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Other web sites to look for: http://menfranco-re.blogspot.com

Friday, October 4, 2013

How religions could be

Welcome to our blog, If you believe in God
and our post, How religions could be

We really don't know how god of the universe will be in the future, it might even be a part of the universe that will represent God

 How religions could or would be

In our last post we have said that for future religious reconciliation some religious changes are required. You see, we have no doubt in our minds that religions are about to change, it may take a few decades for these changes to happen but they will slowly happen; because we can see that the time is coming when changes in religions would be really required, and therefore there is this need for religions to change direction and this is what I am trying to say here-under and this is what might be called the new system that we are waiting for; I know that now I am sounding just like a preacher that preaches the same thing again and again, but this is how religions work?
Now, we would like to inform you not to worry about these religious changes that we arer forecasting or proposing, because they are only a proposition and they do not take effect until people accept them and what we are saying can always be changed anyhow. You see, these religious changes are going to be mostly according to the existing religious beliefs; we are saying this because, we are sure that there will be times when we will be criticized from the public, just because what we are proposing is going to look as if it is a new form of religion, and also we might have to criticize the existing religions, in order to make sense about what we are writing. But you have to believe me, when I say that these religious writings are not trying to change anything from the existing beliefs at all, and in fact they are being written in order to consolidate in a collective way what we believe is known today, so that, existing religious beliefs may have a better chance to survive and be useful to future generations. So, don’t expect much change from these reviews, even if sometimes they may seem to you that they are not completely according to the existing religious beliefs, because I would be criticizing them. You just have to wait and see the end of these religious writings before you pass judgment. And we have also to see how the public accept these new religious views of God of the universe.

Personally I believe or at least I hope that God likes the idea that I should write my religious futuristic change writings, not only because I dreamed about God and God touched me, but also because a strange event has happened to me, as I personally have proof to believe that I have been greeted from an angel from heaven as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe; I am saying this because there is no other possible explanation for what I have heard and seen at this supernatural encounter.
This special encounter I am going to write fully at the beginning of the last part of these religious writing which I will call Reconciliation of the Universe.
Because of this encounter, I believe that God is going to help me write my religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe in his own ways. I am saying this, because I know that for me is not going to be easy to write them as I am only a simple untrained writer, so I need to believe in God and that only with the help of God I might be able to write these religious writings well enough that they can be accepted from the public.
Other changes taking place
As I was saying looking at the religious world of today, we have reasons to believe that religion changes are required for the future, in order to keep religions going on in the future: here I need to say also that I and some of my religious friends have been thinking and talking about these religious changes for a while, in fact we have already written our first shorter version of our religious writings in Hub Pages as you might know. Therefore, what I am doing now is editing reviewing and adding more religious articles in order to make those religious writings better. So now I am going back to the beginning of my religious writings to adjust them the way I see today, I have also to tell you that the name of Manfraco Laws has been changed to Menfranco Laws, the reason for these changes is because I have had problems on the Internet; but anyhow that is only a name and it does not matter much in religious matters, I am saying this just to make the record straight. So let me review now the beginning of my old Prayers for Reconciliation.
Just to keep the record straight, I have to say that last time I did start Prayers of Reconciliation from one of my religious dreams in my dreamland writings, because in that dream I dreamed about God; So I thought that this was the right way to start my religious writings; but then I realized that the way I had written my dreamland writings the first time could not go on together with my religious writings, because it had many non religious articles.
So, I have edited it in such a way that it is now compatible and I am going to use this new version and Cosmic Spiritual Dreamland in this religious writings of Prayers for Reconciliation, as you are going to see for yourself this Spiritual Dreamland dreams can only be followed by religious writings, after all those spiritual dream that I have had may have happened for a purpose, therefore now I have to believe that this dream about God touching me and other spiritual dreams that followed during my life have really happened to me for a purpose as they mean something to me, and I also believe that those dreams have perhaps made me worthy to write religious articles like Prayers for Reconciliation. So, let us hope that those spiritual dreams really made me worthy of writing religious articles.
I pray God hoping that I have written the right things

If you believe in God
How religions could be
Next time with more religious issues.
Some helpful religious links 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Religions of the future

