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Other web sites to look for: http://menfranco-re.blogspot.com

Friday, May 5, 2017

Palms and Easter 2017

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, Palms and Easter 2017


This is what we commemorate at Easter. We the Roman Catholic and other Christian religions follow the event of the death of our lord Jesus Christ. And then his resurrection.

Palms and Easter 2017

Dear readers, I am writing this post instead of our usual post, because in blogger we can post what we like, even if it is an article that has been published somewhere else, or has been rejected, because it may not be in line with rule of the site we want to publish. So, in a way I am posting this post, to keep a record of what I have written.
Anyhow, today I wanted to write this religious article, because soon it will be Easter, so, I was going to write this article, where I would have liked to tell you all the good religious things, that happen in this religious feast, but it is not going to happen like that, because of the horrible things that religions inflict each other’s these days. Here I am talking about what has just happened in Egypt.
I have always believed that religions should stand for doing the right things: here I want to say that religions should be a set of rules, written in such a way that the entire world should benefit, and not just a group of people. Any religion that does not fulfil that role is not a good religion. Today there is also this additional issue, because today the entire world is going global, also religions need to go global; for religions to work and satisfy the need of the people. For this reason, those religions that do not allow for globalization should be modified, but religious leaders don’t even think about it, because they want to follow their religion the old way, which allows them to control the people, even when controlling people in certain ways is wrong, but there are even more bad things here. In fact, I am shocked from what is just happened recently in Egypt.
One has to ask, does the world realize what has happened now? Two Christian churches have been bombed, 45 people have died, and 125 injured. What hurts most is that the people that have caused this disaster are religious fanatics, of another religion.
Having seen all this happen, one can only say that there is something very wrong, in this Muslim religion, since some of their believer practice so much violence, and worse still is that they believe that their God Allah wants them to kill other people. What other proof the world needs, to prove that this religion is a fake religion, since they twist their religion any way they want. But perhaps, I dare say that this Muslim religion may even be okay, if the faithful follow it the right path only, in other words, they should use their common sense, which would usually forbid any violence.
Anyhow, if the religious fanatics continue to follow all those things that harms other people, then this religion is not worth the paper it is written on. This would also affect their God Allah that allows them to use his name doing the wrong things. Because they would bring their God Allah down to their level. When I believe that Allah is a righteous God, and does not like what they do.
You see, it stands to human understanding, that a God should be well above our human needs, and does not need to kill other people, or wants his own people to kill other people. If there is any spiritual entity that wants to kill people, then this spiritual entity is not a God, it cannot be, because God represents life, and therefore should protect life. Therefore, in my opinion, those people that go out to kill other people are completely nuts, especially when they believe that they will go to paradise when they pass away.
But let us stop here talking about these very violent deeds, and let us see here under, what other religions believe in, specially the Christian religions, since that is the religion that I would know most. I believe that some religions would be better than this Muslim religion that allows violence, just because, their religious rules condemn violence more openly.

The Christian religions
So, let us compare, this violent deeds that we have talked about, to the Christian religions. Because, it is so wrong what has happened in Egypt to these two Coptic Christian churches. But what hurts most is that the people that have caused all these deaths and hurt so many people are religious people. For any Christian religious believer, what has happened on Palm Sunday is so painful and disgusting, because Palm Sunday is perhaps the greatest day of peace for any Christian religion. It is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem, riding a donkey, while the population brings these olive branches and other palms in the sign of peace. So, this day is supposed to bring peace, as I am going to explain in the following example.

