that they could be able to control the people, since religions are very good at doing that.
Of course we have also to admit that the leaders of those time used any means available to them to control their people, therefore they saw that religions could be used to control their people and so they did. So the writers of those times had to design their religious writings in such a way that the people could be controlled, they had to do that because that was the easiest way to control the people then, you see people then were more violet then today, they had to be strong and aggressive because that was the only way for them to survive, what else could they do? So religions were helpful and were the best non-violent means to control people. Therefore, we may conclude that any religious event slowly became distorted with the passing of time, because of the need to control the people they served. I hope that you see what we mean one way or another.
So, what can we do today to set the record straight, and to set it in a way that would agree to the present religious needs of the people, you may ask? But there is no much we can do; perhaps we can modify our existing religious beliefs in such a way that we can still use them as they are, and then, we should slowly and in several stages introduce the new way of religious thinking.
There are reasons to believe that today we have reached the age of reason, well at least part of us have reached that age of reason; we are saying this because, as we can see from what is happening in the world not all of us have reached it, since there are some religions that oppose progress and they seem to have stopped evolving and believe in their religions as they did in the dark age over a thousand years ago; we believe that also these religions need to change, and we believe that they will change, but it might take a longer time for them to change. 
Now, let us explain; when we talk about the age of reason in this article, we want to say that we have evolved to a high level of consciousness and therefore we are ready to use our logic reasoning to a greater degree that we have done in the past; because of this logic reasoning everything that does not stand to our logic reasoning will be rejected, therefore there are some existing religions that need to be modified, this is according to what we have already said in the article, Religious Reconciliation Forum, here is the link to check it out; Religious reconciliation forum, 2, Having explained our own views above, now let us write what we found on the Internet:  

Again, how can we prove that God exists?
Now, let me go back to what I found on the Internet, and then I will write our own theory.
Just to show you an example, hereunder is what T. Latham at hub pages says in answer to one of my questions about the existence of God; my questions in hub pages were: How do you know that God exists? The atheists say that there is no God. Can we prove them wrong?
Can we prove that God exists? This is one answer I have received to my question.
This is what T. Latham said in answer to my questions, and I quote:
Dr. Frank J. Tipler, a Mathematics and Physics Professor at Tulane University, proves that not only does God exist, but that the universe will be resurrected, and every living soul will be resurrected to face God (Omega Point), and live eternally.
The theory is explained, and proven in his book, "The Physics of Immortality." Tipler uses Math and Physics to prove the theory, and he also makes the comparison by using a cone placed upside down, showing the universe, the earth and its inhabitants, residing at the bottom, or large base of the cone, and God sitting at the top or uppermost point of the cone, which he calls "The Omega Point."
The book is a hard read for someone lacking a science background, but Tipler has finally made a connection between Science and Creation, and proves his theory with Math and Physics.
Mine is not a proven theory, but I feel there is a connection with Einstein's Theory E = mc2. God exists as:
The Trinity (three separate or distinct entities under one Godhead).
E = Energy (God) Father
m = mass (Jesus Christ) Son
c = Speed of Light (Holy Spirit) Mother
End of quote.
Can we prove that God exists? This is the question.
Thanks to the answer of T. Latham at Hub pages today I am going to write this special hub, I am saying a special hub just because it is outside my existing religious writings, which I am publishing as I write them, so this hub will not fit as a continuity of my published writings, but anyhow it deals with the same subject, therefore in a way it can stand side by side.
Having said where this hub stands; now I have to say why I am writing it; it is because I believe that God may well be as Dr. Frank J. Tipler describe, just like in my part written theory of, Reconciliation of the Universe, which one day I am going to finish and publish on the net, my God is somehow similar to Dr. Frank J Tipler.
You may ask why I do not finish it and publish it now? Well, we have to tell you that one of the reasons why we cannot finish our theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, it is that we have first of all convince religious people that the present nowadays religions need to be modified.
Modifying existing religions sounds like troubles, as it sounds like as it is the beginning of the end of the existing religious system; in fact it sounds like the first trumpet in the Bible Revelations; now, whether our religious writings are going to be the forerunner of the first trumpet we do not know, the only thing we know is that I feel from within my soul that I have to write my religious writing, and if I don’t write them my life has not been worth living; therefore I have to try hard to find the right things to write and then write them.
This theory of, Reconciliation of the Universe is going to be written in very simple English, just because I do not know any better, sometimes I think that perhaps it is the will of God, that a simple self-taught person like myself feels the need to write these religious things. Then I think that perhaps God wants an unlearned person like myself to write religious things, because God wants all sorts of people to understand what is going to be written in the coming new system; God wants that because everybody can understand what is being said and also because it would be easy to translate in a new language. As we all know some minor world languages are very simple, so there is the need for a simple written religious book, which would be easily translated in those simple languages.
What Dr. Frank J Tipler and other learned writers are writing could be just great for all those learned people that are able to understand them; but for the simple people perhaps our theory could be better, as it is easier for simple minded people to understand. Perhaps this is God's will, and I have to write my own religious writings, So, I am going to start with my own theory of God exists at least by definition, just like the way we have done here.
May God bless us and guide us to understand his will.
See you soon in our next post called, Spiritual circumstances
If you believe in GodAbout the existing religions

Next time with; spiritual circumstances 
Some personal and religious links: 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

God exists at least by definition

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, God exists at least by definition
God exists at least by definition
In our religious theory that we are writing, we believe that there is a god somehow, even if this god is only some life force energy that makes life possible on earth. The life force energies of the universe, exist within the universe, so if we look and see any part of the universe, we could say that we are seeing God as well. 