Welcome to my blog, If you believe in God
and this post, Religions of the future

Religions of the future

May God guide and help me to write these religious writings?
Welcome to my chapter, Religions of the future, or perhaps it would be better to call this Religious options of the future; may God guide and help me to write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to his will?
Dear readers I have to tell you that while we are writing this hub of, Religious options of the future, I am also praying God to help me; and I am still praying to the same God as we all have done for thousands of years, and we will be doing for a long time to come, so there should be no concerns at all for the public, about religious changes, because the changes that we are forecasting in these religious wrings are minimal, but nevertheless these changes will take place soon or later, you see they have to take place for religions to be more meaningful to the religious people of today and also for the religious people of the future once these religious options become known and accepted somehow.
But even though we forecast that these changes will be accepted at the same time we can see problems here, because, even though we might be forecasting future religious changes that more or less are going to happen soon or later, we can see that most religions may not accept them easily today, but we have reasons to believe that tomorrow they will be accepted anyhow; therefore we are forcing ourselves to continue to write what we believe could happen or needs to happen, because people have to know and understand that religions need to change somehow.
Again here we want to point out that these religious writings are being written in good faith for the benefit of mankind. In these religious writings we are in search of religious options and also look at ourselves religiously, therefore, first of all we would be looking for religious options that could improve links between religions. In our last hub we have talked about why Man needs God, in this hub we will continue to search about God, since we have reasons to believe that humanity needs God, and so, we will be looking at what sort of God humanity may have to accept in the future, if and when religions as they are today may not be acceptable anymore, as there are sign that this is already happening; therefore, this is the main theme of this article.
In this chapter of Religious options of the future we will be also talking about; Religion of the future and how they could become; then, what sort of changes could or would be required? What sort of God could or would be accepted? And perhaps we will talk about other religious things.
You see, when we look at what is happening in the religious world today, we have no doubt in our minds that religions could be about to change, because what is happening cannot go on forever without affecting religions the way they are today; you see the era of religious isolation needs to end, because today everything in the whole wide world can be easily connected, this is going to force many people to connect in a way or another for many reasons, and therefore also religions are going to be connected, it may take a few decades for these changes to start really happening; but we believe that they will be happening soon or later. Therefore, let us try to see what this could mean to the religious people.
Now, if you are a real believer and believe everything that is written in the Bible, and therefore you really believe that soon or later the world as we know it will end according to Revelation, then you may as well start believing that these religious writings here might be the forerunner of that event  and they are marking the very beginning of Revelations, because as you know revelation says that there will be a new system; however this new system might not be as some people say, like God will set his own government on earth?
To tell you the truth we don’t see it happening that way at all, but we see the need for religions to change direction and this is what we are trying to say hereunder, therefore, there will be a sort of ending of the old religious system, but not quite as drastic as it seems to be described in the Bible, or as our religious leaders want us to believe that the Bible is saying, because what has been written in the Bible, it has been written in such a way that could control the people through fear, and it also has been written mainly to control the people of those times, but today religious things are very different and a lot easier than they were then, people do not need to be controlled as much as it used to be, therefore a softer approach would be better for the society we have today. So let us see our views in our next post, how religions could or would be in the future;
May God bless us all?

If you believe in God
Religions of the future
Next time with more religious issues.
Some helpful religious links

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Praying God for guidance

Welcome to our blog, If you believe in God
and this post, Praying God for guidance

The face of God according to Michelangelo

Praying God for guidance

Let me pray. 

With my personal concerns I come to you praying 
God-Most-High, master of the universe and life giver to every living thing, I am praying you for forgiveness of my sins and for reconciliation to thy eternal life force. I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins and that you would make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; so that I would be worthy to pray to you and write these religious writings according to your will.
Father, hear my prayer, forgive me my sins and bless me, so that I can live in harmony with thy eternal life force, and in the hope that I can write these new religious writings according to your will. Amen!

Dear readers, now that I have said a prayer to God, I feel more confident that God might have heard my prayer and guide me. So, my dear reader let me inform you what I intent to do next. I am going to start from the very beginning, so that you could understand what has brought me to write these religious writings.
I believe that whatever happens in this world there will always be people that will believe in God and therefore religions, because it has always been like that and it will not change now. I am sure of that because that is the only way that humanity feels safe.
I suppose that some of you already would like to ask this; if you believe that what you are saying here is inevitable, then, what would be the best way to go about with this new religious theory?
I believe that there are not any easy answers to this question, as you all know in these religious writings we have already said that the Atheists believe that there is no god and god is really a human invention; if we were to accept the way of the atheists then there is nothing we have to do, we have just to accept that there is no God and that is the end of all religions?
But can you just imagine what a shock it will create to any believer, so it is evident that this atheist way cannot be accepted. Now, if we were to continue the present religious ways, it is obvious that as the time passes there will be more and more dilemmas, which the atheists or any agnostic person could be able to question our religious beliefs, because they do not add up so to speak.
These questions dear readers is the reason why I am writing these religious writings, because I believe that there could be a way out of these religious dilemmas. In order to do that we need to review our present religious beliefs, we need to see if there is a way that could be acceptable to everybody interested in these religious matters. I know it is going to be very hard to do, but we have to try, because this could be the way that could save humanity from a greater religious disaster. You see if humanity would accept a modified religious version some pains could be avoided, I am sure about this.
I think I have said already too much in this hub. So, see you next time with my next hub, which might be called, Religions of the future, which is going to be a chapter and a small part of Prayers of Reconciliation.
May God guide and help us to sort this religious problem soon enough?
If you believe in God 
Praying God for guidance
Next time with more religious issues. 
Some helpful religious links

Monday, February 25, 2013

God of the future

Welcome to our blog, If you believe in God
and this post, God of the future

God of the future

Dear readers today we could or would be looking for new religious way, because there are many things that don’t make sense, since God does not seem exactly the God that we have been told to believe in, so it makes us wonder what sort of God would be more acceptable to the people at large, therefore here-under I have written how God could be described in the future for those people that would prefer a modern god, so to speak. So let me describe how   God could be like.     

God-Most-High is the unseen life force of the whole universe.
The unseen cosmos and God is one and the same thing.
God uses this cosmos to communicate with everything.
So, throughout the unseen cosmos of the whole universe,
God-Life-Force continually gives life to every living thing.
The cosmos radiates God’s medium for every living thing,
And God hopes that through it man would follow Him.
So, happy should be those who are able to follow Him.
For those who do, God has promised them eternal life. 
So, follow God’s rules and you will save yourself forever.
But if you don’t; you would not find your way to salvation.
Even if this promised life salvation is going to be only spiritual, it could be worth believing it.

Dear readers these phrases that I have written above, I have shown to some of my friends some time ago and I have to say that my friends were astonished and were reflecting what I had written, and then they said; Frank, this god you are talking about could indeed overcome most if not all obstacles, which today exist in religions. Of course that can only happen if religions are willing to accept this new way of seeing god, and also are ready to change a little bit from the old accepted ways. 
We were talking about my writings about God, when one of my friends pointed out to me that what I had said could not be enough, so he was wondering how we could describe this god and say who is God, not just what is God?
You see, they said; we are willing to help you while we are here.
Then, we started to work together on the definitions below, hoping that we would be able to explain who is God? Or at least try to explain who is God?

So, let us briefly describe the grandeur of God of the Universe.

There is only one true existing God throughout the universe.
This God is the positive active life-force of the whole universe.
Every living being or thing is part of this God life force.
No living thing can exist without God, since God is life itself.
Therefore, God is the life essence of the whole universe.

The grandeur of God is seen in the creation of every existing thing.
But God’s masterpiece is the creation of us human beings.
God loves us human beings because we act and are very much like him.
Since we are the top of all earthly life and God is at the top of everything.
But God’s greatest grandeur is shown in his mercy for us all human beings.
Dear readers, I know that what we have said above about God is already a lot, but when we talk about God any description seems never enough, so now let us just imagine outside the box so to speak.
Let us just imagine how God could be like, so, let me say to you what my heart and soul tells me because I have asked myself these questions. 
If created things would speak for themselves what would they say about God?

When at night we look at the sky and at the stars, we would like to ask the stars;
Tell me you beautiful stars, who is God? Order those stars will answer us.
When in the gardens we see all these beautiful flowers, we would like to ask those flowers?
Tell me you beautiful flowers, 
who is God? Beauty those flowers will answer us.
If all living things and animals on earth were able to think, what would they say about God? They would say that God is life, since God has given life to them and to all human beings.
Let us just imagine just for a moment, if we were able to meet the wise leaders of the world in the future, we would like to ask those leaders about God?
Tell us you wise leaders of the world, who is God? I am sure that most of them would answer us: God is the active life-force that guides the whole universe; God is wisdom, God is order, God is beauty, God is life, and God is love; God loves every living thing because every living thing is a part of God Himself; but above all He loves us human beings because we re-sample Him, and in his great love and mercy He will forgive us all our life sins, if only we would repent if we have done any wrong doings and ask Him forgiveness; because God loves us beyond any human understanding he will forgive us, since He is our Father and we are all his chosen children, whether we are rich or poor, whether we are healthy or sick, whether we are wise or stupid, whether we are young or old, whether we come from Africa, Asia or from anywhere in the world and our skin is different colour, we are all the same to God.
Therefore, it would be right for us to assume that we are God’s children and that God loves all of us; but at the same time during our lives we have to learn what God has done for us in the past, so that we may be able to understand our own situation.
The sacred book of the Bible, which is the book that many religions of the world have come from is full of many things, which God has done for us according to the writers of those time, and if we apply our intelligent minds and learn from it, we would be able to understand about the great love that God has for us, since God has send us many great people to guide the human race, from Moses to our Lord Jesus Christ.
As we all know there are a few religions that have come from the teaching of the Bible, and we will try to comment on these religions later on.
What I want to mention now and it would be good if we believe that in his love for us, God has sent to us the Savoir Our Lord Jesus Christ, who during his short life on earth has showed us by his own life example the way that we should live our own life, if we want to live our lives according to God The Father.
Now that I have explained to you about this post called; Let us just imagine. So, now I have to continue with whatever I can tell you next.

So, let me say a prayer to our Father, God-Most-High, in the hope that He would help me write those religious writings, which I am going to call, Prayers for Reconciliation.

If you believe in God 
God of the future 
Next time with more religious issues. 
Some helpful religious links

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

People attitude about religions

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If you believe in God
People attitude about religions
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People attitude about religions

I would like to bring to your attention, people attitude for religions, because what is going to follow here in this post, it is that we want to describe to you that people have different attitude about religions. If you have read our last post my friend Mark spoke to us about why people need religions and he said several times that, Religion and God is hope for those who need hope most. Now let us see what my friend Gino has to say about that.
As the conversation was continuing I turned to Gino, and said: Now that we have heard what Mark had to say about people attitude about religions what do you think of his speech? And what have you found out for yourself, it is your turn to speak.
Gino speech:
If you hope that my report is better than Mark, you are mistaken and as Mark said your God sent task is not going to be easy.
So, I have to say that Mark and I agree on most of these people attitude about religions, so there is no point in repeating them, I only would like to say a bit more about the attitude of the last group of people who we call the atheists, as they need to be noted about their ways of thinking and their attitude about religious people; you see, it is hard to talk to any atheists about religions because they do not believe in God and religions, I believe that any believer should avoid to talk to any of those atheists about religious matters, because soon or later they are inclined to ridicule your religious beliefs, they are usually good intelligent people, so it is hard for any religious people to defend themselves from this group.
They attack believers usually by asking proof of the existence of God and any other religious matter, so our fried Mark is right when he calls them the danger group of religious beliefs. We really need to think hard how to defend ourselves from this group, if we need to keep our religious status the way we like it to be; so, let me show you a few examples about what they usually talk to get the believers off guard.

You believers say that God is Omnipotent, now if God is omnipotent then God should be capable to do anything at all no matter how difficult the task is right?
But if we look around in the world today, there are so many things in this world that need to be fixed, why your God does not fix them right away since he is Omnipotend? We say that your God most likely does not exist; or he is definitely not omnipotent, or he is not willing to fix anything, so your God is not your fatherly benevolent God that you say he is. Therefore your religious beliefs are flawed.

We atheist say that we are right to assume that there is no God and religions are there only to control people, now since religions these days fight with each other and they have been fighting each other since the beginning of the known history of the world, it would have been better if religions did not exist at all?

Do you see what I mean? Anyhow this sort of reasoning goes on and on with the atheists, because they have this non religious attitude, which makes them ask about any gods and any gods attributes and they challenge the believers to give proof of the existence of God and its attributes. So it is hard for any believers to give proof of God and its attributes. How can any believers give proof about God? As we all know God cannot be seen, but they keep asking the believers about God omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence and many other God attributes?

For the atheists God and religion is better it does not exist.

What can one do to change their attitude I don’t know?

I hope I have explained myself clear enough in this difficult report to you my friends?
As you can see we have described here this atheistic attitude, that is why this post can really called, People attitude about religions

Your speech is clear enough for me I said. But now, where do we go from here I don’t Know? I suppose we need to say something or think of something, which would help us to explain our God to the world in such a way that it may become difficult for the atheists to deny God completely, so let us set our task how to describe God. So, next post we will call Describe your God.

If you believe in God

People attitude about religions;
Next time with a new post; Describe your God

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

If you believe in Saints

If you believe in God
If you believe in Saints
This is one Saint that we are going to be interested in
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If you believe in Saints
One Australian Saint

One Australian Saint that everybody here will be talking about for a long time is here.
Reported on the news
The canonisation of Mary MacKillop has been hailed as a day of rejoicing for all Australians, and a very special day for the Sisters of St Joseph.
In front of a crowd of about 50,000 Catholics from around the world, the Aussie bush girl Mary MacKillop became Saint Mary of the Cross.
Australians were estimated to make up between 6000 and 8000 of the crowd for the ceremony to canonise six saints, and they let out a huge cheer every time Mary's name was spoken.
Australian and Aboriginal flags were dotted throughout the crowd, and the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart - the order St Mary co-founded - stood out in their bright blue scarves, waving yellow Mary MacKillop balloons.
They were all there to see the canonisation of One Australian Saint.
Members of the official Australian delegation - including Cardinal George Pell, Sister Maria Casey, Sister Anne Derwin, Bishop Philip Wilson, Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop and Foreign Affairs Minister Kevin Rudd - addressed the media following the canonisation ceremony in St Peter's Square.
"This is a day of rejoicing and it's a day first of all for the Josephites - we rejoice for them, we rejoice with them," Cardinal Pell said.
"But it's also significant for the rest of us, as Australians and as Catholic Australians."
The Vatican estimated 50,000 people would be present in St Peter's Square for the occasion.
Cardinal Pell had his own way of summing up the impressive crowds.
"I thought the square was probably well and truly three-quarters full," he said.
"I thought it was a very respectable turnout. I was at the grand final of the AFL and it was a much bigger crowd than that."
Postulator Sister Maria Casey, who has worked hard for years to get Mary's sainthood recognised, said it had been a very emotional day for her.
"I felt very moved when the Holy Father actually spoke the words of the canonisation and I was able to look up at Mary looking down on us and out onto the square and I thought, `Mary, we've acknowledged you at last'," Sr Casey said.
"It was a very powerful day and a wonderful culmination for the many people who have worked on this cause since 1926. It's been a long journey.
"People say would I write my book but I say it could not be published yet."
Sr Casey said she had a discussion with the Pope, who remembered his visit to Australia for World Youth Day in 2008 with great fondness.
"He remembered very fondly his visit to Australia and being at Mary MacKillop's tomb," she said.
"He said it was a great day for Australia.
"He sends his greeting to all of Australia on this very happy occasion, and to the sisters also."
Mr Rudd said he felt humbled on hearing about the lives of the saints.
"As we listened to the life of Mary MacKillop and read the lives of those others who were canonised today, it gives you a genuine sense of smallness," he said.
"That is, that these are truly great people. It is a humbling experience."
(End of report)
If you believe in Saints
This could be the Saint to follow, see below
Saintly name for new school centre
Posted October 19, 2010
A Hunter Valley Catholic school has become one of the first to honour Saint Mary MacKillop with a trade training centre named in her honour.
Construction of the million dollar facility at St Joseph's High School, Aberdeen commenced this week after a dedication ceremony and blessing of the construction site.
The centre, majority funded by the federal government, will cater for courses in metals and engineering, construction, primary industries and information technology.
St Joseph's principal, John Tobin, says the new facility will become a hub for schools and the community.
"Its certainly going to be a building that will be open for the wider community and other schools," Mr Tobin said.
"We're hoping that with the spirit of MacKillop, rolling up one's sleeves and hard work and dedication, that the facility will enable students of the Upper Hunter and even adults to go through training that otherwise would not have occurred without the trade training centre."
Maitland-Newcastle Diocese director of schools, Ray Collins, believes Saint Mary would approve of the centre because it fits with the philosophy of the Sisters of St Joseph.
"It is to give the students of the Upper Hunter the opportunity to develop their skills, to prepare them for the types of work they might want to undertake in their future," Mr Collins said
"So in lots of ways we are continuing the role of Mary MacKillop in ensuring that our young people will make an impact in our society and make our world a better world."
The Saint Mary MacKillop trade training centre is scheduled to be ready for use early next year.

If you believe in God
If you believe in Saints
Next time with another thread.
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