Now let me point out this to you, in Southern Italy in the town that I come from, the way that we celebrate Palm Sunday is to make peace, this could extend even to your enemies, if you want. So, let me explain what we do this special Sunday, first we go to mass taking with us a small olive branch, where the priest after celebrating mass blesses these olive branches or anything green that you have brought with you. Now, this is only the beginning of how the people behave on Palm Sunday; because after the mass when the blessing ends, the people going out of the churches, exchange some of their palms in the sign of peace, once that is over you may call to the house of some relative or friends, if you haven’t met them at the church. Now, let me add this personal note, when I was young, after the church service I went home, my mother would ask me if I had gone to our closest relative to exchange this palm, because this would be a sign of respect for the relative elders. But there is also more, if you had a girlfriend this was a good time to exchange the blessed palm, and have a small talk, you see in those times boys and girls were kept at a distance, so, this was a good excuse to talk to her; and then again, if you were engaged, you should really go to buy a small golden olive branch from the Jeweller’s shop, take it to church to be blessed and then give it to you fiancĂ©`. So, Palm Sunday was a very peaceful, happy and interesting day.
But those were the good times, when everything was done the old peaceful ways, which in my opinion were very good times to live in, even if in the small towns that we were living in, boys and girls were kept at a distance, and the religions that we were following had a lot to do with this tradition.
Now that we have explained, how we were living the old times and what we did on Palm Sunday, we are going to talk about what has happened in Egypt, and other things that could follow that happening.
What has happened in Egypt?          
As we have already said, we have been shocked from what has happened in Egypt, but the worse part of it all, is that this violence could be repeated, we hope not, but it is hard to say what could happen next.
Anyhow, since then a few other things have happened, and the pope has been in Egypt, while he was there he has tried to calm down everybody, in the name of all religions, So, we hope that what he has done could help.
I believe that this is what I want to say, so, see you next time with another post.
May God bless us all?
If you believe in God 
Palms and Easter 2017
Next time with, God is hope for those who need hope most

Some personal and religious links: 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Religious reasons and prayer

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, religious reasons and prayers
Other religious reasons and prayer
We feel that need to pray. One might say that praying is an inborn force that guide people to pray God, you see God is hope for those that need hope most; so, when I pray it is this same force that guides me to pray to God? We should believe also that, when we pray God hears our prayer and answers it, in his own time and in his own ways.
We believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest man that ever lived on earth, he was a religious teacher and God. Jesus Christ changed some religious meanings and simplified religion, so we should thing that religions can be changed.

Other religious reasons and prayer

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, my prayer to God, where we were saying that we are going to suggest something that might help in the future. So, let me try to explain a bit more, you see, what I have written in our previous posts, is only part of the reason why I am writing these articles, because there are other personal religious reasons as well, I suppose you may be asking yourself why this has happened to me. So, let me first inform you dear readers, the reason why I started to write these religious writings. I would say that it has been for my own personal reasons, why I have started to write these religious writings, you see, I have been writing them as my personal prayer to our spiritual Father God Most High, which I pray from the bottom of my heart, my soul and my mind, I pray every day of my life, while I am happy and while I am sad and distressed.
Therefore, within these religious writings will be written lots of prayers: In some of these prayers I’ll be praying God for forgiveness in order to become purified, and therefore become worthy to become God’s servant, and so, I’ll be able to write God’s things and feel good about it; and then again in another prayer I’ll be invoking help from God, so that, I would be able to write my religious writings the proper way, and in some prayers I will be asking God to protect me from the spiritual forces of evil; because the force of evil may try to take me away from God’s spiritual life force, therefore it is important for me to fear the spiritual forces of evil, and therefore, I have to beware the forces of evil and pray God to help me. Here I believe that I have to explain again that my beliefs are based on a new way of understanding spiritual things and God. Or perhaps for a better description I should say, God spiritual life force of the universe. Therefore, for this reason, there are many new ways of seeing religious things and praying prayers, and hereunder is another one of my prayers that I have written.  
Another one of my new prayers
My lord God, with my personal concerns I come to you praying, Father Most High, master of the universe and life-giver of every living thing; I am praying you Father for help and guidance, perhaps by letting my guardian angel suggest me what to say, when I am writing these religious articles. Or send me a sign from Heaven that would suggest me what to say. So that, I could be inspired and be able to continue to write my religious writings, in such a way that they would be acceptable to the Spiritual beings in Heaven, and also to the physical beings on earth. Father, hear my prayer and help me, Amen
Having written this prayer above, another thought then came to my mind while I was waiting for my friends to come at the meeting. So, I was thinking that we need to define better, why we need religions and what God of the future could be like? We need to do that in such a way that people could easily accept our descriptions of God of the future. Anyhow, I have to stop writing now, because I can hear somebody at the door, I can hear the voices of my friends, so they are here now, let me welcome them, as I am eager to know what they could say. 
Religious discussions at the meeting
After greeting each other and all other niceties that occur every time good friends meet, I, Mark and Gino made ourselves comfortable and started to talk about the agenda of the meeting, and I first of all asked them;
I guess that you have come just the two of you, because any other friend does not want to take part in these religious talks? Is that what has happened?
Yes, you are right, they replied. 
What is the matter with them? Are they scared to talk to us now, or something else?
Don’t they see that we are talking only and nothing is happening? And nothing will ever happen just by talking and trying to make sense of the whole religious situation that exists today, we hope that by talking about it, we will be able one day to find a solution.
Here I would like to point out to our dear friends, that changing religions or religious meanings is not new, we just have to look back at the times of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to see that even Jesus Christ tried to explain religious issues to the Jews in a different way, but the religious leader of the time did not want to understand Our Lord, so they crucified him to neutralize the new religious ways that he was preaching.
Anyhow, that nobody else has come with you does not matter much, and perhaps we are better off without them, if they worry too much about exchanging religious views or beliefs, in case they say the wrong things, we understand that.
But now tell me about your own findings, what people are saying, if and when you have talked to them about God and religion, and also what has been happening lately that is worth mentioning?
Here my friend Mark was ready to answer me and he had a nice surprise for me, when he said later on, that, ‘God is hope for those who need hope most’; and this is what he said overall.
Anyhow, I believe that this post is becoming too long, So, we will talk about what Mark had to say, in our next post, God is hope for those who need hope most.
If you believe in God 
Religious reasons and prayer
Next time with, God is hope for those who need hope most

Some personal and religious links: 

Friday, April 7, 2017

My prayers to God

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, my prayer to God
One might say that praying is an inborn force that guide people to pray God, you see God is hope for those that need hope most; so when I pray it is this same force that guides me to pray to God? We should believe also that, when we pray God hears our prayer and answers it, in his own time and in his own ways.

My prayers to God

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, more discussions about the end of time, where we discussed many religious things. Anyhow, let us continue to write what we would like to achieve. To achieve what we would like to achieve with these religious writings, I am praying God to help me? I believe that praying God it is the right way to go about.
So, Almighty Father hear my prayer and help me, amen.
Here, before I write my prayer for this article, I would like to explain to my readers, that every time we pray God, we might pray for different reasons, which they would most likely be about what we need at that time. But even if we pray God for different reasons, the prayers that we pray are usually similar. They are similar, because first of all we have to invoke God and ask God for help, at the same time, we have to make sure that we are worthy to ask God for help. And then, we can state what sort of help we need and what it is for, in the end, we should invoke God again to hear our prayers and grand us our requests. Anyhow, let me write my prayer for this article.
My prayer to God for this article
My lord God, with my personal writing concerns, I come praying to you God-Most-High, master of the universe and life-giver to every living thing, I am praying thee for forgiveness of all my life sins, and for reconciliation to thy spiritual and eternal benevolent life force, I am praying in the hope that you would forgive me all my life sins, so that, I would become spiritually clean, and then, you would be able to hear my prayer and help me; I am praying with all my heart my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy you would guide and help me write this article of, Religious discussions and prayers according to your will, and in such a way that these religious writings could become helpful one day to all humanity. Father, hear my prayer and help me, amen.
Since in this article, we are talking about my personal prayers, I would like to add another prayer that I usually pray every day of my life, in order to feel that spiritual security within myself, since by praying I feel that I have done the right thing spiritually, and then, God may indeed help me to achieve what I have to achieve with these religious writings.
Personal prayer (2)
My Lord God, and Almighty Father I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind, to guard and protect me from all dangers and the spiritual forces of evil, and let me be a very wise man, so that I would be able to live the rest of my life according to your will, and can write these religious writings, in such a way that they could and would connect, all existing religions with God of the universe spiritual life energies; hoping that humanly could and would accept them, and use them for the future benefit of mankind. Father, hear my prayer and help me, amen
Note, if you would like to see more written prayers go to our blog Man needs God and then click in the page link, PRAYERS PAGE at the top of the list; now let us write our religious discussions:
Personal religious discussions
Dear readers, here I have to confess that I feel as if I am being driven by an inner force to write these religious writings of Prayers for Reconciliation. I know that this force that I feel within could be a psychological wave within my brains, which has been trigged from my own religious beliefs. Anyhow, after thinking for a very long time, and reflecting about this God sent task that seems to be within my mind all the time and never lets me go; I have concluded that perhaps I would never find peace within myself, unless I fulfil my desire to write about these religious beliefs within me. Now, here I need to add that there are a few reasons, why I have started this wanting to write something about my religious beliefs, but they are very complex, therefore I have not been able to explain it fully, but I am sure that I will soon be able to do that, perhaps in this article or our next article. Anyhow, today I have decided to talk to my religious friends again about religions, in the hope that now they may have come to see my religious task in a more favorable way, and so they would be able to help me somehow.
So, I have called my friends to let them know, that I would like to see them again to talk about my religious dilemmas. Now, while I have been waiting for my friends to arrive, I have also been thinking that it would be a good thing, if I write down the reasons why I have started to write these religious writings, so that, while we would be discussing these religious issues, we would be able to understand the situation better. While I have been thinking about these religious things, I have realized that one of the reasons why I have started to write and need to write these religious writings, it was and it still is, that perhaps I see God somehow different from everybody else, and I see also that I understand the Bible a bit different from everybody else; therefore, I need to explain to my friends more clearly what I think God might be like, in the hope that by explaining that, my friends will understand me better, and so, they will be able to help me with their input about their approval or disapproval of whatever is going to be discussed.
While I am thinking about the discussions that we might have with my friends, I have asked myself, why I am seeing these religious things in a different way and also other issues, and here, I have surprised myself that I am denying some of the main reasons, why I wanted to write these new religious views. So, I have again become aware, that one of the trigger of wanting to write these religious views or beliefs in a new way, they were a couple of things. The first one is about the atheist’s denial of God existence; and the second one was the shock of the 9-11 terrorist attack on American soil. We know these two groups are completely different in their religious beliefs, because the atheists deny the existence of God, but the Muslim terrorist believe in their God to the point of carrying these terrorist acts, and killing themselves in the name of their God Allah. These two things although they are very different and far apart, at the same time they are religious issues, so, there is a chance that both of them could be fixed modifying religions.
Anyhow, when I have written this article for the first time, I had reason to believe that the terrorist situation could have escalated very rapidly, and the terrorist may have made wars to the rest of the world, but this may or may not happen at all, so we had to wait and see, but let us leave behind this terrorist threat for the time being, so, let us talk in general what could be done, in order to neutralize both these issues.
This situation could be said to be very strange, because these two groups of people have nothing in common, since they stand so far apart that if they were political parties, they could have been described as extremists, and one would be the extreme right and the other the extreme left. Now, I believe that what I am going to suggest next, it could even be stranger, because I am suggesting some religious changes; because I believe that by changing some religious beliefs both of these religious evils could be neutralized, of course this could only work if everybody would believe in a new religious way, which would be a new religious way for the future. You see, we have in mind this theory, which we are going to suggest, before we complete our religious writings. Anyhow, this is how I imagine that this religious problem could be solved, in the future.
Anyhow, I believe that this post is becoming too long, while there is a lot more to be said, which we are going to write in our next post, other religious reasons and prayers.
See you soon.
If you believe in God 
My prayers to God
Next time with, other religious reasons and prayers   

Some personal and religious links: 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Discussions about the end of time

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, more discussion about the end of time
More discussions about the end of time
In the last book of the Bible, the writer John describes how the world would end, according to his own vision that he believe it is from God.
One of his vision is also about this seven headed beast and many other things, as described in the last chapter of the Bible called Revelation.