God exists at least by definition
His post is the continuation of our last post, God exist because life exists, so, let us to provide the proof of the existence of God.
We have reason to believe that we are going to be able to prove to you that God does really exist, first of all God exists because you and I exist, if God did not exist then you and I could not exist. In general terms we could say that life is God and God is life itself, so, one cannot exist without the other, these are our general beliefs about the existence of God, and therefore our theory of how God exists.

In this theory that we are writing here, my God would or could not be exactly as your God or the God described in the Bible, if we have to go by the ways religious leaders understand God; therefore, it would follow that if God is not like the God described in the Bible; What is God like then? Well, as we have already said in our previous post, God and life seem to be parallel to one another and they could also be one and the same thing. Having said that I know that it is not going to be enough for everybody to accept what we have just said. Therefore, we need to prove to our readers how and why God exists, and there are many ways to do that and many points that need to be described and clarified for the entire world to be able to accept our spiritual theory of the existence of God.
So now, let us start to describe one of our theories, which happen to be perhaps the most removed from today religious beliefs, but at the same time it could be the one that just about everybody could or would accept more willingly than the rest. So, here with this explanation we would be able to say that God must exist at least by definition.
What do you mean about that, that God exists at least by definition, I can hear you say?
What we are trying to say here is that whatever sort of god is there he/it needs to be defined or perhaps we should say described if you see what we mean. What we are trying to say here is that God does not need to be the creator of everything, as religions want us to believe, in fact in our theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, God is the modifier of the existing life forces of the universe and through God-life-force, life is made possible on earth, so, let me say here again that God exists by definition, because we have reasons to believe that God is life and life is God himself, they need to be linked together very closely for God and life to exist.
Now, let us state it once again; you see if we exist, then there should be a life force that makes life possible, otherwise we would not exist? Now, it follows that apart other things we need to give a name to the existing life force of the universe that makes life possible, because this is the life force that makes life possible on earth, so, what other name can we give to this life force? Perhaps God is the only name that is suitable to describe this life force.
Did you hear what I have just said? What other name can we/you give to the life force that makes life possible on earth? Therefore, God exists at least by definition and there is no doubt about it. If any of you who read these religious writings thinks that I am wrong let me know your views, so that I may try to correct it. Because I believe that God must exist at least by definition.
We must accept that there is God even if it is just definitions of the life force that makes life possible on earth and perhaps the entire universe, so God exists because life exist.
So, if we believe that God exists because life exists, then we may have to accept that there is God at least by definition to start with, and then we also need to accept that God is life, and life could be said to be God himself, we need to accept that otherwise instead of asking who is God, we would be asking what is life, and also where does life come from? Do you see what we mean? It is like a chain that links one thing to another and it cannot be separated, it cannot be separated also because everything in the universe seems to form a cycle, And God and life form a never ending cycle that makes life possible on earth, at least this is how I can start seeing these religious things and how they could work.

Anyhow, we may have to accept that God and life cannot be separated, because they can indeed be one and the same thing; because as we said, how else can we explain the existence of life and also how life came about? One can guess that there is this life energy in the universe that makes life possible on earth and this life energy could be called God; we cannot see it in any other ways, therefore, God exists because life exists.
Let us review what we have said above, so that we may conclude what this may mean for us human beings; there are reasons to believe that we may have two or three choices here, ether we have to accept that there is a god and God created life on earth, or life and God is one and the same thing; how else can we explain the existence of life on earth by logic reasoning? The third way is that there must be an endless source of life energy in the universe that makes life possible, and if this life energy is not there then life cannot exist; but we know that there is life, just because we are alive and exist, if we did not exist then I would not be writing this article here. Of course this reasoning of endless life energy poses this question; what can we call this endless life energy? Perhaps God is the only appropriate name that we can give to this life energy. Do you see what we mean?
So, God exists and there is no doubt about it.
I can already hear you protesting and saying; but this god or life energy that you are talking about here is not anything like the God described in the Bible or any other gods for that matter. So how are you going to explain that now, we wonder how?
We have to assume that even this existence of God can be explained sometime later on in my religious writings, which I will be writing when I write Reconciliation of the Universe soon. But now let us talk about the existing religions and the effect these religious writings may have on them, that is if and when humanity accepts these religious writings, and also my religious theory of reconciliation of the universe. You see, if humanity accepts this religious theory, I am sure that we all would like to ask; what about the existing religions? It would be only normal to ask in this case, so, let us talk about the existing religions.
Anyhow I believe that this post is becoming too long, for the average readers of today, because they usually don’t like to stop long enough for anything at all, so, we will be writing about the existing religions, in our next post soon. See you there.
May God bless us all?
If you believe in God
God exists at least by definition

Next time with; about the existing religions 
Some personal and religious links: