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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Our activities are shown in our dreams

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, our activities are shown in our dreams
Our activities are shown in our dreams
We believe that when we sleep we dream our dreams, they could be all sorts of dreams, some people believe that all the dreams that we dream should mean something to the dreamer. in one way or another; therefore it would be good to remember our dreams, because it could be helpful to know their meanings, that is if we are able to work out their meanings

Our activities are shown in our dreams
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our previous post, dreamland modified, where we were about to talk about sleeping dreams type one, where, we believe that our daily activities are shown in our dreams, so let us continue.
Now, since our activities would be shown in our dreams specially in dream type one, it is very likely to happen that if we have had a very busy and confuse day the day before, our dreams will usually show that feeling of confusion, and while we dream of one thing it suddenly changes to something else, and there are times when the very same objects that we have used during the day may come into our dreams, perhaps they will be there only for a split second, or they may be replaced by something else and only the rhythm of the happenings may be present in our dream; so, we need to look at all those things put together if we want to understand our own dreams, and it would be good to remember that it is the dreamer himself that would be able to understand his own dreams better than anybody else.
Anyhow, these types of dreams seem to suggest that our mind is sorting out the happenings of the day before or our recent activities, and perhaps filing them in its own way in a corner of our brain, before our mind can have a real rest and move on doing something else.
A second type of these dreams is when we are asleep and our body feels the need for something, then we may very well dream of the desired things: So if we go to bed hungry in our sleep we may dream of food, and perhaps we may try to eat it but usually we would not succeed, so that our hunger remains with us. If we are thirsty we may dream of water, and of fountains and of any other sort of drinks, but somehow we don’t drink and if we do we wonder why it doesn’t quench our thirst; and this is all because our body needs is still present in our dream.
If we need to go to the toilet for a piss, we will dream of trying to find a toilet, and we will have all sorts of problems to find a spot to piss, and when we have found one and try to piss we wake up, and find out that we have really to go to the real toilet.
If at night we have a bad digestion or something else that affect our well-being, whether we are aware of it or not, we may very likely have a nightmare. Here it seems to me that our mind doesn’t want our body to relax completely, so we have a nightmare in order to keep our circulation going faster that it would normally do if we were sound asleep, and in doing so we may solve more easily our present physical problem.
So all these types of dreams seem to have a purpose, which is to adjust any difference needed between mind and body while we are asleep. And also our mind needs to dream in order to review those day happenings, and file them in its own way.
We believe that it might work very much like this:
For example; if you fill up a clean glass with dirty water, and then leave it on the bench overnight: In the morning you will find that most of the impurities in the water are settled at the bottom, and a few that are lighter than water at the top, so most of the water now is clear water.
In a parallel way like the glass of water, while our body rests at night our mind works by settling things down, so during our dreams our mind seems to be looking at the impurities settling down, and our dream are the process of settlement and purification, and when everything has settled our mind then will file them to keep a record and shut them down in a corner of our brain.
The conclusion for this type of dreams is that: Dreams type-one have something to do with the ever present body needs of the dreamer.
What we have written above is an explanation for type 1 dreams; type 2 dreams and other explanation will be written in our next page or article, because hereunder we would like to write about the cosmic or spiritual dreams, since these writings now are being modified and follow more closely our religious views, and the cosmic dreams would or could be linked to religions, as they seem somehow removed from our bodily needs, or at least they seem to be that way?
When we are dreaming, we are in the land of dreams and fantasy; in the land of dreams, dreams are just dreams, so you can dream about anything and go anywhere, you could visit far away lands and visit the cosmos as well; physically you are not there at all, but your thoughts are there and you believe that you are there while you are dreaming. 

Explaining cosmic dreams
Now, here for the first time I am trying to explain cosmic dreams
Let us leave behind dream type 1 and 2 just for a moment, as they seem to have a lot to do with our body needs; because at this point of time we believe that another sort of explanation is required more urgently, in order that these articles fall in line with our religious writings. Anyhow, in order to understand dreams overall, here we would like to talk about religious dreams or cosmic dreams that seem to come from the other side, or from another dimension so to speak, this explanation of dreams is also going to include our hub, Dreamed about God, since there are several religious dreams mentioned in that article, here we also need to point out about, The most important dream of my life, that unfortunately is no longer in hub pages but it is now in this site pages, click on the link; “The most important dream of my life” or http://manneedsgod.blogspot.com, to check it out, of course there are the Cosmic spiritual dreams, and of course all the other dreams that people dream; anyhow let me try to explain how the whole world of these cosmic or spiritual dreams could be explained.
In order to make sense of the dreams that we dream, we need to put everything together as a whole, and then see how it can work all together, therefore everything has to be in the right place and somehow make sense to our logic human reasoning, for this reason we have come up with this theory:
In order to make sense in the world of dreams, dreams have to be connected in a way that makes it possible for us to dream those dreams and make sense of them, therefore, when dreams are not connected with our body needs as in type 1 dreams, this question arises; why do we dream and where do these dreams come from?
Looking back at the history of mankind, our forebears believed in the world of dreams and they believed that sometimes the dead would visit us in a dream and give us messages or something like that, in order to warn us of what was going to happen next; okay, what we have described about our forebears beliefs may or may not be right but they believed them anyhow, but at the same time we would like to find a way that includes all the dreams that we dream, so where are the dreams that we dream and why we dream them one may ask?
There are reasons to believe that the only place that they could be coming from would be the cosmos, since the cosmos is believed to be capable of holding all the universe records, and the cosmos is in contact with each and every one of us, of course we need to work out how could it happen? But this may require just a simple explanation to start with, whether this explanation is right or wrong we don’t know yet.
So, let us assume that the cosmos is the way that everything is communicated in the whole wide world, therefore there are all sorts of sounds, words and ideas flouting throughout the cosmos, now when we go to sleep we somehow can tune into this cosmos records, and so, we may dream anything at all including the most strange things. Therefore if there is something in the other side that wants to get in touch with us, they know how to use the cosmos and send messages to us, since God and all the other spiritual things are all part of the cosmos.
Well this is just a way to explain things, whether it is right or not I cannot tell yet, but it is just a possible way how thing are in the world of dreams. Of course there are many other ways to explain the world of dreams, but we are going to stop here for the time being.
May God of the universe master of the cosmos capable of modifying everything according to his will within the cosmos, by using his knowledge and the knowledge that exists in the cosmos; we say, may God guide us to write the right things in these dreamland writings?
See you soon in our next post of, Dreamland dreams and beliefs including an outline of sleeping dreams type two and three, which will be found in the hub Dreamland dreams and beliefs.

If you believe in God,Our activities are shown in our dreams
Next with; dreamland dreams and beliefs 
Some personal and religious links: 

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