More discussions about the end of time
More outside discussions about Revelation and the end of time
My dear readers, in our last post we went out of our way, to talk about some problems we are having with the Internet programs in our computer, because we would like to inform anybody that uses the internet, about those problems, because we believe that they are overcharging us, and they might be overcharging you as well. Having done that, now we go back to talk about our religious posts, where we were discussing about, the end of time.
Anyhow, let me go back to our normal religious discussions. So, here and now I would like to say, how I see these religious issues my own way; or perhaps I should say, how I see these religious discussions about the Bible Revelation today. You see, since that last religious meeting with my friends that I have written in our last religious post, I have also had several discussions with other outside people about Revelation at the end of the Bible, and from these discussions I have come to the conclusion, that Revelation has different meanings to different people. I have found that there are people that believe, that Revelation is indeed how the world would end soon or later; but there are also some people that say that Revelation at the end of the Bible is not going to happen at all, because it was/is only a descriptive way that John the writer of Revelation used, so that they could control the religious people of those days by giving them courage, since God would help them, by bringing a new system one way or another.
There is also another reason as some learned people suggest that Revelation is not what religious people want us to believe even today, which is that the world will end soon, because there will soon be a war, so great that the whole world will be destroyed. Here we definitely can add that if a great war is going to happen, then, the world could indeed end, because of the atomic bomb that some deranged leaders may use. It could also happen because of the Muslim threat that really seems to split the world in two, and therefore it could be very much like Armageddon written in the Bible. I do not like to add anything else here, because we believe that humanity should be able to find a way out from these dangerous situations. I believe that some of us have reached the age of reason and should be able to find a solution. My own personal solution could be said to be what we would like to achieve with these religious writings. It might not be much of a solution, but if these writings happen to get some important people thinking about religious solutions, they might be able to do something about it. Anyhow, let us describe what we would like to do ourselves with these writings.
We are trying to set the stage for the entire world to see
So, when you read these pages you might have to agree
That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity,
In the hope that we would be living in God's peace for eternity
Therefore, I am praying God to guide and help me, amen.
Now just a few more words about Revelation. As you know, there are some people who believe that revelation has already happened, what these believers are saying is that, what the writer John was saying was that Armageddon was really the end of the Roman empire ruling over the world, because when John wrote Revelation the Romans were the main enemies of the follower of Jesus, so they may well be right to assume that a new system has already happened.
Looking back at what has been said in these discussions above. It seems to me that there may still be this need to discuss the Bible interpretations of Revelation, because some people seem to disagrees with the present interpretation, which the religious leaders of today want us to believe, in order to scare us again so that we would follow them and do whatever they say.
I believe that we have said enough in this article. So, see you in our next article, where we will be talking about more religious discussions and also about prayers.
May God help us to understand these religious things?
May God bless us all?
If you believe in God 
Discussions about the end of time
Next time with, more religious discussions  

Some personal and religious links: 

Friday, March 24, 2017

Cyber programs rip off

Welcome our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, cyber programs rip off
Cyber programs problems

Today the computer helps us do many things, but it comes at a cost, and with its own problems. So, we need sometime overcome those problems that come with it.

Cyber programs problems
Dear readers, today because of a few things that have happened to me, I am writing this post about Cyber programs, because I am having problems with them and they are costing me money. Because this is an issue that needs to be fixed, from the people in charge of those programs, I am going to post my article, in every forum that I can, in the hope that it will be noted from those people that can do something about it, that is the reason why, I am posting this post here today.
Anyhow, what I am writing in this post today, should interest everybody that uses a computer and goes online. So, please read this article, and if you feel that you have been ripped off, from these cyber programs like I do. Please do your part and complain about it, just as I am going to complain in this article. I believe that it might help, because some of the people that control these programs, might read our complaints and do something about it.
But first let me say what I think about computers. I believe that the computer is one of the greatest devices invented by mankind, we should look at what they can do for us to convince ourselves, but they come at a cost, which sometimes we believe is more than what we thought it should cost us, so, we should look for ways how to keep these costs to a minimum. Yes, we should look for way to keep cost to a minimum, but that is not easy to do, as you are going to see once you read this article, because of the several problems that we might encounter.
In my opinion, I believe that the computer is still a new devise, that we are slowly learning how to use it properly, for this reason we make mistake and these mistakes may cost us money, like I am experiencing right now, and most of us have experienced it, when we are using computers. I hope that these issues will improve with time, and to run a computer will be a lot cheaper in the future. I am basing this hope from this observation; about the motorcar, you see, fifty years ago, if you had a car you would have experienced several mechanical breakdowns, but today cars are more reliable and they rarely breakdown, they are also a lot easier to use. So, I hope you see my point of view, I believe that computers will be cheaper and more reliable in the future. Anyhow, let me go back to talk about my complaints.
Computer cyber programs rip off
You see, today I am going out of my way to complain about this. So, instead of writing about the refugees’ problems, as I have said in my previous article. I am going to complain about the computers cyber programs rip off, because I feel that I am being ripped off in many ways. I believe that most of us that use the computer are exposed to these risks, because soon or later we need to buy some software programs, for the computer to function properly.
Now, let me explain the situation. I believe that most of us would be glad to pay for those software programs that we believe we need. But what about those software programs that we don’t need, but slowly they have found their way in our computer, because they have popped up so many times on our monitor, advertising themselves as being useful for this and that, just to check them out we have looked at them and sometimes intentionally and at other times unintentionally these software’s have been downloaded to your computer.
Once that is done, we become aware that these software programs are not what we need, they are not free, as they made us believe at the beginning, and they would be costing us a lot more than what we thought, they could cost. So, we think that it would be better to delete them, before we pay. But, that cannot be done, because we cannot find a way to delete them, the more we look for ways to delete them, the more we are advised to add other things to it, that would cost us even more. In the end, they are so insisting and aggressive that somehow, we press the wrong key and they get paid.
Anyhow, we have tried our best and we have failed to save our money, so, we think that this is just one payment that we better forget about it, or perhaps try to resolve it somehow later, which could never happen, because you could not and would not find the way how to unsubscribe from these software programs. I believe that these programs have been made, in a way that they continually advertise themselves, as being useful, when we may not need them at all. So, we would like to unsubscribe, but as I said, when you look to unsubscribe, instead of finding how you could unsubscribe, they continue to tell us how good they are and the link to unsubscribe never comes up. So, I wish that there was an easier way, how to unsubscribe from them, because we are stuck with them, but there is even more bad news, as I will explain my situation here- under.
My situation with cyber programs
Dear readers, what I am writing here, it is my personal situation, but if you think about it, this same situation could apply to any of us, when we use any software, on any device that needs software to function. Anyhow, today I am in a stressful situation, because I don’t want to pay for programs I believe I didn’t order and I don’t need. Now, because on the Internet, I could not find a way how to have my money back myself, I have gone to my financial institution and applied to have my money back. Just because I did that, now I cannot use my pay pal account for a while, since they register this as if somebody is using my pay pal account.
But the only people that are using my pay pal account are the greed merchants, which want me to buy their software every year, they don’t give me the chance to unsubscribe easily, because it is convenient for them, so, they are charging me for software I don’t want and don’t need, and sometimes even several time a year, I am paying for the same software. I know this sounds very unusual but this is what is happening to me. But how did all this misunderstanding situation occur one may ask? So, let me explain the way I see it.
In my case, this situation occurs, because there are times when I have been charged up to three times a year for the same program, as you know we need more than one software program to run a computer, so, there are times when this is very frustrating, of course, this situation to some of you might seem absurd, but this is what has happened to me several times already. So, I had to do something about it, and I did as I have said above, with some unforeseen consequences.
Now, before I say anything else, I must point out to you that today I have only one desk computer at my place. A couple of years ago, I had a laptop for a short time, but then I took it back to the shop, because there were too many problems with it. So, now I use only my desktop, which sometimes it plays up. There have been times when I had to restore it to make it work, but the restore points in this computer don’t work properly, so, sometimes I am forced to restore it to factory settings. When I do that, all programs are wiped out, so, I need to reinstall them back one by one, but that is not the only problem, the major problem here is that sometimes it is hard to make accept the old programs that I have already paid for to the computer. This is very likely the greatest problem, as I will try to explain here-under.
My cyber problems and my solution
So, as I have said above, I have many problems to solve with running my computer, here I would like to describe the rest of them and then suggest a solution, hoping that those people in charge come across what I have written and would do something about it, to make it easier for all of us.
Anyhow, let me start to point out again that today I have only ONE desktop computer, that I am using. But I believe that, because a couple of years ago, I bought an Acer laptop, but it was no good, so, after a couple of months, I took it back to the store for a refund. Anyhow, I think that while I had this Acer laptop, I have installed some software that even today I am being charged again and again, while this computer does not exist, and therefore, I cannot use them, because this computer does not exist, I cannot delete them either for the same reason.
But that is only one way to explain what is happening, but there is more to explain, because when I am forced to restore back to factory setting, when I reset the computer, it might be registered as if it is new computer, when in fact it is the same old computer, I try to reinstall the old software that I have already paid for, using those keys and number as I understand them, but sometime it does not work, so, I might end up to pay again for something that I had already. Anyhow, it is all a mess that costs me more money that normally it would cost, because I am paying for software programs that are installed on computers that do not exist. I hope I have explained it clear enough for people to understand my situation.
So, having explained the problems that I have with my computer, about the software, I wish that every time a software becomes due for renewal, they send me an email where I have a choice, and asks clearly whether I would like to renew my subscription, or unsubscribe from it. I believe that this could solve most of my problems about paying for computer software.
What I am asking here is only fair, after all, it is so hard to unsubscribe from anything, unless you can find that first email, when you subscribed the first time, or you are an expert about computers. I hope have explained myself clearly and that somebody would take my suggestion earnestly.
This is all that I want to say today, while I am waiting for pay pal to reopen my account fully, so, I don’t have any more restrictions on it, and I can pay my software when they are due, because today I have already Microsoft Office overdue and I need that program on this computer.         
See you soon in my next post, which we will go back to talk about, more discussion about the end of time.  
If you believe in God 
Cyber programs rip off
Next time with, discussions about the end of times  

Some personal and religious links: 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

About the Bible and revelation

Welcome to our blog, if you believe in God
and this post, my say about the Bible revelation
About the Bible and revelation

The seven headed beast of Revelation, is described in the last chapter of the Bible

My say about the Bible and Revelation
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, John’s religious speech, where Mark and Gino had said something about John’s speech and I was about to say something myself, so, let me continue. Look Gino and Mark, I know that we have our own personal things to attend to, so, we should go our own ways; but, let me say first a few more things about what I believe the Bible is like, before we go our own ways and do what we should do.
I believe that the Bible is two books in one, or perhaps several books all expressed in one single book, so, the Bible may have several meanings as well, and not just one religious meaning as it is being used today. Therefore, one has to be careful to attach just one single meaning to the entire Bible. Because, even though we know that the Bible has been used as a religious book for a very long time; we should also know that the Bible is a law book and an history book for the Israelite. You see, it is stated clearly in the Bible that it is a law book, they say that it is all God’s laws, as it is shown in the Ten Commandments for a start.
So, let us just assume that there is (was) this real God, who talked to Moses and that this God has laid down the laws as written in the Bible. But then one would like to ask; did this God really talk to Moses every single time Moses had to write these laws? Or perhaps sometimes Moses wrote his own laws, which were designed my himself according to the need of the times when he lived. So that, he could control his people as best as he could?
Of course what I have said (written above) is just an example, but with this Moses’ example I want to point out that this could be the case for just any other laws and religious writing in the Bible; so, one has to assume that not everything written in the Bible is God words or inspired by God, because it is subject to manipulation from the writer himself and from future writers as well.
Having said that I can now assume that, the book of Revelation in the Bible that we have been talking about with John. I believe that it could have been written like that, just because it needed to be written like that, at that particular tough time in history. You see, in those times, people were more violent than today, and also, most of the known world of those times was under the Roman rules, these Roman rules were very harsh; so, very likely the Bible Revelation was intended as being the end of the Roman rules and not the end of the world.
Therefore, this is one of the reasons why, I do not believe in Revelation and tribulation as written in the Bible, or I should say as most of the people want to understand it today, because I believe that it is not going to happen that way at all, because it is an almost impossible to happen just the way that it has been written in Revelation, anyhow it may have already come to pass, as the Roman empire has ended a long time ago.
Therefore, I feel that, if Revelation is going to happen as it is written in the Bible. And therefore, I am wrong in assuming that it is not going to happen and could not happen. Then, because I still want to write these religious writing and review the Bible, I may have reasons to believe that I am being used from God, or God’s life force energies of the universe, (if you start thinking that God might just be a life force.) Because, I would feel then, that I am being used as the forerunner of Revelation, and I am announcing that the first seal in Revelation is about to be (broken) opened, and therefore, Revelation is truly going to happen soon just the way it is written in the Bible. But let us hope that it does not and could not happen anyhow, and so, I am writing this to guide people away from this mistaken religious view.
Here I turned to my friend and said. Well, this is all what I wanted to say today, before we all go back to our own business, thanks for listening.
The end of time personal views
After this meeting that I had with my friends, where we talked about the issues that we have written above, every one of us went our own way. So, I was left all by myself and I was still thinking what we had discussed at that meeting. While I was thinking about that, I became aware that not all the people that read religious pages may know what is meant by Revelation in the Bible. So, I thought that it would be helpful to explain very briefly to the public, what the Bible book of Revelation talks about.
The book of Revelation is the last book of The New Testament in the Bible, and it predict how the world will end, since according to the writer John, God wants the world to end on his terms (this John is not John who wrote one of the gospels). Now, whether Revelation is only a scary description to make people stronger in their religious beliefs, so that, they would follow their religion more closely, or it is something that is going really to happen nobody knows even today, so, the whole thing is open for discussions, and everybody can believe whatever they want to believe, so, let us discuss it a bit more here, this end of time warning of the bible.
As I have said and I am saying in this article, if what is written in revelation about the end of time is really going to happen, then because I am writing these religious writings, I am being used from God as the forerunner of Revelation, where I am announcing that the first seal is about to be opened. But at the same time I do not see that it is possible for me to be said forerunner for Revelation.
However, we believe that some religious changes are going to happen in the future, and whether they happen as it is written in the Bible, or something similar, it does not really matter much, as long as these changes happen. Anyhow, these changes will bring a new system somehow, so that, then the threat and warning of Revelation will cease to exist. Because then, Revelation could be said that it has taken place, since a new religious system would have been installed.
So, I am not particularly concerned about those threats in Revelation, because in one way or the other we will fulfil God’s will.
For the time being we may accept this explanation above, of course we are going to talk again and again about this subject later on in these religious writings.
To anyone that wants to see more of these religious writings can go to this web address:
Anyhow, I believe that I have said enough in this post, so see you in our next post called, more discussions about the end of times.
See you soon.
If you believe in God 
About the Bible and revelation
Next time with, discussions about the end of times  

Some personal and religious links: